Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Adam Thompson

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LARRY: Yeah. What I want to do is kind of wrap this section up, because again we do these shows, we just kind of go with the flow of the Holy Spirit. And I love this concept, Ephesians 2:6, I wrote it down here because we’re very, so many of us are very familiar with that statement, of being seated with Jesus, seated with Christ in the heavenly places. But as soon as you mentioned about worship, I just felt like the Holy Spirit wanted us to park on that because that is a way for so many believers, again not just our charismatic friends, but all these different churches and different denominations, I believe we’re moving to this point where God just wants His people to encounter Him. And I love what you were saying because He wants the people to stop begging and start decreeing. So what I’m going to do is I just sense a word of the Lord and I’m going to pass it to you to end this segment and I just want to speak out of what Holy Spirit is saying right now concerning worship. I actually believe, even right now if you’re watching this, I want to encourage you to press into the presence of God. I just want to encourage you to lift your eyes and go up to where God is. And you might ask, “How do I do that,” by faith, by faith. It’s not a matter of ascending a literal mountain, but like Adam was talking about, and Adam I’m going to have you speak to this as we finish, I want to encourage you just to go into His presence with no ulterior motive except to worship and adore Him. Father, I thank you. I come before you right now. I worship You for who You are and I thank You. As a result of that, Your presence would just come and fill this place, fill this room, fill this location where I am. I believe the Lord’s going to do that. Adam, what do you feel like the Holy Spirit is just saying in regard to that? And you can just talk to our friends who are watching.

ADAM: Well, I believe this is a generation we are coming in to, there’s a generation where God is seeking worshipers.


ADAM: He’s always you know, He always seeks worshipers, but this is a time where there’s a new breed rising. And I believe that the Elijah; when I say the Elijah is coming, I mean it’s a corporate group of people. And there are people that worship the Lord and become intimate with the Lord and then move in power out of that intimacy. And that’s how we access the kingdom, is through worship. And I do believe that there are a lot of people out there who know the Lord, they’re born again, but they’re really going through a time of getting beaten up by the enemy. The enemy’s actually attacking their families, attacking their loved ones. But when you actually encourage yourself, first you encourage yourself in the Lord…When David did, when King David, when his men were going to stone him and then he encouraged himself in the Lord and then it actually disarmed the demonic powers around him. And I believe that what we’re going to do is, that when we worship the Lord, encourage ourselves in the Lord, it disarms the demonic powers in the heavenlies around us and we go straight into that place where we’re seated in heavenly places. See I had a, I had an encounter, of Heaven going back about six years ago. And I was on the sea of glass and as I got closer to the throne room, there were all these empty seats, completely empty seats.


ADAM: And there was this voice that spoke to me and I thought, “What’s going on here? It must mean an event or there’s about to be an event, but there’s no one here.” And the Lord said, “No, these are the seats of the saints that have been robbed from the revelation of what it is to be seated in heavenly places.”

LARRY: Wow! Wow, my goodness!

ADAM: So there’s so many people that are robbed, from that revelation of what it is to be seated in heavenly places. So really we are, we are the true highlanders. We live in that realm, we operate out of that realm, as sons. LARRY: Well, and the cool thing is, stay right with us, we’re going to go into our next segment, we’re going to actually talk to you about how you can access this realm. [music] We’ve told you about what it is, we told you about worship being a key catalyst that will bring you into that place but hang on there, we’re going to tell you how to access this heavenly realm.

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Written by sidroth

October 17th, 2019 at 5:47 am