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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Herzog, Meyer and Walters

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SID: Kathie, you were doing some special recording for us a few weeks ago and God spoke to you. What did he show you?


KATHIE: The Glory is for everybody. It’s not just going to be for a few people on a platform, but the whole body, everybody is going to be operating in the Glory realm, in the supernatural and with the angels.


SID: What I’m hearing you say, people that are just spectators will start praying for friends and miracles of the magnitude you see on television will be happening to your next door neighbor.




SID: So let me tell you about my friend Kathie. She doesn’t look it, but she ran off away from a nice Jewish guy in England, David, wanted to marry her. She runs off to Australia, gets involved with the Mafia. I mean, if she does it, she does it all the way. Gets involved with the Mafia and then has a radical encounter with God, and now she’s going to get killed because she’s going to leave the Mafia. But somehow she gets out, she marries David and she bumps into, I think this is fabulous, a real move of God’s Spirit. What happened?


KATHIE: Well we were in our very theological church. When I came back that’s where we were and we were theologized up to here. Suddenly, someone showed up that was filled with the Holy Spirit, and suddenly we ran smack into the Glory of God. We knew nothing. When we started to have meetings we didn’t know how to have a meeting. Everybody got filled with the Holy Spirit. People were coming from miles, from all over. We didn’t know what to do with them. Somebody said we should pray for them. We said, well what should we pray? And he said pray for them to prophesy. And we said, what’s tha? So anyway, we came into a tremendous move of the Glory of God. Why it was so awesome, I believe it’s because God used everybody.


SID: And you said that it took a while sitting in the Glory, but you lost your religious mindset. Explain that.


KATHIE: Yes. Well God, see, we were full of theology and God washed our minds probably for three years. We probably laughed for three years, actually, and he just washed our minds.


SID: Now by the way, natural medicine tells you that if you have cancer, if you see comedy shows and laugh it releases something in your body that heals. But they could have just looked at God’s Word, which says, “A merry heart is good medicine.”


KATHIE: Yes. But I think also the laughter is not just is good for you, the laughter actually is a warfare weapon because God looks at his enemies and what happens when the laughter comes is your spirit begins to pick up on a victory that’s happening in the Spirit realm, and then the laughter comes and brings it. Sometimes the angels play with you. You know, they push you around a little bit to make you lighten up. They want you to lighten up because heavy is not, the Holy Spirit is not heavy. If you want to live and be in the Spirit realm, you want to lose the heaviness because if it’s heavy it means it’s you. It actually says, “My yoke is easy, my burden is light and delightful.” It actually says “light and delightful” if you read it in the Greek. So his yoke is easy, his burden is light and delightful because he puts his desires in your heart. The religious spirit always makes you try and do something God has already done. He tries to make you own something Jesus already paid for. He already paid for everything, but the religious spirit always tries to make you qualify. But he’s already done it. He already paid everything. There’s nothing you can ask for that he hasn’t already paid for. What we have to do is receive it, embrace it and believe it. That’s it.


SID: You know what, as you’re speaking right now, Kathie, God is telling me that there are people that have pain in their fingers, and if you will move your fingers you’ll see that that pain is all gone. And Julie Meyer has been ushering people into the Glory of God for decades. Wait until you hear what God showed her about this particular program. She also has the best revelation I have ever heard for walking in God’s Glory. And I’m going to tell you, that one, she has a number, but that one is going to change your life. Be right back.

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Written by sidroth

July 9th, 2017 at 6:21 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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