ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduval1/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Robert Inguanzo | Sid Roth

Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Robert Inguanzo

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Robert Inguanzo (1282) 2002

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Robert Inguanzo I’m speaking to him at his home in Lincoln Park, New Jersey. He got hit with AIDS he had such an amazing miracle that happened because he was in a prayer meeting and God gave him a vision. In this vision he saw the condition of the church and what did the Lord show you?

Robert: Well he showed me it’s like I could see inside of the people; it’s like I could see what they were feeling and I could see that they were not really Christians like God wanted Christians to be. I remember the Holy Spirit would speak to me as I was looking at all of this and He told me “Robert I want the Christians to go into the depth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ isn’t like just a story that you read it’s something… Jesus Christ is the person, He’s a real person He’s a loving God He wants us to be intimate with Him. He wants us to be able to talk to Him, He wants to prepare us to hear His voice, He wants intimacy with His church and that’s what the church isn’t going through right now. The church needs a renewal, it needs a restoration.” As I was seeing all of this I remember I’m crying and crying and crying and I kept feeling that pain in my chest and it was the same pain that Jesus was feeling. And Sid it was really such a strong pain and I remember after that I had such a desire to reach out to the Christians and say “Listen Jesus is real and there’s much more.” I remember that the Holy Ghost said “Robert there’s so much more that God has to offer there’s so much more that He has for His church.” And I remember that He said “Christians their goal was always to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and speak and tongues and all of this.” And He said that “A lot of times that people would stop there and he would show me that being baptized with Holy Spirit was only the beginning that was like the open door to the supernatural to a new level, to a new dimension.

Sid: What is the next step you would advise people to take that are born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown tongues what is the next step?

Robert: Well what we need as Christians is to have a hunger ask God for a hunger for Him.

Sid: So that’s the next step.

Robert: Yes.

Sid: Pray God give me a hunger for you beyond what I have? Now what about your AIDS? You didn’t just have HIV you had full blown AIDS not only was it full blown AIDS you had a type of AIDS that’s called multi-generation AIDS. Which means that if they gave you medicine it would mutate to the point that where (One month) even if the medicine helped it wouldn’t help there was absolutely no hope for you; what about the AIDS? What is your condition today and where did you come from?

Robert: Well Sid my condition is that my immune system was 99% gone and thank God that after 4½ years it’s gone up up and up and it’s like I always say “God heals in so many different says.”

Sid: Okay there’s something called the T-Cell count which gives us an indication of your immune system. How low did your T-Cell get?

Robert: My T-Cell T4 is the same thing; my immune system went down to 2 just 2 T-4; 2-T-Cells.

Sid: That sounds like someone that’s almost dead; well you were told that you only had 4 months to live.

Robert: I not only have 4 months to live but it was nothing they could do at all; I remember I would get all of these headaches and I would get all of these diseases and I would go to the hospital and they would send you home because they said “Robert you’re on every kind of medication and there’s nothing else that we can do for you.” And Sid that would be like so depressing when you hear something like that and you have a family.

Sid: Okay what is your T-Count today? It was 2 what is it today?

Robert: It’s over 800.

Sid: Now this was a gradual healing how long did it take?

Robert: It took like I said like 4½ years to get up to 800.

Sid: And what about the AIDS virus itself, I mean the T-count has to do with the immune system what about the AIDS virus what did the tests show?

Robert: The tests show that there is no AIDS virus in my blood at all and that’s one of the greatest miracles I have paper work proving what I’m saying that it’s true. A lot of people might not understand exactly what it is but I don’t base myself only on the paperwork of the doctors even when my immune system was low I remember I would be reading scriptures like Isaiah 53 that would say “By His stripes I was healed.” And that’s the paperwork I really based my life on is the scriptures, is the word of God. I would take God’s for His word more than what the doctors were telling me because the doctors were only telling me bad news but then I would read the Bible and I would see something completely different. And all I had to do was just believe, just believe that the word of God is actually the word of God; it’s inspired by God. Yes it was written by man but it’s inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Give me a scripture that you might have meditated on and tell me what you did and tell me what the scripture said, pick one.

Robert: Okay well my favorite scriptures were Isaiah 53 “By His stripes were healed” and the lady with issue of blood.

Sid: Tell me about the lady with the issue of blood.

Robert: The lady with the issue, I compare myself so much to her Sid here was a lady she had gone to so many different doctors there was so much for so many years for 12 years. I can imagine this lady was in the same condition that I was in a way because she had a lot of money. Obviously if you go to a doctor 12 years for different doctors you know that she must have had a lot of money. After the 12 years she had spent everything that she had which was exactly what happened to me I had gone to so many different doctors there was nothing else I could do. But this lady with the issue of blood after she had spent everything, after she had done everything she could somebody told her about Jesus because the Bible says that she heard about Jesus so she heard about Jesus. So obviously she was told about Jesus. When she heard about Jesus it happened just like me when I heard that Jesus really, really did heal it was like a spark inside of me. And this lady with the issue of blood when she heard about Jesus she had to go and see Jesus and touch Jesus but she had a great problem that she wasn’t allowed by the law of Moses to be in crowds because of her condition she would be stoned to death if they would find her. But she didn’t care she was desperate and that’s exactly how I was I was desperate. And this lady she pushed herself through the crowd and just touched the hem of Jesus of Jesus’ garment. And if you read the scriptures carefully you will see that she kept repeating to herself, that’s how the original text explains it the original text explains it as she’s pushing through. The crowd she kept saying “If I only touch the hem of His garment. And when she touched the hem of His garment it was a touch of faith, it was a touch of faith so much so that Jesus Himself felt an anointing come out of Him. If you keep reading you’ll see how He turned around and was looking for her and again if you look into the original you’ll see when He was looking for her she was actually hiding behind the people so that Jesus wouldn’t know who she was or what happened she was hiding it wasn’t just that He didn’t see her he didn’t see her because she was hiding that’s how the original explains it. And that’s exactly what happened to me I reached out when there was no other hope and when I got to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment that ‘s when I received the healing. Even though everything else all the other diseases disappeared instantly the AIDS, it took a long time it took almost 4½ years to where it is now.

Sid: Now today you have so much faith your family has so much faith having seen all of these miracles that occurred in your life you’re praying for people that are being healed. I want you to tell me about 1 person describe 1 person that had incurable cancer that was healed that you prayed for.

Robert: Well there is so many but I know that there’s this one there’s this one lady she was already completely bald and I mean it was so sad looking at her and I just first of all I gave her my testimony how it was because I know that everything has to do with believing and having faith in God’s word. So I would tell her how it happened with me and how… what the doctors had said and everything and I would just pray for her and you know little by little she started getting stronger and stronger. There’s another case of another person that was going to die with pancreatic cancer and that person got stronger and stronger and stronger.

Sid: Was she cured?

Robert: Yes, yes, yes okay that’s what I want to hear….


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Written by sidroth

March 30th, 2016 at 3:43 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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