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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Julie Meyer

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SID: Julie, why do you get so excited, and you do, about singing the Word of God?


JULIE: I get excited because I love seeing people free. I love seeing people excited about reading and singing, and retaining the Word of God. It’s life-changing and they can literally stir themselves up, just like David did, by singing the Bible.


SID: You told me that you’ve identified three ways of singing the Bible. Explain.


JULIE: Well this is how I’ve always sang the Word. Since 1983, this has been a part of my life. And I just take one or two scriptures. It’s easiest if you use Psalms. They’re already songs and prayers. So I just, the first way is I just sing it straight through, word for word. And then I sing it through again, but I turn it into my own prayer, and I pray it as if it’s my prayer. And this is powerful because what happens is you’re not just reading about David’s encounter with God, but suddenly when you pray it as if it’s your prayer, it’s your prayer. It’s your encounter, not just David’s. And the third way I sing it is I sing the other side of it like God was singing over me and I literally put my name in it. I’ve healed you, Julie. You’re free now, Julie. And I sing the Word because it is the truth of what God says. It’s his word.


SID: And not only that, Julie has been healed. It’s wonderful that others are healed through singing the scriptures. It’s wonderful that when she sings over people they get healed. But Julie finds she’s been emotionally healed, physically healed just by singing the scriptures. Tell me one thing.


JULIE: Well I used to hate me. I used to hate my voice, my nose. I wanted to sing like Olivia Newton-John. And I went to the House of Prayer. This was in 2000. So I love Jesus, but in 2000, my friend said, “For the next two hours you are going to sing one thing: ‘Song of Solomon 1:5, I am dark but lovely,'” which means, in my weakness he says I’m beautiful. In my brokenness he still pursues me. And somewhere in the midst of that two hours and went in not liking me. But suddenly, because I had that helmet on and my lobes weren’t letting all the negativity get in, my thoughts were replaced totally by God’s thoughts about me. In a two-hour session I changed and I love me!


SID: I have here the brand new Supernatural Bible and I’ve asked her to sing Isaiah 53 and I proclaim that you will be healed as she sings this over you. But I have two commentaries in the Supernatural Bible. First is by Dr. Michael Brown, proving why Isaiah 53 could only be talking about Jesus as the Messiah, and then I have a commentary here on the same chapter by Sandra Kennedy, proving that Jesus died for all of our sins and all of our sicknesses and diseases. Julie.


JULIE: I’m going to take that. I love to people to sing, sing the Bible. So can I get you to stand.

Julie Meyer [playing background piano music]: And I’m going to sing this like a prayer and I’m going to sing a line, and then I’m going to have you sing after me because what’s key about singing the scriptures is your ears need to hear the sound of you, and this helps you be able to do it at home. [singing] You have born my sickness.

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Written by sidroth

August 17th, 2018 at 5:41 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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