Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest David Turner

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DAVID: Many times I pray for people. They think nothing happened. The next day I get a call. I woke up in the morning. That back pain of 20 years was gone. So sometimes He does miracles. Sometimes healing. Amen?

Audience: Amen!

DAVID: Hallelujah! I want to encourage you. Today wherever I go I have a – I pray. I don’t prepare. I pray for sometimes 10, 15 hours and God gives me a word for those people. He’ll tell me what to share. It’s not like here’s my message and I just take it wherever I go. Today as I prayed last night and this morning the Holy Spirit put on my heart a message for you entitled – and we will pray for a few people for healing to demonstrate it right in front of you. I’m not afraid to have God establish the word of myself since I’m His servant. Isaiah 44:26. And after that, we will pray for all of you at home. For all of you here. God’s given me a gift of what I call mass prayer. I don’t even need to lay my hands or touch anyone. I go to India there’ll be 80,000 people and after my message, I just pray a mass prayer and just hundreds and hundreds of people come up and they’ve taken off neck braces. Leg Braces. They’re walking. Paralysis is gone and they’re all healed. See you don’t a touch from me today. You need a touch from Jesus! Amen?

Audience: Amen! [Clapping]

DAVID: Hallelujah! But we’ll see that as we go. But my job is to build your faith. How do I build it? The Bible says, Romans 10:17. What does it say?  “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.” Hallelujah! We’ve got a Bible-educated group today! Praise the Lord! Well, then you can keep up with me because you see because faith comes by hearing and hearing the word that’s why my message is 50 to 60 Bible verses in every message because that’s what’s going to pierce your spirit!

Written by sidroth

October 5th, 2022 at 3:54 am