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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Herzog, Meyer and Walters

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I have three of what I consider the forerunners of the Glory of God that for years have been operating in the Glory. And I have asked them to team up together, and I believe there will be a synergy of release of miracles like we have never seen before in this show, now! Now my first guest David Herzog carries the ability to release the Glory of God and for miracles to take place. And as a matter of fact, I guess I’d have to say some of the wildest miracles that I’ve ever seen with my own eyes have taken place in the Glory that you release. But for starters, David, how would you, what is the Glory?


DAVID: The Glory is like if you went to Heaven, what would you be sensing, feeling, seeing? It’s the total manifest presence of God, Heaven on Earth. It’s the highest you can get in God.


SID: Tell us a few of things that you have seen take place in the Glory.


DAVID: It’s like if you went to Heaven right now, and even if you had a cancer you immediately would be healed because of the Glory.


SID: Of course.


DAVID: So when that Glory comes here we see amazing things. Even in Heaven, I believe if you’re bald, you’d probably have hair when you’re back up in Heaven.


SID: I’m going.


DAVID: We’ve seen bald heads growing hair because God is a creator. We’ve seen tattoos disappear off people. Recently in Jerusalem we had people growing taller.


SID: I can attest. I was at one of David’s meetings. There was a woman with grey hair, beautiful grey hair, seated right in front of me, and while I’m watching, it turns brown. I’m serious.


SID: A number of years ago you were what most young believers would be ecstatic over. He’s in France, he’s having revival meetings, he’s having signs and miracles happen, but there was kind of a discontent. What was going on inside of you?


DAVID: Well I had a six-month revival breakout in Paris, France, in 1998, but I felt like it was good. It was mostly anointing, and God was healing and delivering. But I felt there was another dimension of God’s Glory that I just didn’t have. I was preaching. I’d feel okay after. I just, that feeling like there’s got to be more. I’d read the Bible of Peter’s shadow healing the sick, the Glory cloud that Moses saw. So I feel like I’m not seeing that. I’m seeing some things, and I realize I was seeing a little bit of Acts, Chapter 2, but you know, they went out and healed the sick, but Acts 4, a whole different thing. And suddenly, I just started seeking his face. I quit meetings, I quit speaking, I pulled out of the revival. I was so hungry, which sounds crazy, and I knew there was more. And after a few months of seeking God, something new came and a whole new revival in my own life happened of the Glory and that just changed our whole ministry.


SID: You went to a meeting of a friend of mine who’s now in Heaven. Her name was Ruth Heflin. What happened at that meeting?


DAVID: Ruth Heflin was an amazing woman of God. I had heard about her, I had read her books. In fact, reading her books convinced me to pull out of the revival to see God. And after it was over, the six months, she invites me to come to her camp. So I was just through, to attend, so I went to attend. I was excited to go. I needed something new. And I get there, and she says, “You’re speaking tonight.” And I said, “No I’m not. I don’t want to hear myself speak. I want something fresh.” “I’m a prophetess,” she said. “You’re speaking tonight.” I go, “No I’m not.” She goes, “Yes you are.” And she had that laugh, ha, ha, that laugh she had. And so I thought, all right, that’s not what I came for. So I got up, okay, I’m going to preach, and she sits there like she always did, and she knew, and she saw the angels, and the Glory hit me. I sang my sermon. I don’t do that. I went, [singing] Arise and shine for the light. [speaking] I thought, what is going on here? I was looking at myself going, what are you doing? I was completely wasted. For two hours I sang the whole Isaiah 60-61, signs and wonders started falling, gold teeth, gold dust, miracles. There were tumors disappearing, there were healings, deliverances, and I had gold all over me. And I said, what is going on? But it wasn’t about the signs. I got back to my room and I felt like I had died and gone to Heaven. The Glory was so thick. And I thought maybe tomorrow it will lift. It never lifted. Three days, a week, a month, it was like I got saved again. It was like, wow, every day, it was just like, oh you’re here. It had nothing to do with ministry anymore. I was in a whole new experience with God I didn’t even know existed. I thought I knew the Anointing, you read, you preach, you pray, you read your Bible, you do your thing. It was a whole different thing. It was a new lifestyle with God. I didn’t care anymore about if I preached or I ministered or I didn’t, if I was known or unknown. I didn’t care about anything. I just wanted to keep that presence close to me.


SID: If someone isn’t and they’re being honest, they say I love God, but I’m not desperate, what do we do?


DAVID: What you do is you say, God, help me in my not being desperate, kind of like Thomas said, “You know, I have unbelief.” Okay, help me in my unbelief. So if you’re being honest, God, I want to be more hungry. And there’s times in my life where I wasn’t as hungry as I should be and I’d see others, and I’d say, “God, make me desperate like that person.” And I would get hungry again. So ask and ye shall receive.


SID: And you know what, you had the impartation, you have the prayer. Would you look in the camera and lead people in that prayer. I’m going to say it right along with you right now.


DAVID: I’ll do it right now. So if you’re watching right now and you’re desperate, you’re like, that’s me, I want more of God. I want the Glory or I want to be desperate, I don’t know how to be, just pray right now. You can close your eyes, lift your hands. And I just pray right now for those watching all over the world that are desperate for God, whether you’re a believer or unbeliever, a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, European, African, doesn’t matter what you are, what you believe, I pray the desperateness for God and for his Glory to come on you right now in Jesus’ name. I pray the presence, the Kabod, the Glory, the weightiness of God will come upon you in Yeshua’s name and the hunger would come. You would be so desperate and hungry for God, and that will start to attract the Glory of God in your life right now in Jesus’ name.


SID: Okay. Kathie Walters recently saw a vision that is for everyone. That means you.

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Written by sidroth

July 2nd, 2017 at 4:58 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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