Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest John McTernan

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Sid: Everyone knows that God doesn’t wink at sin. But most people feel that there’s a certain length of time that they can get with it. And maybe your day of reckoning will come 10 years from today, 20 years from today. But I have a guest that has documented that the exact date the United States as a nation does what God constitutes, and just look at the 10 commandments for starters, what God constitutes as sin the exact day a warning judgment comes and it’s so many times that if more Christians understood that God is a holy God who is looking at everything that we do with a since of love to stop us from getting into areas that will require judgment we wouldn’t dare do the things do. I’m talking about believer’s image what happens to non-believers. I have on the telephone John McTernan, now John wrote a book called “God’s final warning to America.” On October 11, 1987 John McTernan that spent 26 years as a Federal Agent he was with the Internal Security Division of IRS. Something very unusual happened to you on that day John tell me about it.

John: Well Sid I was watching TV and it was the news and it had a story on about a rather large, in fact up until the time the largest homosexual gathering I think possibly in history, took place in Washington DC. And the homosexuals were gathering for their rights and to promote their agenda and I watched it I didn’t know that it was taking place I just picked it up when it was on the news and I turned the news the TV off because it troubled my spirit to watch it so I walked away. At that point Sid I didn’t think of praying, interceding, I didn’t think God would be offended by that. Of course I wasn’t personally happy by it but I forgot about it. And then that week that very week the stock market melted down to, at that time to record levels with the following Monday the big crash in 1987 do you remember that Sid?

Sid: Yes I do I used to be a stock broker with Merrill Lynch so I do keep an eye on the market.

John: Okay well then this is oh about 8 days later and I’m watching the news again and there’s a newscaster on it and he was obviously shaken by this stock market crash his lip was actually quivering. As I was watching him I had this like this flash back it was like a vision Sid and I could see the week before and I could see the TV. I was looking at the TV but I was actually seeing the week before. I saw the homosexual gathering and the news commentator and all of a sudden I heard in my inner man the voice of the Lord saying that this stock market crash was in response to this homosexual march and that I didn’t fear the Lord otherwise I would have interceded. Otherwise the country is naked and open before me in judgment because the fear of Me has been lost. It was as if it was like overwhelming I actually fell prostrate on the ground before the TV and I repented. And if you had asked me on the day before if I feared God I would have said “Oh yes I do I fear God” but I really didn’t Sid and at this point God opened my eyes that we had fallen under His judgment as a nation. And from that day to this I have been documented one instance after another where as you mentioned in the introduction there will be a Supreme Court decision regarding abortion let’s say, and at that very day a hurricane will smash into the country.

Sid: You know that was the thing that was so overwhelming to me in your book John. It’s not like in the same year, it’s not like in the same 6 months, it’s not like in the same month it’s the same day!

John: Yes Sid.

Sid: I don’t think people realize this correlation.

John: And it’s bit 1 Sid it’s like every major…every hurricane since 1989 has fallen on one of those days everyone. All the major earthquakes 6.0 or greater have fallen on those days. Massive tornadoes that sweep up whole small towns are falling on those days. The stock market has gone at one point to all time heights since 1987. And in my book I fully document where each major will say dip in the stock market were to fall 100 points in l day and things like that they’re all around or should say the very day abortion event a national homosexual event or touching the apple of God’s eye which is Israel.

Sid: I want to take you back to October 11th 1987 was this just like an inner sense what you’re describing to me? Did the presence of God come on you? Did He speak to you audibly? Explain I know that you told me what you saw but what did you feel? What did you experience?

John: Sid it was not an external voice it was an internal voice but it was so powerful that I was like overwhelmed by it it was….the voice specifically spoke at me about not fearing “You don’t fear Me” that’s exactly what I heard. “If you feared Me you would have interceded when you saw that march.” And I was sort of like shamed I remember that I was ashamed before the Lord but it was Sid it was like me and God alone it was like time stopped where I was at the time and I was just being…I don’t want to use the word lectured I was being spoken to by the Lord.

Sid: But you know John the Bible says that there’s a judgment day for everyone of us wouldn’t you rather have had your warning on that date so that you could change than when you die and go to judgment day?

John: Absolutely Sid. I mean you I could sense what it was to be in the presence of the Lord and not quite right with Him. And that was what it was Sid and I repented. I mean He didn’t tell me to repent I just realized that I was wrong in my understanding of the Lord and right then and there I fell on the ground and I cried out to Him and said “Lord” it was like pride was exposed to me also. Because it was if you had asked me like the day before if I said the day before if you had come to me and say to me “Do you fear the Lord?” I would have said “Oh yes I fear the Lord definitely.” But when God showed me what the true fear of the Lord was I immediately repented.

Sid: Help me “What is the true fear of the Lord?”

John: Sid it’s real simple the true fear of the Lord is to as we see in the book of Job “To shoo evil to hate evil, to flee evil, to flee sin.” And you mentioned it in the introduction that thinking that you can sin and get away with it and all of that.

Sid: It impossible to watch secular television without witnessing illicit sex, drugs, homosexuality, nudity, pornography, I mean you can’t even watch that. Even if you choose what you’re watching they’ll slip a commercial in.

John: Your right Sid and I watch very very very very little TV I like to watch college football and you watch football and the advertisement will be for some show on and advertisement is exactly as you say. We’ve become …sin is promoted on it now and it’s encouraged and it’s promoted and there’s no fear of God anymore it’s gone.

Sid: What is God trying to tell us by you correlating all of these events of sin and then a judgment coming the same say what is God telling us?

John: God’s telling us a couple of things that’s a very good question. Number 1 the object of the book and what I believe that God’s showing me and showing the nation He’s holy and that God’s holy and that He’s not winking at sin. And #2 we’re to truly fear him over sin when we see homosexuals like gay pride day the church should fear the Lord over that and intercede before Him for our nation and that His word is real Sid. God’s word is authority it’s real. When He says in His word that He’s going to judge and destroy nations over the very sin that America’s doing. And as you said already precisely on these days and we see the hurricanes hitting and these stock market crashes and all of these combined it’s a warning that we’re on a collision course with God. And what He says in His word He’s going to do.

Sid: John give me one specific sin and what the judgment was pick one out of the large numbers of events that you have in your book.

John: Okay the centerpiece of the book is June 28, 1992 that was Gay Pride Day. And on June 28 and Gay Pride Day let me just explain to your listeners is the last Sunday in June and it’s been going on since about 1970. It started the late ‘60s early 70’s and its most of the major cities in the nation celebrate it New York celebrates Gay Pride Day, Boston, Chicago, Los Angles, San Francisco and Atlanta and there are other cities too. And the homosexual march and their supporters come out and very rude things happen. I have seen oh boy horrible things Sid oh boy I’ve seen a Gay Pride Day in San Francisco where it was the real thing and it wasn’t edited for the news of TV and it was so vulgar I wouldn’t dare repeat on the telephone what I saw with my eyes taking place. So any way on this day June 28, 1992 it was Gay Pride Day 2 massive earthquakes in southern California. One was 7.6 on the rector scale and the other was 6.5 on the rector scale. And the big one was called Landers Quake and in fact when you read the newspapers count the accounts of the earthquake in the Los Angeles Times the front page is “Gay Pride Day and the Earthquake and that’s all that’s on the first page.

Sid: We’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

October 20th, 2016 at 9:55 am