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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Bob & Joan Nast

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Sid: My guest by way of telephone Joan and Bob Nast.  On yesterday’s broadcast we found out that Joan was traveling with the Benny Hinn ministry and some witches showed up and put some curses. And this this is weird when she had the mammogram test a limp just swelled up in her breast all of a sudden after a meeting. And when they took the mammogram in the darkness there actually on the mammogram on the lump it was an exact shape of a witch.  Now at one of Benny Hinn meetings Lester Sumrall was there and Benny said “Let’s take up an offering not for our ministry but to help the hungry.”  And so Joan and Bob immediately stood up didn’t have the money but they pledge…they had the money but really should not have done it but God told them so they did. They gave $1000 and Lester said “Believe Psalm 41.”  Joan what is Psalm 41 say?

Joan: Psalm 41 it says “Blessed are those that are feeding the hungry and take care of the poor God will sustain them in their time of sickness, they will turn their bed of languish around they shall live and shall not die and all nations will call them blessed.”

Sid: So you were ready for surgery on this malignant tumor but before the surgeon who’s Jewish and not a believer in Jesus is allowed to operate on you you say to her “You can’t operate on me unless you read this scripture.” And the surgeon had already remarked and your doctor had said “Boy you don’t seem to have any fear.”  So what did the surgeon do?

Joan: Well she promised me that she would read the scripture and Isaiah 53.

Bob: It was like 1 – 15.  There was a lot of them it was all of Isaiah 53.

Joan: Or 1 – 12 I forget how many now but any way she promised she would read it and she did.  And come to find out in fact this wonderful surgeon her people in her office were Christians they had been Jewish and they had been born again.  And they had been praying for her for 10 years.  And every time they would mention the Bible she would just refuse to talk to them. After she operated on me with …after I’ll tell you but she called them up and she said “I know I’ve never listened to you before but this woman has made a believer out of me and I am now reading the Bible.”  And it was so incredible because of the fate that she had seen. And I believe God opened her spiritual eyes when she read Isaiah 53. But after she operated that took out the tumor. And the following week I went back and they took out the stitches. And at that time her 2 assistants were there and she had to go out of town. And they after I got dressed they kind of closed in on me and I said “What’s the matter why are you doing that?” And they said I said “Well I had cancer you took them out you took them out and now it’s over right?” They said “Well we didn’t get it all we didn’t get a clear margin we believe that the cancer is in your bones, your liver your lungs and your lymph nodes we have to do a mastectomy.  I said “Excuse me? Do you know who I am?” And they said “Yeah.”  I said “I’m a child of God I have a healing ministry I pray for people I tithe my money, this can’t be true.” And they said “Well, regardless you have cancer and we believe it’s spread all over your body.”  And we want to do a mastectomy.  And I said “When? They said “Next week.”  I said “I’m very sorry I can’t do it next week my husband and I are going with the Benny Hinn to California to going to pray over people that don’t know that Jesus Christ heals today so we’re going to pray over real sick people.”  So they already knew I was nuts so they said “Okay” you know and I said “Make it for the following week if that’s what you have to do that’s what we’ll do.” We got on a plane we went out to California we told everybody there and the workers went back and they told Benny Hinn that I had cancer very bad.”  And so they called me back in the back room of the arena and Bobby and I went back there.” And Benny got off the couch and started walking towards me and he said “Oh Joanie, Joanie, Joanie” And at that he was about 5’ away from me and all of a sudden the power of God came through that building and slammed my body right to the floor nobody touched me.  And when they picked me up I said “Benny God has healed me He’s touched me and I’m scheduled for a mastectomy next Monday a week away what am I going to do?” He said “Joan I’m only a man that brings everybody together to worship the Lord, God will speak to you to give you peace on what to do.” We came home from California; a number of things took place in the next couple of days that which we won’t have time to go into. Anyway on Thursday morning prior to the operation I had total peace, total peace, I had absolutely no fear.  The surgeon called me up and said “Come down to my office.” We went down to her office, she said “Joan I’m a cancer specialist I am a breast specialist that’s all I do, I know my work.”  She says I went inside your breast and I took out a tumor very very very large and the size of that tumor we didn’t get a clear margin.  Everything that pointed to I really believed that was in your bones your livers, your lungs.  We just got the reports back early this morning it is not in your bones, your liver your lungs and we do not have to do a mastectomy but we do want to re-operate to get…I’ve got to get in there and get a fair margin for my own satisfaction and take out your lymph nodes.  I said “You do whatever you want to do because I’m a child of God and I’m not going any place because God has a plan for me, He has a purpose for me just like every single person on this earth God has a purpose for their life if they’ll just get rid of fear, keep their eyes on Jesus God will get them through whatever attack He’ll get them through.” Long story short I went in on Monday singing as they were taking me into the operating room singing Jesus loves me. In the operating room I was…scriptures were pouring out of my mouth finally got them all laughing those cancer operations.  They said “Shut up and put her out she’s driving us nuts.” A little nurse in the corner is saying “Preach it sister preach it.” Well after 5½ hours of going inside my breast she told my husband she couldn’t find a drop of cancer in there they didn’t know what happened to that margin that wasn’t clear.  They took out 15 lympth nodes under my arm and they said there was cancer in one and she said to me but that’s like a general factor.  I said “No, no Doc you know what that was there for?” I said “You were right it was in my bones, my liver, my lymph nodes but I said “But my God, my Jesus, my Father in heaven He touched me and healed me and He took it but He left it in one lymph node that you could truly see you’re a good doctor you know what you’re doing.  I said He just wanted you to know He’s real looking for your good work to do.

Sid: Joan you said that everyone, you started out almost prophesying you said everyone has a purpose. What is your purpose Joan and Bob Nast?

Joan: Our purpose is to bring joy and happiness to the brokenhearted people, and children with cancer, and dreadful disease AIDS. But more than that if we expect miracles God gave us a vision that we saw wheelchairs and stretchers and 100’s of people coming on to this property and God miraculously touching and healing and saving.

Sid: But as children…

Joan: Yes.

Sid: Tell me about the one particular little boy that had cancer in his bone marrow and had 1% chance of survival very quickly.

Bob: This little boy Christopher he came as because he was invited by another family who their daughter has bone marrow cancer and asked if it was okay if he came.  And we said of course we’re open for all the sick children. So these people came and they were a little skeptic at first but they could feel the love that was here. And they looked around and they said “Do you do this a lot?” And we say “Yeah.” And you know we made them feel comfortable and we were talking to Christopher and talking to the parents and Joanie was talking to the parents and I found out that they were Catholic and they lived in Tampa.  And they told us about the oncology report that he only had 1% chance of survival.  Well 2 days before that God had spoken to me and my wife and my daughter at different times and said “Now is the time I’m releasing you to pray over the children.” Because we never had prayed over the children before, I won’t say that we never have but we never made it available to everybody.  So God released us to pray for him we were so excited because we were waiting for that.  So we said to little Christopher said to the parents we said “Would you mind if we prayed over your son?” And they said “No, not at all.” So we got our people around him and we prayed over him and all of a sudden as we prayed over him he started shaking going to convulsions and the parents looked like shocked and said “What’s going on?” And my wife says Joan says “God is touching him, I believe that God is touching your son and we want to know because we call it a praise report when you hear a good report back.”  Well what happened they left and 3 weeks later or 2 weeks later we got a thing on our computer a praise report praise report. Well they said “Do you remember little Christopher we were there such and such a time and they began to tell us that they took him to Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute it was the last resort that they knew to go.  They took them they’re and said “What can we do about our son?” And they said “Before we can do anything we have to do tests.” Well they took every test imaginable at Sloan Kettering Hospital and they could not find one bit of cancer in that little boy.

Sid: Well praise God and that’s not the only story but we’re out of time but we’re making the book available for you it’s a booklet “Who Cares For Orphans, Widows, the Oppressed God Does Do We?” It’s a book that’s going to change your life by Dr. Derrick Prince.

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Written by sidroth

November 3rd, 2016 at 10:47 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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