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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Sean and Ayelet Steckbeck

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Sid:  I am so tired of the Messiah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob being represented by people think that their relationship with God is based on 1 or 2 or 3 hours on a Saturday, 1 or 2 or 3 hours on a Sunday.  They don’t understand He’s either Lord of all, or He’s not Lord at all. You have been conned thinking that the purpose in life is to segment have your life and have a nice balanced life. You are out of balance, you are abnormal unless Jesus is Lord of everything. Unless you have intimacy with God don’t settle for counterfeit religion, settle for intimacy with the living God. Recognize that there is a call of God on your life and He has a purpose and a destiny that no one will do better than you. He has not rejected you no matter how many bad things you’ve done called sin. If you repent, turn from your sins, He is just and faithful to forgive you of all unrighteousness. Now I have on the telephone Ayelet and Sean Steckbeck from Jerusalem, Israel. They’re in the United States, and if you understand what happened to Ayelet, if you understand a visitation that she had, that is the type of thing that is going on with Jewish people worldwide right now. God has created you, in other words, many of you are crying out to God saying “God what is my destiny? God what is my purpose?” Well if you won’t do what is in writing in the New Covenant, why should you hear a prophetic word? This is what the New Covenant says, it says in Romans 11:11 “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.” Now on yesterday’s broadcast we found out, and I’ll recap for you. Ayelet was raised on an atheistic kibbutz, that’s a communal situation in Israel, but she always knew there was a God. She always talked to God, she always prayed to God, then her brother died in the war. When she went into the army she had all these emotions. She became suicidal, literally she had a God visitation, and she saw what were to happen if she killed herself. So she said “I’ve got to find out more about this God.” So she went to the only option she thought was available at the time, and that was Orthodox Judaism. She literally joined a school of higher education called a Yeshiva for women, for Orthodox women. It was at that Yeshiva she heard there was Messiah, so she started praying every day for the Messiah to live inside of her. Low and behold she had another God visitation, she still didn’t know who Jesus was, and she started going to a meeting of believers. She had a tape of a prophecy she brought to the Yeshiva, but it had the name of Jesus. She tried to erase it, but just would not erase. Then 2 of her friends who were believers started talking to her, and one of her friends gave her a New Testament. Ayelet what did you do with this New Testament?

Ayelet:  I decided to take and read it, and I took it to the dorms, I hid it. When everybody left I started reading. I was just really amazed to see who Yeshua really was. I fell in love with Him. The most amazing for me was that I had so many questions that I stopped asking the rabbis because they didn’t really know what to do with my questions, and Yeshua had an answer for every question that I had.

Sid:  Now was He answering you in your spirit, or just by reading?

Ayelet:  In the Bible, in the New Testament. What He taught and is teaching in the New Testament on the sermon on the mountain, or different other teachings or parables that He taught, were just answers for a lot of questions that I had.

Sid:  Just before Yom Kippur in Israel, your friend said something that was startling to you that Jesus was your Yom Kippur. What did that mean to you.

Ayelet:  [Laughing] That really confused me because as an Israeli Yom Kippur is such a big thing. How can someone be Yom Kippur, I really didn’t understand, but I wanted to know from God I didn’t want to miss it if it was something from God. So I was praying and I was asking God if I was supposed to do Yom Kippur. Every time I asked Him, and I probably asked like 53 times, every time I asked the Bible opened up to Isaiah 53. It was the first time I read that scripture, but I understand that it was about Yeshua. I didn’t understand all of it, but I understood if He was the atonement then I don’t need to fast to receive atonement.

Sid:  But even though you understood He was the atonement, you still felt Yeshua was hidden from you. What did you mean by that?

Ayelet:  I felt that He was hidden because in Israel we don’t hear about Him, and if we hear it’s usually negative. So I practically knew nothing about who He was, what He did. I wasn’t given the chance to check it for myself; if I believed in it, if I wanted it.

Sid:  But you began crying out to Him.

Ayelet:  Yes.

Sid:  Then you went through a mikvah, which Christians call a baptism. Why did you do that?

Ayelet:  Well it was Yom Kippur and the community I was with it was a tradition for the single girls to go to the mikvah on Yom Kippur day. So I went that day.

Sid:  When you went under the waters what came out of your mouth?

Ayelet:  It just came out “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Sid:  Who told you to say that?

Ayelet:  One of my friends said, one of the believing friends, said to do that. I told her “No way!” [Laughing] But when I was under the water it just happened.

Sid:  Did anyone hear you?

Ayelet:  No. [Laughing]

Sid:  [Laughing] So then, you’re still are not 100% convinced, but you go to a prayer meeting and you had an unexpected visitor.

Ayelet:  Yes. I went again to Ruth Heflin’s prayer house and it was already on Yom Kippur, and in the prayer I just saw Yeshua. He just came and He stretched His arms and He said “Welcome.” No one led me in a sinners prayer, years later I heard someone do it so I just covered it just in case, but in that moment that’s how He received me, and that’s how I received Him into my heart as my Messiah.

Sid:  And then you came to the United States and you went to a revival that I went to many times in Brownsville. It was one of the biggest revival meetings in modern day history. Why did you go there?

Ayelet:  Well I got saved in 96, and through these few years I went to America for a few revival places that I knew. I was just very hungry for the Holy Spirit for God to move in my life. That year in 2000 I came to the Brownsville church in Pensacola that I heard a lot of, and I just wanted a touch from God.

Sid:  You went to their prayer meeting, and I led their prayer meeting once or twice. I loved what was going on there. They had all the different flags and you pray for the countries, and you saw the flag of Israel, but there was someone there that night, and I have him on the phone who later became your husband, that’s Sean. Is it true that you heard an audible voice that Sean would be your husband?

Ayelet:  Yeah I did, but not that night though.  That night I didn’t notice him, I was praying, they asked me to pray in Hebrew.

Sid:  Well Sean did you notice her?

Sean:  Oh yeah.

Sean and Ayelet: [Laughing]

Sid:  Well you had a call of God to go to Israel, you’re not a believer but you’ve been a believer a great deal of your life. So you did notice her. How did the two of you get together?

Sean:  Well when I saw her at the prayer that day, you know I wasn’t really interested dating you know. Ayelet my wife was my first kiss just to tell you I had been going after God my whole life. You know I wanted to be on the mission field my whole life. I was going to the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, which it doesn’t exist anymore, but at that time it did. When I was… I was a server at a restaurant there and I was serving, and an older lady came up to me and, I didn’t know her at all. She came up to me and she says “I don’t know you, but I was on a 40 day fast, and the Lord told me to come… I was driving  past this restaurant and the Lord told me to stop my car, come into this restaurant and I would meet a young man in here called to Israel.” She said she argued with the Lord for a while because…

Sid:  I’ll tell you what, hold that thought we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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Written by sidroth

August 6th, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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