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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Ricardo Sanchez

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to have no limits; it’s time to take the limits off of God.  It’s time to proclaim that “It’s Not Over.” I have Ricardo Sanchez on the telephone and we’re talking about his amazing CD “It’s Not Over.”  But from a life experience he’s literally, God has giving him a ministry because everyone is dealing with one or more serious problems in their life.  And some feel they’re hopeless, but when people go to his concerts or hear his teaching supernatural hope is infused and things turn around.  Well how would you like a report your 9 year old son was in a diving accident in the swimming pool, and he has less than 1% to recover, his prognosis is to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair; maybe a breathing tube, a breathing machine, the tube coming out of his neck.  So you get this report, you worship God, your oblivious to the people, did you feel a breakthrough at that time or you don’t know what you felt?

Ricardo:  Sid I wish I could say that on the airplane when I got the texts from my wife and the phone call that I believed in faith the whole time and that the plane got saved.  That just wasn’t my ending, that wasn’t, or my beginning I should say.  To be quite honest with you I responded quite naturally I was intimidated, I don’t like using the word fear because I have God “Whom shall I fear.”  So the word intimidated comes to mind, I felt like I was about to enter into this battle and I was very nervous and I was in the airplane and I just remember tapping into those old hymns “Amazing Grace,” “Oh the Blood of Jesus,” “Something About that Name.”  And that seemed to be the sliver of hope that I needed to allow the anointing of God, the Balm of Gilead to begin to flow and to begin to heal those areas.  Not just in my life but of my sons, my blood line, those that are carrying on my name and it was through that worship experience that the presence of God began to flow through.  And the song “It’s Not Over” again began to bubble up in my spirit and that’s where I felt it was in that moment of falling on my face in the terminal and crying out to God that the presence of God began to saturate my situation, begin to saturate.  I believe even though I was in Jacksonville I believe that at that very time God began to move in Atlanta, Georgia in my sons body, in the doctors hands, in the ex-rays in the prognosis.  I begin I believe Spirit of God begin to flow in our entire circumstance.

Sid: Now tell me what the firefighter said that loaded your son in the helicopter.

Ricardo: Hmm, Sid this firefighter who had been a firefighter for over 9 years he said “In my 9 years of experience I’ve never seen anybody whether it’s an adult or a young person sustain this kind of injury and ever survive.  So prepare your heart for the worse.

Sid: So although you couldn’t see anything with your eyes I believe that there was a major breakthrough that occurred when you were not ashamed of God, you didn’t care what man thought and you, right in the middle of the airport, you start worshiping your God with every fiber of your being.

Ricardo: Yeah.

Sid: I believe things started changing.

Ricardo: Sid, that’s a great way to describe it because that’s exactly what it was every fiber of my being; I was unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ I needed God to move.  In those moments I heard it said “Adversity doesn’t build character but it reveals it.”  And Jesus said “What’s in a man comes out of man,” what they’re made of your character will be speak in those moments of desperation. For me when we heard that paramedic say that, Jeanette had told me this I had nothing left Sid it had emptied the tank, but in the midst of that I hit the floor and begin to worship God and just begin to cry out to Him and begin to ask for His Healing power to touch my son.

Sid: Tell me about the song we’re going to play right now “I’m Not Ashamed?”

Ricardo:  Well, it was kind of one of those moments, I has in Phoenix, Arizona at a concert my record label at the time had gotten us phenomenal seats to sit in about the tenth row.  As the artist is playing and singing there’s a young woman probably 23-24 years old dancing lifting her hands in the air and as a Pentecostal Worship Leader who believes in the Full Gospel I could obviously see she was speaking in tongues, lifting her hands praying in the Spirit.  Well there was a couple behind her that were mocking her, making fun of the way that she worshiped laughing mimicking her, mimicking her in mockery.  And what grabbed my heart as a Worship Leader is I saw this daughter of the woman that was worshiping just so enamored it was almost like her mother was teaching her how to worship.  And I thought “What an attack upon this young girl and her mother in a beautiful moment.”  And right when I was about to say something to this group of people who are making fun of that…you know my father’s a Retired Command Sargent Major in the United States Army and so right when my father’s voice was about to out of me to correct these people my wife nudged me, and the Spirit of God nudged my spirit at the exact same time God spoke to me.  And sometimes my wife and the Spirit of God are the exact same person to be quite honest.  But it was in that moment that God said “These people have no idea of what’s like to be fully dependent upon me for rent, for food, for sustaining life.  This woman is unashamed and could careless who’s watching her worship me.  And I remember going home that evening picking up my guitar and writing “I gonna Dance for You like nobody’s watching me.”

Sid: “I Am Not Ashamed” by Ricardo Sanchez.

Worship excerpt “I Am Not Ashamed”

Sid: Because Ricardo Sanchez was not ashamed God began to move from a 1% chance of survival his son.  I mean he had these pictures of his son being in a wheelchair his whole life, his son having a breathing tube coming out of his neck, a breathing machine.  But he had a breakthrough and I believe that the breakthrough that God has for you is…did you feel the anointing, the presence as Ricardo preaches and teaches about this.  And the presence of God on his music, that’s an anointing and that anointing will remove the limits God has.  I don’t care what problem you have, but as you listen to his CD “It’s Not Over,” and this book, and his teaching CD the anointing is going to cause the same breakthrough that occurred for Ricardo’s son that you’re about ready to hear in your life.  I don’t care whether it’s marriage, I don’t care whether it’s finances, I don’t care whether it’s health, I don’t care whether it’s a flat spirit of depression; I tell you it’s not over.”

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Written by sidroth

June 17th, 2013 at 12:42 am