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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Paul McGuire

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Sid: Now you may know my guest because he’s an honorary member of the Black Panther Party, or perhaps you seen him on Fox News, or O’Reilly or even The History Channel.  By the way Paul McGuire what a distinction you’re an honorary member of the Black Panther Party?

Paul:  Yes Sid it’s great to be on your show by the way.  How that happened is I was supporting the Black Panthers when I was like 15 years old in terms of demonstrating in favor of them.  I decided that I wanted to become a member of the Black Panther Party.

Sid: Yeah, but I don’t think you qualify, but go ahead. (Laughing)

Paul: (Laughing) Well, that’s what I found out so I go on the bus from Jackson Heights Queens to Corona which was an African American neighborhood back then when I was growing up in New York City.  I went to the storefront which was the Black Panther Party headquarters for that area and I walked in and there was these two big guys in black leather jackets and they looked at me like “What are you doing in here white boy?”  And then I said “I want to become a member of the Black Panther Party” and they said “You can’t.”  And I said “Why?” and they said “Because you’re white!”  And I said to them “Well that’s discrimination.”  And then we had an argument don’t ask me why I had the boldness to have an argument but anyway we had an argument and they said “Okay, you can be an honorary member of the Black Panther Party.”  So that’s how it went.

Sid: Okay, now you came from an interesting background, you were not raised Christian, your parents didn’t know the Lord you were taught and you believed all the answers were in science.  It sounds like the modern college student today; you wondered into the occult.  What did you really think of Christians in college because you walked into the hippy movement and the Jesus movement when you were in college?  What was your honest thought of Christians?

Paul:  Sid when I grew up in New York City I hated Christians with such a passion that literally when I would walk to the subway and it would like Sunday morning or something I would spit outside the ground of churches because I looked at these people like they were idiots and hypocrites.  So when I went to the University of Missouri I met Christians you know born again Christians for the first time.  I distinctly remember these two girls that were trying to convert me in debate class and unfortunately I would rip them to shreds in debate class and reduce them to tears.  Because even though they knew the Lord they couldn’t defend their faith.  So I hated Christians with a passion and took every opportunity to make fun of them.  When I saw the cover of either Time or Newsweek where it said “The Jesus Movement” I couldn’t stand that.  But God knocked me off my horse eventually.

Sid: But wait a second there’s something I have to ask you about; I’ve heard of whacky majors especially today.  But back then I didn’t know that there were such wacky Majors as your Major was Altered States of Consciousness.   That’s a real college major?

Paul:  Yeah.

Sid: (Laugh)

Paul:  And the thing is that it was a brand new field in the Department of Psychology, so my dual major was Film Making, and then my other major was Altered States of Consciousness; where we studied that plus extracurricular activities in changing our conscientiousness; so yeah it was a real field.

Sid: So how in the world did God get through to you? I mean I can just picture the kind of guy you were but at that point I mean liberal was too liberal a word to use for you. (Laughing)

Paul:  Yeah right; well I was I mean hair down to my belt buckle.

Sid: (Laughing)

Paul:  Cowboy boots, two packs of cigarettes a day, you know I was a total rebel and I hated Christianity with a passion.  And I was dropping acid and partying but I was also an intellectual I’d read 50 books a week from philosophers to scientists and all kinds of people. So I couldn’t stand Christians, I mean I can’t tell you if there was a list of religions Christianity would have been on the bottom of the list; even below the Hari Chrisnas that used to dance in the airport.

Sid: That’s low. (Laughing)

Paul:  So what happened was for strange reason I was going back to my dormitory and there was a long hallway and there was this geeky looking nerd guy…

Sid: But wait a second, I still have to ask you one thing. On this amazing major you had Altered States of Conscientiousness I guess it was in the Psychology Department you’re in class one day and you actually heard a voice about that you were to surrender.  What did this voice say to you?

Paul:  Well, this was bizarre and I was told you know to expect it; my professor was brilliant.  He was trying to recruit me into something that I didn’t quite understand back then which was this global movement of scientists and gurus.  And I was attending one of his lectures and as was my habit I sat in the back row of the classroom. While he was lecturing I heard this very loud voice in my head that said like a command to me “Surrender to the dark forces within.”  And I was jolted because it sounded audible and I looked around and nobody else noticed it and this terrified me because I realized this voice just spoke to me inside my head like it was a telepathic communication.  So that fear got my attention.

Sid: Okay now you’re being setup to be a leader of the New Age Religion, that’s obvious to me; how did you get waylaid by the Lord?

Paul:  Well how I got waylaid these Christians began to witness to me.  I never had Christians; nobody ever witnessed to me in my entire life growing up in New York City not once did somebody say “Jesus loves you” or share the gospel not one.  So at the University of Missouri for the first time in my life I began to meet these born again Christians. The only reason I even paid attention to the gospel message was there was an attractive female who I thought was cute and so she was talking to me about Jesus all the time. And the only reason she had my attention was that she was cute; so I listened to her and God planted seeds in my mind about the gospel.  Now I still was not remotely interested in really becoming a Christian so…

Sid: Just the girl but okay go ahead.

Paul: Yeah right just the girl, but she ended up marrying up somebody else but that was fine.  So the thing was I came back to the dormitory one day there was nobody there and down a long hallway there was a guy sitting at the end of the dormitory reading this little teeny bible and he looked like a geek and a nerd. We began talking because he was there to meet somebody else wasn’t there. So instead he invites me to this Christian religious retreat about an hour outside of the campus at the University of Missouri.  For some strange reason and I cannot tell you why except maybe the look in his eyes I saw something very different in his eyes like a light; like the light of Lord, but I couldn’t really  process it.  So I get to this religious retreat and it confirms my worst suspicions about Christianity being a country club religion.  It was a bunch of sorority girls, dormitory guys, they were making out, they were playing spin the bottle and kissing each other.  And I’m saying “Look, I didn’t come here to play spin the bottle, if I’m going to party I’m going to party hard I’m from New York I’m not going to play spin the bottle.”  So I asked these guys the heavy questions “Why was I alive, who was Jesus, I started to ask them these important questions and they looked at me like I was nuts.”  So I said “You know what if this is Christianity I definitely want nothing to do with it.”  So the next morning I told the guy who invited me there I’m going to hitchhike back to the campus of the University of Missouri.  I’m out there in the middle of nowhere like the movie “The Field of Dreams” it’s just cornfields and blue sky.  I get on to this road and they guy who invited me there he has this light in his eyes and he tells me “Paul you know God’s going to take care of your rides home.”  And I said to myself “Yeah sure, God’s going to take care of my rides home” I ignored him, I blew it off.”  The first car that pulls up after I stick out my thumb to hitch a ride is a car driven by a Pentecostal Preacher and his wife and they begin to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with me.

Sid: That was a good start (Laughing).

Paul:  Yeah right, as we’re driving down the road in the cornfields, but being from New York and skeptical I said “Okay so this is the Bible belt and we’re out here in the middle of nowhere in the cornfields there’s probably a lot of Pentecostal preachers driving around this time of day so I ignored it.” I get out on the road again I stick out my thumb this time about 3 minutes after I stick out my thumb a station-wagon pulls up. The station-wagon is driving by a guy wearing a dark three piece suit.  He looks like an undertaker but he’s actually a Bible salesman.

Sid: (Laughing)

Paul:  And he is driving a station-wagon packed with black thick black leather King James Bibles; I mean big thick ones.

Sid: What a setup. So what did you do with this guy, better yet what did he do with you?

Paul:  (Laughing) Well, I’m ignoring this guy but he holding this 65 pound, that’s what it looked like, black King James Bible and he’s preaching to me in Kings James English.  And there’s no friendship evangelism or anything he let’s go of the stirring wheel by the way while he’s preaching and looks at me with no body driving the car.  And he says to me point bank he gets right down to it he says “You’re a sinner and unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you’re going to spend eternity in Hell.”  So I mean I didn’t even believe in the word sin, sin to me was some kind of archaic concept.  So then he goes to me “Do you want to pull off on the side of the road and pray the sinner’s prayer?”  Now literally because I’m from New York City and I’m very paranoid I’m figuring “I’m in a car with a religious ax-murderer-pervert….

Sid: Oi we’re out of time. Now Paul McGuire God has used his intellectual ability but has gifted him in the supernatural and between the two he has spent 30 years studying the area of the mark of beast, in particular microchips. He has been warned by God as well as getting natural information.  And I want to tell you something, he has the greatest knowledge of where we are timing wise in the return of Jesus and what is about ready to happen. His book “The Day the Dollar Died” and his 3 DVDs “Are You Ready for One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion.”

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Written by sidroth

March 19th, 2014 at 2:40 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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