Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dave Hayes

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DAVE: So at that point, and now I was 46-47 years old, the Lord met me in a dream and He told me, “Look. I’m going to show you what is wrong with your patients.” So I had to learn how to receive revelation. Learn how to see visions. Learn how to understand the Lord’s ways and learn how to operate in miracles and healing. And that took a while. I prayed for hundreds and hundreds of patients in the ambulance. I was trying to be obedient. Okay, Lord. I get it.  

PAT: How did people handle that? I mean because God would give you prophetic insight into what’s even wrong with them.

DAVE: I was afraid at first because I thought uh, you know I’m in an ambulance. Somebody here is having, you know, neck pain, chest pain, back pain or you know whatever and I’m supposed to get them to the hospital. But what I found out was my fear and anxiety about praying for people in public on the job proved to be unfounded. Everyone that I asked to pray for, and I’ve asked thousands of people, I’ve only had 3 or 4 people say no. 

PAT: Really!

DAVE: Almost everybody I asked let me pray for them, even agnostics and atheists and Buddhists. When I asked them if I could pray for them they said sure, go ahead. I’ve had people say look, I don’t even believe in God! But if you think you can get me healed go ahead and pray for me! So people are really open to prayer more than we would think that they would be. And God loves healing people! He loves showing them His power! He likes revealing Himself through His presence! When I pray for people they feel His glory. They feel His presence come on them! 

PAT: Come on!

DAVE: The peace comes over them. I had this one guy I was praying for who was having a heart attack and I prayed for him. Not only did all of his chest pain go away, all of his anxiety and fear completely gone like that!    

PAT: Wow!

DAVE: So it’s a powerful thing!

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Written by sidroth

July 7th, 2023 at 3:22 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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