ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduval1/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Joan Gieson | Sid Roth

Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Joan Gieson

without comments

JOAN: I said, “How are you?” But I said, “I can’t talk long now. I’ll call you back. I’ve got your number on my phone. As soon as I’m finished I’ll call you back.” She said, “Oh, please do!” Now I graduated what year? 1955? 1954? A long, long time ago before most of you were born! And out of the clear blue sky! I said, “Have you ever heard of Sid Roth?” She said, “Oh, no. I’ve never heard of Sid Roth.”

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: She said, “Is he a dancer?”

Audience: [more laughter and clapping]

JOAN: And I said, “I think he is!” I think he is!” She said, “Well, does he sing too?” And I said, “Oh yeah, he sings all the time!” [laughs]

Audience: [laughing]

JOAN: Isn’t that the Holy Spirit! Oh my goodness! We don’t go anywhere, we don’t do anything, we don’t say anything, we don’t make a move without Him moving and saying, “Do you know today nothing is impossible what’s going to happen in this room?”

Audience: [clapping]

JOAN: If you’re sick reach up and grab your healing! Take it from God right now! Those with diabetes, those with cancer, touch Him! He’s here! He’s here right now! He’s walking in! Get it! Grab it! Say, “It’s mine! You’re mine! Healing is mine! You provided it for me! I’m not going to leave this auditorium until I’m healed!”

Audience: YES! [clapping]

JOAN: Dear God! Dear God! Nothing is impossible! And do you know God has allowed me to cover the world with the greatest evangelist? Look it, I’m here! I’ve been in China. I’ve been to Japan. I’ve been in Germany. I’ve been in Italy. I’ve been in France. I’ve been in Spain. All over! And do you know I never paid one dime to do it!

Audience: Whooo! Yes! Whooo! [clapping]         

JOAN: Not one! My bank account has never changed!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: And do you know people like Sid Roth come and pick you up in their beautiful car and there’s a driver and they say, “Where would you like to go to dinner?” “Well, McDonald’s is fine.” “No, no, no, let me” –

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: Steak was on the table last night!

Audience: Yes!

JOAN: Fresh long carrots just steamed to perfection! 

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: Asparagus that was just cooked but if you broke it would crack and crispy.

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: Yeah, it was! We had a wonderful time! All of us ate together. And when I went upstairs I said, “Jesus, I could be anywhere. I’m 80 years old. I could have been in a grave for a long time but you spared my life.

Audience: Yes. Thank You, Jesus!

JOAN: And I pray that I’m doing and following exactly what You want me to do! Do you know in St. Louis I feed the poor and the homeless? My father from Italy. Palermo. Always in the produce business. Had an old Model T Ford. You probably don’t even remember that. I learned how to drive on that thing. The old shift. No doors on the truck. Open sides with shelves on it. A 3-chain scale hanging from that back of that. Sid, you probably are not even old enough to remember that.

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: My daddy and I would go up and down the streets. He’d go to the market, you know the produce market, every city’s got one. And he’d buy fresh fruit and produce and he’d make a little card and I’d jump off the truck with my fat little legs. And I would go to the house and knock on the door and the lady would open up the door looking for someone eye level and I’m down here. Now I can’t really describe everything we got. My dad gave me a card and I’d come back to my daddy and it said 5 pounds of tomatoes and 3 pounds of oranges. My dad would sell the baskets. Do you know today I’m doing the same thing?

Audience: Mmm. 

JOAN: Not on a peddling truck but out of the provision that God has given me to the homeless hotels.

Audience: [clapping]

JOAN: To the widows. To the orphans. But it’s not about the fruit and vegetables. It’s about Jesus! I wear an old pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt or a sweatshirt. I always have my hair fixed!

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Written by sidroth

September 3rd, 2020 at 3:54 am