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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dave Roberson

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Sid: Do you see what’s going on in the world Mishpochah you read end time Bible prophesies you hear about so many Jewish people now turning to Jesus you see what’s going on in the nation of Israel. I mean we are in as the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis say the footsteps of the Messiah. They’re right they just don’t know that His name is Jesus.  And to who much is given much is required.  There is a tremendous tremendous call of God on your life but will you achieve your destiny. Is there a ceiling over you that you’ve been in a rut for so long you don’t know how to stop it you know that you want to stop it but you know that you just don’t know what to do to stop it. And I’ve asked my friend Dave Roberson who’s pastor of the Prayer Center Family in Tulsa, Oklahoma to teach a bit about his series his 4 cassette series it’s called “Removing the Ceiling” subtitled “The Cost of Exultation.”  Dave on yesterday’s broadcast we found out that you were really sabotaged as a child your mother was an alcoholic, your father ended up in prison, she had many men living with her and you were looking for a father image and the best you had was a grandfather who actually helped you out a lot but by the same token said “You’ll never amount to anything” and was cursing you.  Had you just found the Lord and just been Spirit filled and went to a church every Sunday the rest of your life and went to Sunday school and lived like the world the rest of your life you wouldn’t even come close to fulfilling your destiny.  But that’s what most Christian’s think Christianity is go to church on Sunday and be a good person and have your life insurance policy.

Dave: Well Sid when God brought me out what we were talking about yesterday He brought me out through edification and praying in tongues. And this is such an incredible gift such an incredible gift because God has sent this supernatural language all the way from heaven and He literally transfers it to our spirit. 1st Corinthian’s 14:14 says “If I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth which is my human spirit.  And for it to be my human spirit the Holy Spirit literally transfers that language to our spirit so that in reality it’s us who’s doing the praying. Because He is the head and we’re the church and where His church is that’s where He has authority.” And so He is literally borrowing my authority and then God the Holy Spirit is formulating this perfect prayer on my behalf and He’s asking me to cooperate by yielding over and letting Him speak the thoughts of God His plan for my life, the mysteries of the understandings of Christ. And this is what began to build my up out of that. I was so intimidated, I was intimidated by father figures that He traded all of those weaknesses for His strength.  And each time that He would build me up above one of those strongholds in my life I can remember how it happened.  I would pray in tongues and medicate His word and He would build me up above it.  And as soon as He built me up above it I was stronger than it was.  Then I would get to get a look at it through God’s eyes and I would see how pathetic it was, how destroyed my life was, how hurt I was. And I would see it through God’s eyes and sometimes seeing it through His eyes would make me weep and I entered into crying and I’d cry and I’d want to be free. And I’d found out that that was a kind of intercession. And God said “Good” He said to me one day He said “Good” He moved on my spirit and showed me. He says “When that had a hold of you and you didn’t care or you didn’t know how to be free what did I have to work with? But when I was able through praying in tongues able to edify you and build you above it then then you saw it through My eyes and you hated it as much as I did and that’s where I got the faith from you to set you free.  So just before we went off yesterday on the program we was talking about a church that was not far from you and that they actually don’t permit speaking in tongues in the main assembly.

Sid: Because they don’t want anything divisive and you know what they are winning people to the Lord, they’re bursting at the seams they’re doing something right.

Dave: Yes, well at that I was talking about my associate Tim Stemple and he managed Rex Humbard and Rex Humbard was the largest ministry in the world.  And about 12 years ago he came aboard with me and God was just really teaching me then that praying in tongues he pulls down the strong holds and begins to really set yourself free. So we and Tim literally died of the worst things in our life together. He began to pray in tongues and fast and we did these things together.  And Tim has the most incredible government gift and myself my soul is so trained I could yield in any area. Just by nature you know people say I’ve got a wit that I’m funny you know I just get real funny and get on a role I can use that, I can use humor to teach with.  I can teach on anything it doesn’t make any difference to me I can transform to anything the crowd wants me to be I mean I can win souls with it even.  It’s almost like a president who will die or he will buy an agency of some kind that will find out what the public wants and then they can make him into that public relations.  Well I can find out the temperature of a crowd, I can find out what they want they want. And believe me Sid I know how to give them what they want.  And Tim is the best government guest probably in the world and he can organize into existence anything you want to organize. Having a large church like that is not difficult you have to find out how much of God do the people want and we’re not going to go any further out of the flesh and you just stop on that line.

Sid: For instance you must end by noon or you’ll have a church spit

Dave: Yes Sir a user friendly.

Sid: Or half of them will walk out (Laughing.)

Dave: You’ve got to find out these things so I at one point in the walk that I was walking for revival here in Tulsa.  At one point I thought “It seems like everything you teach is slowing me down at this point I can do all of these things and get a crowd why don’t you let Me do this?” And He said “Because He said You would get hungry again because you can’t stay away from prayer and when you would get hungry you would start walking in the principals I taught you again then you’d start teaching the crowd and you would go right back where you are now and it wouldn’t be Me building your ministry it would be you building it.” And He said He gave me a promise He said “You walk with me and I build your ministry, He said not you building it I’ll build it and He said there will be no stopping place that it absolutely will be no stopping place in what I can do to someone who will give themselves completely to Me.”  And Sid we’re after Tulsa, we have people here every night praying in tongues and speaking the word of God over the city every night.  He showed me that if He lets…if I if I let Him loose in my life and let Him do what He can do as God the anointing after anointing that He’s going to bring us to and has brought us to that He will do more in 5 years and these years to come than He has done in my entire life in just a 5 year period.   So yes I know how to do all of those things but I also know about taking a city and I know about revival and I know what brings it. And I often refer to things this way I can raise money Sid I’ve been flowing into meetings specifically for raising money because I developed I trained my soul so good I could do it with or without God.  And people flew me in to do those things, I know how to do all of those things. When I started praying in tongues everything that was not of God He started killing in me.  And everything that was of Him that’s what He left and began to build.  And right now Sid I can tell you (Laughing) with where I’ve come from in my life peace is becoming the stronger and stronger reward.  And the love that He’s giving me for people I’m ready to breakdown and cry right here I did not know that it could be this way. And I can promise all of you that are listening that you get these tapes and you begin to walk this walk.  You begin to take those times of praying in tongues and letting Him edify you and begin that change in you.  I can promise you if you stay faithful for just about 1 hour a day I can promise you that a process of change from edification will begin in your life that will ending up changing those strongholds, destroying those ceilings that’s over your life making one year like the next until death came to pass until a generation is gone, till all is ended your life is gone and you hardly known what you’ve had done to do.  But I can guarantee you it will all start 30 minutes to just an hour a day just letting Him edify you and begin to build you up on your most holy God kind of faith.

Sid: And what does the average household watch of television per day? All you have to do is take l of those 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 hours whatever it is and pray in unknown tongues.

Dave: (Laughing)

Sid: And what a difference.  Do you realize what would happen in America if just the people listening to us right now were to do that?

Dave: Oh my.

Sid: One hour a day.

Dave: Oh my.

Sid: But you have an anointing when you teach on this subject and what I find is that the more I listen to you the more I desire to pray in unknown tongues.

Dave: (Laughing) I’m so glad.  Although I can say this and I think I said this before but I can’t just help it. The day you decide to pray l hour in tongues is the day that you walk into the class room of the Holy Spirit. That fine dressed gentleman at the chalkboard is non-other than the Holy Spirit Himself.  And because of that medium of tongues between Him and you what He knows He’s about to teach you.

Sid: Mishpochah you want to have hours of teaching by Dave…

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Written by sidroth

November 17th, 2016 at 11:11 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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