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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Sandra Kennedy

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be healed to be whole.  And I don’t know a better person to be talking about that than my guest the Director of Whole Life Ministries in Augusta, Georgia Sandra Kennedy. And on yesterday’s broadcast Sandra we were talking about the book that we’re making available this week “Preparation for a move of God” which God told you to write.  Tell me about the move of God that’s coming on planet earth.

Sandra: I believe Sid that we are absolutely sitting on just the very edge of a tremendous outpouring of the presence of God and I believe that people need to get ready for it.  I believe that you need to check yourself out so to speak.  You know I asked the question if Jesus is the Son of God and if He is how does it affect your life?  In other words if Jesus really is the Son of God and you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior has it affected your life in such an extent that anybody watching or seeing you can see that God has done a tremendous thing in your life and they want what you have?  Now that is the key. I believe that if we were to begin to look at ourselves and make sure that we are not playing church but that we are being the church.

Sid: What I find is that most people that go to church act one way and then when they get around their friends that are not Christians they just blend in.

Sandra: Right, right and they…and my question is did they have a real encounter with God? I mean that would be my question.  Sid I’ll throw this out real fast; I was a graduate of Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary I taught in their churches, I was Youth Director and taught on the state level for them working in youth and working for them and I was not saved.

Sid: Hm.

Sandra: Now I thought I was meaning I thought I was.  But I had an encounter with God that transformed my life and God later spoke to me and told me that my salvation actually took place after I had led many people to the Lord. People say “How could you have done that?” Because the word of the Lord does not return to Him void.

Sid: Did you as a young child walk down the altar and say a prayer?

Sandra: Yes I did but my life was not changed and that’s the key my life was not changed.  I was battling areas in my life I was up and down like a yoyo and I didn’t like me I didn’t like Christians.  I didn’t like what I saw in their life they were to me just a bunch of hypocrites and don’t misunderstand me I was a hypocrite myself.  And I was miserable in my walk with God.  But when I had a real encounter with Him I mean an encounter that transformed my life and I was willing to move me out of the way and let Him have me and give myself over to Him and let Him be Lord of my life a peace came to that I’ve never known before in my life. A joy came to me that no one could ever take from me. I quit this yoyo type living and I began to be steady in my walk with Him. It didn’t mean I didn’t have problems and didn’t have some up and downs but on a whole my life was changed and transformed and I became hungry for the things of God.  I wanted to know Him and I’m excited about what He was doing.  I think being a Christian is one of the most exciting things on the face of this earth.

Sid: So what should someone do when they walked down the aisle when they were 11 years old in a Baptist church and they believe intellectually but they’ve never experientially met the Lord? They like for instance I understand that your sanctuary which I haven’t been to yet but I will shortly when people walk in and there is not even a service going on there’s a tangible presence of God’s Spirit. They’ve never experienced anything like this what should they do?

Sandra: I think first of all that people need to stop and take inventory of their life. I think that they need to look and see we know if we are playing church.  We know if we are acting religious acting the role we carry our Bibles without reading our Bibles.  We do not have… God is not real to us He seems to be far away.  I think the first thing to do is to get honest and admit those kinds of things.  And then begin to cry out for an experience with God and willing for Him to come in and transform our life. The Bible says “Those that diligently seek Him find Him.”  See the whole crux of the matter is coming back to this word of God. God’s word is truth and do we believe it or do we not believe it. He said “If you seek Him you’ll find Him.”  He said “If you come to Him He will not reject you or cast you away.”  Now you have to come to Him in faith for we come asking God into our life God is faithful but then we have to walk away from the things in our pass.  We have to do an about face, we have to do an about face and turn away from that which had a hold of us. And when I teach people… when I was talking in the first part of the week Sid I talked about that when God visited me and He talked about growing up the Body of Christ teaching them victory. I teach a very very victorious message.  I mean it’s very victorious message I teach you how to overcome, how to conquer, how to rule how to reign. How to head not the tail and my intent is to make God so real to you that He becomes such a vital part of your life that I mean you’re just consumed by Him you just fall in love with Him.

Sid: Sandra there’s someone listening to us right now and they’ve gotten a death sentence from the doctor they have an incurable illness encourage them right now.

Sandra: Well if they have faith to believe God to save them you get healed exactly like you get saved.  You got saved because you believed the Bible somebody told you about Jesus and you believed it you believed that He did.  That You asked Him save you that He that He would do it. And listen you believed that before you ever are saved and you confess it before you’re saved. You confess with your mouth “Thank You Lord for saving me.” You aren’t saved until you do it healing is the same way you find in the Bible confess His word and healed me.” By the stripes of Jesus you were healed pass tense were healed not trying to get healed were healed.  And you move into the mode “I thank You for healing me, I praise You for healing me, I thank You for healing me. You are greater than cancer I come against cancer, I come against it in the name of Jesus” and you begin to confess over your life what God’s word says about your life.  God says you’re healed, God said you’re saved, God said that He sent His word to heal you, God said He already done this for you. And you begin to say “Oh I understand the report I know the report but there’s a greater report I will receive the report of the Lord.” And you just let God be big and you say God you said in your book that “By Your stripes, by the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” You quit talking the negative and you think about you dwell on the word of God and believe what God has said.  The Bible said that God’s word is medicine so every single day you take a dose of medicine.

Sid: Do you?

Sandra: Yes every day of my life.

Sid: With as much as you know and as many years as you’ve been in the word on healing you still have to do it every day?

Sandra: I listen to a tape on healing every day of my life.

Sid: What would happen if you did not?

Sandra: Well there are times when I haven’t I mean…

Sid: I mean why are you doing this why are you doing it every day?

Sandra: To build my faith. Well there’s some days I can’t do it because my schedules but on a whole my intent is to listen to one every day.

Sid: You know what I love about you Sandra is that you are being really honest. A lot of people that teach faith and teach healing they just tell the good things they don’t tell the bad things but you’re really being transparent.

Sandra: Well it’s because I…you know Jesus is so wonderful I don’t mind being transparent I mean He works anyway.

Sid: You know I’m reminded when all you knew was one scripture the Lord revealed.  Your mother was dying from cancer and the Lord said the portion of the Lord’s prayer is all you need.  Would you…I believe if you will pray this over people right now that that’s so real to you you saw your mother healed of cancer from that one line of scripture. I believe that many people with neck aches right now have been healed. But as you begin to say that scripture Sandra I believe that many people will be healed.

Sandra: The Bible says in the Lord’s prayer “Our Father which art in heaven hallow it be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth (we’re on earth) will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And then He said to me “There is not sickness in heaven.” If people would but believe the word of God believing is the key believing God’s bigger than the problem, believe God’s bigger than the medical report. And begin to confess what God says about you fall in love with Him.  Go get your concordance and look at the scriptures about healing and look out and dwell on them.  Go to Proverbs 24:22 begin to look up those scriptures and mediate on the word of God and believe what the Bible says.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  If He did it one time, if He did it for my mother he’ll do it for you. God is in the healing business He is still in the healing business and He bore on Himself and He took the price for our healing.  Himself the Bible says in Matthew took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. He sent His word to healed them to preserve their life. All I want you to do is to begin to have hope and you come from home and something can be done about this.  I mean God is bigger than this I don’t have to accept this God is bigger and this will begin to accept the word and watch the word begin to work in your life and begin to fall in love with that word. And speak the word of God and make God big and powerful and mighty in your life He’s so wonderful, He really is!

Sid: I believe that if you’ll pray right now very quickly people will be healed.

Sandra: Father in the name of Jesus we come against that which has come against my brother and sisters in Christ. We curse to the root cancer, we come against sickness and father in the name of Jesus Father I ask Father that they will reach and grab hold of the word of God and believe for healing today. We call them healed be healed in the name of Jesus we release healing in your body in Jesus name.

Sid: And now do something that you could not do before if that’s possible by faith and action because if you’ve been healed then act like you’ve been healed in Jesus name.

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Written by sidroth

December 1st, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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