Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Tom and Ginny Hauser

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SIDHello, Sid Roth, your investigative reporter here with Tom and Ginny Hauser. What happens when corporate America decides to through in the towel and go into ministry? Now Ginny, if someone had told you that you would be going to Brazil casting demons out of people, being a nice corporate wife, living the good life, husband making a quarter of a million dollars a year, never would you, would you?

GINNY:  Oh my goodness no.  No, I’m just a typical person.

SID:  Tom, did you believe that there were really demons?  The truth.

TOM:  Honestly no.  I knew that men were capable of evil, because you can see that, very rational. Someone had told me that the Lord was going to pull my shirttail out, mess up my hair, and mismatch my socks, and I got that word and said – But he’s done all of that and some. I used to think that the demons, the devil, the horns, all that was Hollywood stuff to sell movies…

SID:  Okay. I’m going to take you two to Brazil the first time you had an encounter with demons.  Tell me about it.

TOM:  That was really amazing.  We were with a ministry, Global Awakening, Randy Clark, and there was only thirteen, fourteen, of us on that trip, eleven of them are from out church and I’m supposed to be the pastor who knows everything.

SID:  Of course.

TOM:  Protect them, and we’re in a ministry meeting, the church is filled, we’re in a very poor section of Brazil, and there was a word given for those who were terminally ill. And Randy said I’m going to preach, the team needs to take the terminally ill to the back and pray for them. So we go back, and I’m telling you Sid, it was a sight; it was just a sad sight. There were many dying of aids, there were those in wheelchairs, it was a sad sight. My wife started – I was praying for a woman with aids, and my wife started to pray for a woman, her name was – Priscilla.

GINNY:  It was Priscilla.  I had interviewed her as we’re told to do and find out the details, and of course you are working through an interrupter.

SID:  Right.

GINNY:  So it takes a little time.  But I was finding that I was getting nowhere as far as praying for her, and it wasn’t happening, and the more questions I asked through the interrupter I found out that she had been involved in, had a family history of curses put on her, witchcraft, and this is prevalent in Brazil, it’s you know. So I said stay right here with the interrupter, I’ll go get my husband, he’s good at that stuff.  So I went and got TOM, he had finished praying for the other woman.

SID:  He’s the expert in demons; he doesn’t even believe they exist.

GINNY:  Yes, he’s the expert.  Well anyway, we together ministered to this woman named Priscilla, and she was, I’ll let Tom share, it was just really precious how – she had a deformed leg from a curse put on her, believe it.

SID:  How deformed was it?

GINNY:  She could not walk.

SID:  That’s deformed.

GINNY:  She could not walk without a huge limp, and you could see it was curved.

TOM:  The foot was ninety degrees out, at one year old, her father had made fun of a neighbor child who was crippled and in Brazil there is a group called the Mucumba witchcraft people, and he had a curse put on his family from what happened. At one year’s old this Priscilla’s foot turned out, she had nine surgeries. She came crippled, her back out of alignment, and when she started to tell us about this I said, okay. Well, I read the book, and the Bible talks about demonization. At that point my wife and I we went through our first deliverance with this woman, taking authority, not knowing well, we’d read a lot of key books at that time.

SID:  Now had you read this book at that time.

TOM:  Yes, yes.  Derek Prince.

SID:  I knew him personally and he said that when he was writing this book that he and his wife had had the toughest time. This is so valuable, it tells it all. But go ahead.

TOM:  So it was a pretty graphic deliverance for us. I won’t give you any details of it but you can imagine some of the Hollywood stuff, and I’m thinking wow. Every time I used the name of Jesus the demonic realm would respond, and they would have to listen and behave and go and leave. So at that point after about two hours of this graphic deliverance Priscilla turned to us through the translator and said, I believe I can walk. And with my wife on one side of her elbow, and me on the other, as she walked across the room, her ninety degree foot turned straight.

SID:  Really

GINNY:  Straightened out.

TOM:  Her back came into alignment…

SID:  could you actually see this?

GINNY:  You could see it.  It wasn’t complete at that time, but she definitely started walking with more strength, less of a limp, and she was filled with joy.

TOM:  I wondered why God – and here the engineer kicks in – why is there only five percent of this not complete God? The next night she shows up, and I’m like excited I got – I just saw this thing, you know the rational mind, so at that point I had her come and we prayed that the Holy spirit would finish the work. And Sid she, during the midst of worship, it was as if she had grabbed an electrical line, started shaking, she hit the ground, I pushed through the crowd, and her husband looked at me, he was very happy, because he had a crippled wife the night before…

SID:  Right.

TOM:   He doesn’t – they have a one-year-old child and they are worried

GINNY:  That she’s going to be cursed as well.

TOM:  And in the midst of that, I said to him, and I felt the spirit in me, and I didn’t know how to Portuguese, but I said this. Be healed in the name of Jesus. And right before my eyes her leg went completely straight. And he looked at me like, did you see that? That night the husband, Priscilla, and their one-year-old, finish the story honey, walked up to us. She gave us that…

GINNY:  Oh she gave us a letter, which I thought you would bring.   But anyway she signed it I love you, thank you so much, Priscilla. And he has it in one of his Bibles. We should have brought it, but it was such a precious testimony of the love of Jesus.

SID:  The two of you have ministered to a lot of people in deliverance, but you mention something called curses. What could some of the symptoms be, if people are viewing us right now have curses, what would some of the symptoms be?

TOM:  Torment, such that at night you are unbelievably tormented and lack of peace. Strongholds, where you are doing things you know you do not want to do but there just seems to be…

SID:  Compulsion.

TOM: Compulsion that I cannot stop. It can be drugs, it can be alcohol, it can be pornography. There is a place where you opened that door that it’s almost a place where you invite in a presence. No one wakes up and says I’m going to be a drug addict or an alcoholic, or I’m going to be someone who overeats, or I’m going to be in some bondage to pornography. But we have done ministry now in all of those cases and that stronghold gets a hold and invites that darkness in.

SID:  Tom could you pray for people and break the curses because I understand curses can go back four generations, break up to four generations of curses right now over people.

TOM:  I believe there is someone here tonight, you’ve tuned in, and I believe this is a divine appointment. It’s a point where you’ve come. I want to pray now this bondage that you’re in. In the name of Jesus we come and we take authority over all the curses, generational curses that have been placed upon you, that which has visited not by your choice. And then those who are stuck in bondages who have opened the door to sin, and you are now in a place where you cannot seem to get free, in the name of Jesus Christ, we break that authority off your life, we ask that you would come, and you’d run to the foot of Christ and you’d throw yourself at his feet and he will set you free.  In Jesus name.

GINNY:  It’s done in Jesus name.

SID:  Now you sound like you’re sure of that.

GINNY:  I’m sure of it because I’ve seen it, and God’s word will not return and not do its work.

SID:  Tom, you prayed for one more deliverance, tell me about it?

TOM:   Probably the one that was very dramatic, we had a doctor degreed, she’s in my church, she’s been in my church, doctor degreed UNCW professor, I’m going to call her name Sally, 20 years as a Christian, had gone to psychologists, many, many psychologists. She’d spent thousands of dollars to psychologists trying to get trying to get free of torment and anger towards her husband who was a non-believer. She came to me and she said there’s something really wrong, when I start to pray, I begin to curse my God.   And she said…

SID:  Hum.  I’d say something’s wrong.

TOM:  I know this is not good. So she set up and she came in, one of my associates was with me, my secretary from church. And we began to pray, she went through a list of prayer that we do, and in the midst of this, dramatically, again this is the left brainer, I used to think, man this is dramatic, I’m just telling you as it happened. In the midst of praying she renounced witchcraft, she’d been involved in the occult, she had been to mediums, to psychics, her mother was a shaman, a psychic, and she realized that she’d ask to be forgiven of that, but never renounced the generational curse of that. When she spoke the words I renounce the generational curse of witchcraft, she got up in a violent state, and in a male voice, this is a young, short woman, spoke in a male voice and said, you can’t have her, she’s mine and I’m high level. Something rose up in me. I hate the enemy, I just do. The enemy of your soul that is out to destroy people, and I said I know someone higher level than you and his name is Jesus Christ. You do not have authorization to her, and it says, the spirit started to cry, and it said well where will I go? And I said go to the place of the dryness that Jesus created, and it said all right. And instantly she came, and the personality of the woman came forward and she said, it’s gone, I sense it’s gone. Now that was two and a half years ago, she has come before our church giving testimony. She even brought a large sum of money to bless the church because she said; I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars with secular counselors. You cannot counsel a demon.   Jesus made it clear in the Bible, he didn’t counsel them; he cast them out.

SID:  Well you know Derek Prince personally said to me, God does not set you free of your friends; he sets you free of your enemies.   And these demons are enemies. But I want you to capture this vision, the devil is say, the size of a human, God is the size of the Washington Monument. I mean give me a break, when you say the name of Jesus all the forces of God come against those demons. The demons are actually more afraid of you than you are of them. Perfect love cast out all fear, and love has a name. His name is Jesus and boy does he love you. You just reach out to him.

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Written by sidroth

July 9th, 2010 at 11:58 am

Posted in Sid Roth