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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Steve Hill

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SID: My guest, Steve Hill is so hungry for God, he went to the various moves of God throughout the world and he received the same thing these great men and women of God had. And he went to a church, a single church in Pensacola, Florida, and from all over the world, because the word got out, the power of God was there, four million people came to that one single church. Well the devil tried to knock him out. He was on his deathbed. He was preparing the funeral arrangements. And a great miracle happened and he also was given, at that time, a vision. It was like he could see it happening, and it is what is about ready to happen to Planet Earth that he literally feels everyone must understand this vision. Hello. I’m here with Steve Hill, and I’m looking at almost like his rap sheet. At age 10, his dad starts him drinking beer, alcohol. By 12, 13, he’s into hard drugs, injecting drugs into his veins, arrested 13 times. You know, when I read about myself I can’t believe that that was me. You must feel the same way about yourself. That’s not even you.

STEVE: It’s a miracle that all of us are alive and that we made it through it. You know, one of my favorite things to do when I’m in my hometown area, when I would witness to like young men and women that are involved in drugs and alcohol, I would take them, of course if it was a girl, I would take them to somebody else to the graves of my dead friends. And I would talk to them about Carlos. I’d talk to them about Billy. I’d say Billy was 19. You’ll meet a similar fate if you do the same by using those drugs. And I would witness because no one ever believes it’s going to happen to them. No one ever believes. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. But he’s patient. He’ll take you on a journey. If he can finally get you there and drop into Hell, that’s his final goal, and it’s a goal he had for my life.

SID: He had a total transformation, and as a result, he had, first of all, there was a key that I noticed. You were mentored by some of the best men of God: David Wilkerson, Leonard Raven-Hill.

STEVE: David Wilkerson, Leonard Raven-Hill are two of the men, to me, they’re my spiritual fathers. And people ask me, they say, why are you the way you are. Well we’re all products of who we’ve been hanging around. And that’s why I say, pick your friends carefully. Okay. And David Wilkerson put me through Bible school, met Leonard Raven-Hill. Nicky Cruz taught us on evangelism. So I was raised around, Raven-Hill was friends with Smith-Wigglesworth.

SID: So it goes on and on. It’s all connected. But another thing I noticed about, you were hungry for God. Whatever he heard there was a move of God. He was there. I mean, a lot of people say, if God wants to do something to me, He’ll come to me. Well he can and will. But I’m so hungry for God. If I hear He’s somewhere, I’m out there. That’s the way Steve was.

STEVE: See, it’s so non-biblical for people to say if God’s going to move, He’s got to come to me. Who do we think we are to say to God. He’s already come. He’s already come down. Okay. And He set it up. We celebrate Christmas Day. He set up the whole pattern. The baby Jesus was there. The shepherds had to come to him. Later on, the wise men had to come to him. And I always tell people, God gave the first altar call. He sets it up to where we got to go to Him. And so I have pursued the Lord all my life.

SID: Let’s take you to Argentina, the revival. You went there. They’ve been in revival more years than I can even remember. But tell me, when you saw Carlos Annacondia.

STEVE: We lived there for seven years during the peak of the Argentine revival, and it’s still moving on. God is still moving. We saw churches go from 500 to 20,000. Just amazing. Started, my wife and I planted 13 churches, built an orphanage. But Carlos Annacondia, when I got around him and [Spanish], and those that speak Spanish, I speak Spanish fluently, my wife and I lived there seven years. But Carlos was insane, and if you’re watching Carlos, that’s a respectful word for you. Okay. He was insane for the things of God. And he’s a man that owns a nuts and bolts factory. And so anyone that feels like you’re common, okay, look at this man. And I went to one of his crusades, in a nutshell, because we talk all day about this man. Went to his crusade, 20, 30,000 out there in an open field, a bunch of just hanging, naked light bulbs hanging everywhere. No big fanfare. Just this man that had authority. He had authority over darkness. And I would watch him in front of tens of thousands of people, and he would go, [Spanish], in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, [Spanish], I bind you, Satan. And as far as the eye can see, people were hit by the power and thrown the ground. People that were walking down the sidewalks not even paying attention to him would be thrown to the ground, start shaking under the power. And I saw this, and I went, Jesus, whatever this man has, Jesus, Peter, shall heal the sick. And this is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to that. I want what he has, and you’d better get hungry, my friend. If you want to be used of God, you got to have a hunger. You got to have a craving for that. And I got that.

SID: Steve went to these various moves of God. I was hungry. I was overwhelmed with what I saw. Obviously, a lot of other people worldwide were overwhelmed. Four million to that little church in Pensacola, Florida because the power of God was there. Tell me about that girl that had cancer.

STEVE: There are so many stories. I want to talk about this vision that God has just given me, because many, you’re looking for these peaks in your life. The peak in your life is in front of you, not behind you. Okay. There’s more to God than what you have. But the Brownsville revival, we saw millions of people come through. I preached there for five years, saw four million people come through. But they would come in jets. They would come in private jets. They’d some on trains. They’d hitchhike. They came from all over because we had the news, CNN and all these guys covered it. And so they brought the lost in. But this one little girl, 15 years old, came in. She couldn’t have weighed 80 pounds, had a little baseball cap on, dying of cancer. A long story in a nutshell, we did something we never did. We brought her on the platform, thousands of people there that night, and I just felt of the Lord that we needed to lay hands on her. She was going to die. She was sent there as a last request. She wanted to go to Brownsville, not Disney. She didn’t want to go anywhere else but the Brownsville revival. Laid hands on her. Two weeks later, this is before Internet and all this kind of stuff, Internet was out, but it wasn’t Facebook and all, her father sends us a letter, “Just did the PET scans, just did all the scans. All the cancer is gone.” And now years later, we just contacted her and she’s graduated from University. She’s doing fantastic. All the cancer is gone. Now remember, she was given up for dead. And so we’ve just seen so many miracles. I believe, that’s why I love your program, It’s Supernatural. If you don’t believe in the supernatural, you don’t believe in Jesus. I want to say that again. If you don’t believe in the supernatural, you don’t believe in Jesus.

SID: Now you see why the devil tried to take him out. And let me tell you. Something happened to him. I observed him before he developed cancer and it was terminal. There was no chance of him surviving. He was preparing for his funeral, making arrangements with his wife. He is literally on his deathbed. And he cries out to Jesus, and he says, “Jesus, if you want to take me, take me. But if you leave me here and give me my strength back I will win a million souls for you.” And guess what? God answered his prayer. God gave him a vision for the last days. You’d better listen to this.

STEVE: I recently had a supernatural visitation from the Lord. I am under mandate to share with everyone. It’s tearing me up even as we talk right now, because God, I was in Heaven devotions and I was sitting on my couch. I could take you to the exact place. I was sitting on my couch and the Lord, it was early in the morning. No one else was awake in the house. And I closed my eyes and I began to see this color vision come down and just, a vision is just a supernatural experience from God. And He began to download this in my spirit. And I saw this resort, an incredible ski resort, and I opened my eyes because it was so real, Sid. And I opened my eyes and it disappeared. So I closed them again and I began to shake because it was like watching a movie. And I looked up, and I saw above the ski resort, I saw this mountain of snow. Now I’m a skier. I saw this mountain of snow, but it was piled up. It was more than what we needed to ski. And the Lord began to speak to me about the End Times, that this mountain of snow is all the false teaching that is falling on the church right now. And if we don’t do something about it, if we don’t destroy these layers and layers, and layers of snow then it’s going to come crashing down on innocent Christians. And in this vision, the resort was the church. These were people that just came. They came, they paid to be at the resort. We give tithes to be at church. Innocent people are going to die if we don’t do something about this. I can’t believe it’s happening in my lifetime. My daughter, who was in Bible school, one of the teachers stood up and said to the students, said that “Once you’re a Christian you are free to do anything you want. You can do anything you want. You’re free to sin.” And so my daughter is sitting out there and he’s saying, “You’re free to jump in bed with your boyfriend, you’re free to drink, you’re free to do anything you want because the blood covers it all.” And then the deification of man, that is the worship of man. Look at this world today. We’re putting on pedestals all these ministers and all these politicians. It’s a set up for the Antichrist, because in the last days, we are going to worship man, and we’re going to look to him for all the answers. I’m going to tell you right now, Sid, you see it. I see it. It’s clear as day. I can’t believe other people cannot see what’s going on in the world. But we got to get back to something.

SID: And what is that?

STEVE: And that is what we’ve got to do with this avalanche, the spiritual avalanche that could kill millions. We are responsible as leaders, as generals to destroy. And what I saw in the vision, I saw helicopters, I saw snowmobiles and I saw anti-tank weapons blowing up these mountains. And it was as clear as watching a television program. Snow was crumbling down. It was under control because these generals were blowing it up themselves before it blew up and came down, and killed people. I got on the phone, soaked already with tears. My phone was sticking and I talked to the Colorado Ski Patrol and I shared with them my vision. And he said, “Everything you saw, Mr. Hill, is exactly what we do. You saw the ski patrol in action. We’re trying to save their lives.” And he said, “I personally man an anti-tank weapon and my shells shoot five miles, seven, eight kilometers into the mountains to blow them up.” And I’m listening. And this just happened. This is not five, 10, 20 years ago. Then he said this and I close. He lifted his voice like an evangelist and he said, “Can I say something to you, Mr. Hill?” And I said, “Yes sir.” And his voice began to crack like mine is cracking. He said, “Do you want to know why they die?” And I said, “Yes, why do they die?” He said, “Because they don’t listen to me.” He said, “They refused to listen to me. I tell them don’t go up to that mountain, but the go anyway. They go on their snowmobiles. They go on their helicopters.” And he said, “They’re dropped off onto the mountains.” And then he said, “An hour later, I’m digging their corpse out of the snow.” And I told him, I said, “Thank you very much.” And I said, “I do the same thing. I spend my life trying to save lives.” And I bought an avalanche probe, which is a long, long, long, long pole that you drive in the snow. It’s the most wicked device I’ve ever owned in my life. It’s to find dead bodies. It’s to find dead bodies and hopefully find one that’s got just an ounce of breath left, a backslider, spiritually speaking, a prodigal, spiritually speaking, of someone who’s been covered by all this false teaching. And many of you that are watching this you know exactly what I’m talking about. You know what you’re doing is wrong. You know what you’re listening to is wrong. It’s feel good teaching. I am warning you right now, if you are in a church that is allowing you to be free to do anything you want, run for your life. If you’re not in a church that is preaching the whole Gospel, all the words in red, run for your life. If you’ve fallen away from the traditional teachings of your Christian life, get back. Get back to what you used to believe in when you were first a child of God.

SID: I’ve been very burdened over this. I didn’t have a vision. But many godly men and women are burdened over, I’ll call it what it is, what Steve did, it’s false teaching that is flooding the airways, flooding Christianity. But I’m going to tell you something else. I’m going to turn Steve loose to pray for the same power that was on Jesus that rose, Messiah Jesus from the dead that rests on him, that’s about ready to rest on you. Don’t go away.



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Written by sidroth

April 3rd, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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