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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Sid Roth welcomes Dave Hess

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Sid: Speaking of His compassion, you learned some very valuable lessons about love and compassion.  You make one statement that really, it just hit me like a two by four, and this is what you say, and by the way, I cannot recommend enough your four CD teaching series, “Moving Beyond Disappointment”.  Are you discouraged?  Are you disappointed, are ready to give up?  Have you been given a death sentences?  Have you been kicked out of your house?  Has your wife or your husband left you?  Have your children been rebellious?  You know, all the things that happen by being humans, this four CD teaching series, I promise you will be listening to over and over again.  The lessons that not just Dave learned when he went through this tragedy but, God  had built into his spirit and he was able to exercise these tools and what a difference it made what peace.  But, with a statement that you made Dave is “Without love people become objects to us.”  Comment on that.

Dave: Yes, it’s true, I realized that I had become a professional pastor.  I hate to even admit that, but, I had.  I gave the pat answers and I talked about faith and I prayed in faith but , the Lord began to show me that I had lost touch with what it felt like to walk through difficulty.  And he used this whole experience to increase compassion in my heart.  And understanding of what people go through when their struggling and I feel like the statement that Paul made that faith operates through love.  I saw the Lord beginning to make that a reality in my life.  I didn’t lose faith.  I still know and trust that God can do miracles but, He added this huge component  of compassion for the people that are walking through whatever situation they might find and both are important; heavy doses of compassion, heavy doses of faith as we walk through the kind of events that we face in life.

Sid: Now, because you walked through and had victory with cancer, you have, and this has been my experience, when people go through something and have victory, their the devil’s worst  nightmare.

Dave: Oh yeah.

Sid: You have so  much… You hate cancer.  Don’t you?

Dave: I hate it with a passion, nothing good about it.

Sid: I bet you want your area to be a ….and I read this in my notes so I’m  not being so bright.  You want your area to be a cancer free zone on earth.  Do you really believe that?

Dave: Yes, I do.  I  believe that Jesus has fully gained the victory over every sin, every transgression and every sickness and every depression and every sorrow and so I believe that seeing heaven manifest on the earth as He taught us to pray includes seeing sickness broken.  Nobody’s sick in heaven.

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Written by sidroth

October 13th, 2010 at 8:04 am

Posted in Its Supernatural