Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Michelle Perry

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Sid:  My guest Michelle Perry; Michelle Perry was born with only one leg, with only one, kidney and she has done more with her three friends Father, Son and Holy Spirit than almost anyone I know with two legs and two kidneys. Because Jesus said, “I’m giving you the nation of Sudan.”  Now, Michelle Something that I know you’re in constant pain because of the rods in your back and you don’t have a big bank rolling what you’re doing; you’re depending entirely on God.  You’ve got, what did you tell me 77 children that were orphans in the Sudan; you got a nation filled with orphans you want to bring, your heart is so big you want to bring everyone of them in.  You got a lot to be grateful for, but you’ve got a lot that we here in America say “I’m glad it’s Michelle and not me doing it.”

Michelle:  (Laughing)

Sid: What would you tell someone that’s been listening to us all week that’s feeling sorry for themselves. Maybe things aren’t going the way they pictured the way the movie said that things were supposed to be and they’re feeling sorry for themselves, what would you say to them?

Michelle:  I would say “Open up your heart and let Jesus love you pass the point of your pain.”  And it’s easy to get your eyes focused, you know on yourself instead of on Him. I know when I find myself looking to me and not to Him, it’s very easy to; it’s very easy to feel sorry, it’s very easy to you know oh, my gosh you know this is wrong and that’s wrong and this isn’t going right.  And then it’s just of the utmost importance to be able to fix our eyes on Jesus, I just ask Him to show Himself to you in a new way because He’s more committed to you being focused on Him t than you are, and He loves you and He is in no way absent; He is not forgotten you He has not turned a blind eye or a deaf ear to the things that are hurting, or a problem in your life; it’s to the contrary even more present; even more present; even more present than you can even begin to imagine. So just ask Him to show Himself to you He will, He will.

Sid:  You know I’m reminded just before you moved to Africa you were in your apartment and all of a sudden you heard music, tell me about that.

Michelle:  Well, I was in my apartment, I was packing actually getting ready to move to Africa, and as I was working on some things in my office I began to hear this beautiful almost ethereal  kind of strings and I’m thinking, “Did I leave soaking music on in my CD?”  And I went out and said, “No, it’s not coming from there and it’s not coming from the other room and where’s it coming from?” So I walked out into the living room area and it grew stronger and stronger and I walked into a wall of God’s presence and oh this is supernatural, this isn’t coming from my radio.  And I just began to pray and I laid down on the floor on my face and just began to pray and it was like I was surrounded with hundred’s and thousands of little children and it was overwhelming and they were all calling me “Momma, Momma, Momma, Momma,” and I’m going “Oh my gosh God what do I do?”  And into this, into this crowd of children Jesus walked and He said, “Beloved, Father wants you,” and all of a sudden I was instantly seated on the Father’s lap.  And I didn’t see His face, but I looked and I looked straight through His chest and into His heart and His heart was this pulsating fiery mass of liquid love that was just pulsating like plasma.  And before I knew quite what was happening I was drawn into His heart.  And in His heart there was like there was no beginning or end there was no tomorrow, there was no yesterday, there was no up there was no down there was only now, there was only the present and in His presence.  And Jesus walked up to me in the heart of God and He took His hand and He trust some of the substance of Father’s heart into mine and He said, “Now you carry this heart, you carry this heart into the darkness, you carry My heart.” And all of a sudden I was back in this encounter with all of these children and they were still calling me “Momma,” but I wasn’t overwhelmed and it was like I had seen His heart and His heart was inside of me and it began to burn brighter and brighter until these flames began to leap out and ignite the children.  And they turned and they ran into the darkness as a movement and they were singing “The Song of the Lamb” and they were dancing to the sound and the song that I just heard in the Father’s heart in heaven and it just undid me, undid me.

Sid:  Describe one of your children to me, one.

Michelle:  Okay, Awesa.  Awesa is two and half, and she thinks she runs the house, she does at times, she’s incredibly prophetic, she and her three sisters and one younger and two older watched her mother commit suicide in front of her, hung herself in the toqul, their mother did.  And when they came those girls came to us they were traumatized, the two youngest ones where demonized, there was a lot of witchcraft in the family though the family line and when I first got Awesa and I would try to hold her she would arch her back and she would scream like she was being tormented. When we have our nightly worship she would writhe on the ground, I mean completely demonized.  I thought “God what do I do?”  He said, “Just love her, bless her, hole her, love her, bless her, hold her, love her; I said, “Okay.”  Well over a course of week she got free, and now she’s like my shadow there and she follows me everywhere and she still has quite an attitude at times and she’s a strong willed child, but she’s a leader and she’s a dreamer.  And as I said, “She prophetic” she came up to me before I came back for this trip and as I said “The Lord’s been speaking to me a lot eating of His presence and so she comes up to me in worship and she’s got her little plastic spoon and she’s like spooning something in the air and sticking it in my mouth; I don’t know where it was and I don’t want to know where it had been.  But she’s spooning something and sticking it in my mouth and she goes Momma, “Ocalu, Ocalu” it mean eat in our language. “Momma, Ocalu Yesua “Eat Jesus.”  Out of a mouth of a two and half year old that once was an orphan and is now a daughter.

Sid:  Paint me a picture of what you want to see in this village that you’re building.

Michelle:  Well, we want to see about fifty small family homes that will hold ten children like a cabin and a Momma.  And we want to see children that have been orphaned and truly have no other options they don’t have extended family they can go stay with; they would wind up on the streets, they are the worst case scenarios if you will; be brought into a community and be brought into families.  Because God says “He sets the lonely in families,” so we’re a family.

Sid:  Now many of our listeners feel they want to give some money to your project so what we’re going to do is we’re going to make your brochure available…I would like you to pray for those that are listening that have more of the heart of Jesus, more of the compassion of Jesus.

Michelle:  Daddy I want to thank you for every single life that is listening right now Jesus right now Jesus, and I ask you to invade their present now, their place where they’re at with you presence God that you would wrap them up in your arms and you would cause them to come, to come so close to you where all they can see is Your face and Your eyes.  God I just ask that the heart and the love that you have been so gracious to give to me and this journey that you have led me on and this last ten years. God that you would cause many, many many in your bride to rise up and to step into that place God and to receive more of Your heart.  I thank You for opening hearts God to receive open heaven over their lives Jesus.  I thank You for those that are coming, I thank You for those that have Your heart give them more of who You are Jesus.  Give them more of Your fire, more of Your presence, more of You Holy Spirit come and show them who You are and let them never be the same.  (Laughing) let them never  be the same, God I pray for Your perfect love that drives out all fear Jesus and I ask that You would give them eyes to see, eyes to see the one person that You set in front of them today to love.  God that You would stretch their hearts to be able to contain more of Yours God.  I love You Jesus and I just want to bless those that have listen, those that are listening with Your presence and with just the realm of the supernatural of Your love God that You draw them into that place and they’d never ever be the same.

Sid:  One last thought.

Michelle:  Fall in love, (Laughing) fall in love with Jesus and let Him love you past the point of all return.

Sid:  Is there anything that this earth offers that’s a close second?

Michelle:  (Laughing) No!  (Laughing) Not a bit. (Laughing)

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Written by sidroth

September 6th, 2012 at 12:11 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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