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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Ira Kellman

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Sid: My guest I’ll introduce you to in a moment if any one’s ever been red hot for Jesus it’s him. Because he got hit with a 125 million volts of electricity he literally got struck down with lightning we’ll get to that in a moment.  Probably the most red hot man I’ve ever heard of is a man by the name of Smith Wigglesworth. I mean among other things there are at least 14 verified cases of people being dead that were raised from the dead under his ministry. And I have a brand new book and this book is based on 37 unpublished manuscripts but there are a couple testimonies I want to read to you so you get a feel for the potential within all of us. And Wigglesworth prophesied that there was a generation coming up of people that will be walking in this miraculous power and based on other prophesies that he’s had I believe the generation that he’s talking about is right now.  Listen:

While staying in a home of a pastor of a church of England Wigglesworth and the pastor were sitting together talking after supper. No doubt the subject of the conversation was that the fellow had no legs. And artificial limbs in those days were unlike the sophisticated limbs of today. Wigglesworth said to the man suddenly which he often did with cases like this “Go and get a pair of new shoes in the morning.” (How would you like to be the man and a prophet says to you, you have no legs and a prophet says to you “Go get a new pair of new shoes in the morning”). 

Well the fellow thought it was some kind of a joke, however after Wigglesworth and the pastor had retired to the respective rooms for the night God said to the pastor “Do as my servant had said.” There was no more sleep for the man that night he rose up early went downtown and stood awaiting for the shoe shop to open. The manager eventually arrived and opened the shop for business. The pastor went in sat down presently. The assistant came in and said “Good morning Sir can I help you?”  The man said “Yes would you get me a pair of shoes please.”  “Yes sir size and color.” The pastor hesitated the assistant saw his condition and said “Sorry Sir we can’t help you.”  “It’s alright young man but I do want a pair of shoes size 8 color black.” This is the way to get the requested shoes.  A few minutes later he returned and handed them to the man. The man put one stump into a shoe and instantly a foot and a leg formed and then the same thing happened with the other leg. He walked out of that shop and not only with a new pair of shoes but also with a new pair of legs. Wigglesworth was not surprised he expected the result.  He had often made remarks like this as far as God is concerned there is no difference in forming a limb and healing a broken bone. 

Well this book reveals secrets from Wigglesworth a generation that will see creative miracles like this. And I believe that’s you and that’s I and that is Ira Kellman. Ira is a Jewish believer in Jesus he comes from a reformed Jewish background and he really had a good job he was a junior executive with MGM.  His job was reviewing movies a year and now he was a jetsetter type and what was life like Ira?

Ira: Well I was taking a lot of drugs and marijuana, LSD you know and pills all sorts of pills running around with Movie Stars and rock stars and at world premieres you know traveling to Europe and thought you were having a lot of fun. And just now living the so to say the highlife there and the jet set scene life.

Sid: What was your religious background?

Ira: Well I grew up in a Jewish reformed home but when I got Bar Mitzvah Sid I gave my Bible to my mother. I never read the Bible never talked about God and never went back to synagogue, never went back to temple. I didn’t know anybody that knew God so I was totally out there without knowing anything.

Sid: Now one night and things weren’t going so terrific even the drug seemed to be getting you high and fulfilling anymore. And one night you were watching…why were you watching Samson and Delilah?

Ira: Oh I love the Old Testament movies and I love the Ten Commandments and I still love the Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston I still love Samson and Delilah. I just had this thing in me for Old Testament movies, also I love movies. So I’m watching Samson and Delilah and I decided not to go to the disco tech that night and spend the night with my friends and taking drugs and I was getting really disillusioned with drugs and this and that. And I knew a lot of people a lot of wealthy people, a lot of famous people but nobody was happy you know. And while I was watching this movie I start thinking about the story rabbis were telling me while I was in Hebrew school.  And I said why am I thinking about those stories now? And Samson was tied up with the Philistines and they were taking him to their city and they was mock and scourge him and kill him they fought.  When it come to the rest of the Valley of Lehigh and Sampson prayed to God of Abraham and Jacob and the cords just break off of him and he starts killing 1000 men. Well by God’s grace God and I didn’t know it was God’s grace God’s power His presence came into my bedroom and the whole room was full of power and I didn’t understand.

Sid: Had you ever experienced anything like that before?

Ira: No I’d never never.

Sid: Help me understand, what do you mean the whole room was full of power explain?

Ira: Well when I walk in the room I could feel power all over the place like I move my hands around in the air I can feel it. You know I can feel it it’s like it’s thick.

Sid: Hm.

Ira: And there was a very unusual experience.

Sid: Were you afraid? We’re you what was going on inside of you?

Ira: Well there was a little fear going on because I never experienced anything.  But I wasn’t too afraid I knew I wouldn’t get harmed.  I was bewildered I believe that’s probably the best word I could use I was bewildered.  But I ran upstairs I got my Bible and my mother said “What do you want your Bible for?”  I said “Never mind.” And I kept on this and I gave it to her and I never read it again and she doesn’t read it and my father doesn’t read it I didn’t know any Jewish people that read the Bible.

Sid: So why did you want to read it all of a sudden?

Ira: Excuse me?

Sid: Why did you want to read it all of a sudden?

Ira: Well when this thing happened this presence came into my bedroom it just came into my heart “Go get your Bible.” And sometimes you do things you don’t know why you’re doing it.

Sid: Okay so you get your Bible what happened next?

Ira: And I go downstairs and I open my Bible and I don’t know whose what in there I don’t know any books I don’t know anything (Laughing). And I open my Bible and say “God I don’t know if You are but if You are I’m going to find You.” Well how do you find God? I don’t know how to find God. And I started reading the Psalms and started reading different stories in Genesis and after many many months and finding many truths in the scriptures I came to believe and I put my faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I believed that He was real.

Sid: But before that you were in between the Samson and the Delilah and the presence of the Lord come into the room and you started to read the Old Testament you had a few amazing supernatural things happen tell me about them.

Ira: Well one day I was living on a farm in Upstate New York and I went outside early in the morning and I went out to talk to the Lord. All of a sudden I just heard the whole heavens play to as an orchestra.  And it was even light yet it was still dark and the stars were just you know shining bring all over the place. And I thought “Wow that is really neat” and it just played for a couple of minutes I guess it was just totally amazing. And I believe God was trying to bring me closer to Him and show me more of His majesty and more of His power and more of His glory. And I don’t understand I don’t know anything about the supernatural but that was supernatural and God gave me another supernatural experience there.  And I was listening to different radio shows and then I was hearing about Jesus and right before I was about to get saved I felt this power trying to strangle me and all I could say was “Jesus!” And I was sleeping and it was a gray, gray, gray day out and all of a sudden this beam of light went through this cloud went through the window and I saw this beam of light went through my heart. And had total peace and that feeling that strangulation that force stopped doing what it wanted to do to me.

Sid: So you really linked that there was power in the name of Jesus.

Ira: And I didn’t even know it all I could do is yell out Jesus because I’m hearing about Jesus on the radio and I don’t even know anything. I’m not saved yet I don’t even have faith about Jesus. But listening and having a hungry heart and listening for weeks and months hearing about Jesus and sometimes it just come out of my heart. Sometimes words just come out of us supernaturally you know saved and not saved and by God’s grace He gives us words, He gives us situations in our lives to protect us to lead us to guide us you know.

Sid: And so a little over a year goes by almost a year and half in 1971and what was the circumstance that caused you to cross over that line and say “I believe that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah?”

Ira: Well I was listening to different radio shows and I didn’t know should I say New Testament terminology and I said to God but I believe that God is form me.  And I said “God my mother knows me as her son and if Jesus is Your Son like all of these people that I don’t know who they are they are talking on the radio. I didn’t know who they are but if Jesus is You Son give me this revelation, give me this understanding I want to know that Jesus is Your Son the Messiah the Savior of the world.”  Just a simple question we don’t have to get deep and complex with God He’ll answer the simple things and then He’ll show us the profound.  And so a couple of days later I was with somebody who was…I was listening to somebody between 12 and 12:30 at night and I had my Bible out the Old Testament and I was just reading in Genesis and all of a sudden this light went on in me you know this realization “Oh my God Jesus is the Messiah!”  And the man gave the alter call over the radio and Sid I was born again over the radio through somebody’s prayer for me to receive the Messiah over the radio.

Sid: Ira we’re out of time but I believe over the radio people are going to receive the Messiah this week and they are going to walk into that same manifest presence of God they’re going to go into.  It’s literally going to go right out of your radio this week.

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Written by sidroth

December 8th, 2016 at 1:14 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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