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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Life After Death

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Sid:  You know I was raised in a Jewish background. As a young boy I remember my folks were out late at night and the though popped in my mind “What happens when you die,” and since although Judaism believes in life after death we don’t discuss it, it’s l’Chayim, it’s a language of the living.  And so therefore as a child since it was never discussed with me when the question popped in my mind “What happens when you die.” I gave the answer the answer was you cease to exist and it was such a scary thought that I blocked it from my mind, whatever was me I did not want it to cease to exist until many years later.  You know I went to almost thirty years of life in “Christian America.” Broker of Merrell Lynch, many Christian clients, graduated from a Christian University and not one Christian cared enough about me to an answer my question, “What happens after you die?”  Well, just before I almost lost my life one bold Christian was ready to do it, I’m speaking to you today.  Imagine how many people you know that don’t know God that are crossing your path. I remember as I said “I was a stock broker in Merrill Lynch,” and I became very public as a Jewish believer in Jesus and there was a front page article in a major newspaper in Washington, DC and one of my clients called me up and said, ‘Sid we’re so glad to hear that you’re now a believer in Jesus.”  And I’m thinking to myself, I almost died and you are my client all these years and you never told me about Jesus.  Well I have interviewed so many people over the years now that have literally had out of body experiences encounters with God; encounters with Heaven; encounters with eternity; encounters with Hell. The best ones that I have over the years I have put together in 10 testimonies of 9 different people in two CD’s.  We call it “Life After Death” and I want you to hear excerpts of them and then I want you to get the full stories, listen to them yourselves, there can’t be anything more fascinating than listening to what will happen with you in eternity, assuming Jesus is your Messiah and Lord. Then start giving them to friends.

Sid:  My next guest had one of the most vivid experienced in Heaven, he died from an auto accident and while he was in Heaven I mean he just documented so many things, but the thing that gets me so excited is that Jesus said, “I’m sending you back to be a herald of my soon return.”  And I don’t know about you but everything going on in this life, everything going on in this world I believe that we are so close to the return of Jesus that you got to get just one of the most vivid glimpses of Heaven from Richard Sigmund.

Tell me your experience with Jesus.

Richard Sigmund:  Oh, the most awesome experience, I saw Jesus.  I saw him at the throne, I saw Him in the throne.  Around the Being that I saw on a throne in Heaven the closer the get to this throne the more everything becomes absolutely transparent.  Those things closest to God are absolutely transparent with purity.  And I saw Jesus walk up to the throne and disappear into this enfolding beautiful fire that surrounded the being in the throne.  I was not allowed to see Him, I did see His foot, I did see His toe, it looked to be about the state of Kentucky.  He’s a big God, Jesus walked in and out of that Shekinah Glory. He came out on a platform and He said “I am coming back for My people.”  And it was awesome, it was awesome, I also saw Him many times in Heaven talking to people, hugging people, loving people, children would run to Him, He is the center of attention.  And when He is about to come to you people stand at attention, very reverently.

Sid:  What did He speak to you?

Richard Sigmund:  He took me to an area where He said, “I must take you to the rose garden,” and instantly we were there. He at first had me set and He stood and talked to me and said, “I must tell you that I am coming back for my people” and I remember saying, “But they know that.”  And He said,  “No, they know it but they don’t know it, they are asleep, they are at ease, they think it’s way off in the future but it’s not,” He said “I’m coming back like a thief in the night but I am coming. I am coming back at a time when revival will break on the shores of eternity, the greatest revivals the world have ever known, the greatest revival.”  He said, “I’m sending you back to herald My return. I am coming back for people that make themselves ready, that lay aside every sin that does so easily beset and get their eyes totally upon Me; I Am the Way, I Am the Truth and I am the light.”  And as He said that it was just like all Heaven joined in and said, “Amen, glory to God!”

Sid:  Now, by the way, have you gotten any insight on the rapture, have you ever seen it?

Richard Sigmund:  Yes Sir, in a vision actually I think it was more than one vision. I saw the rapture take place, what we call the rapture, the great catching away.  Suddenly, just suddenly in a twinkling, faster than you can think so I just tell, this is a twinkling of an eye is one eleven thousands of a second, it’s the time that takes the nerve impulses to go across your eye to your brain and register; faster than that.  The rapture takes place, instantly people were taken out of the sleep, out of their slumber, taken out of automobiles going down the street, taking out of airplanes, instantly it was done, it was over, and we were together there in a meeting in the clouds of the air, instantly people were stunned they didn’t know that they were doing.  Instantly they had to stop and think well, what’s going on and what is this and suddenly you knew we’re gone.

Sid: Now, the Bible tells us Richard no one knows the day or the hour but it says we’ll know the season.  Do you believe we’re in the season of His return?

Richard Sigmund:  I believe more than anything in this life that we are in the season of His return.

Sid:  I have on the telephone Reverend Ron Reagan, Pastor of the Church of God in Townsend, Tennessee and in 1972 he had an experience with the invisible world that He’ll never forget.

Reverend Reagen:  It was like I had the sensation of the ambulance exploding like it just exploded in flames. Just in moments I was moving through the air, through the smoke almost like a tunnel.

Sid:  And you like left your body would you say?

Reverend Reagen:  Well, evidently that’s what happened at the time I didn’t know what was happening, I had the sensation of moving through the air.

Sid:  Okay, what happened next.

Reverend Reagen:  The next moments when I came out of the smoke when I was looking down into what appeared to me an active volcano. A huge large place and where the burning lake down inside it and I could hear multitudes of voices screaming and see multitudes of people inside this.  And just almost immediately I was going down into this myself and people’s faces begin to appear to me, close up, like a lens on a camera and to my just horror I begin to recognize some of them.  And I could hear them screaming Ronnie, don’t come to this place, there’s no way out there’s no escape there’s no way out.  And these people that I recognized were people that I recognized that all died violent deaths. We had partied together, we had done crime together, we had drank together but all of these t hat I recognized had been shot to death, had died of overdoses or some form of tragedy. They screamed and looked at me and said, “There is no way out, there is no escape.”

Sid:  Were these people from what you could see in real pain?

Reverend Reagen:  These people were in the most horrible agonizing pain that you could imagine. It went deeper than physical fleshly pain, what I was feeling the worst pain was the horrible atmosphere of loneliness, and anxiety, and depression, and horrible feeling in the air or just no hope what so ever.

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Written by sidroth

December 19th, 2012 at 2:54 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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