Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Kevin Zadai

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KEVIN: I certainly will! Father, in the name of Jesus, I just thank You, so much, for all Your people. Father, You never intended for one seed to ever not sprout and produce a crop; You never intended for one person to be without in this life. And so Father, in the name of Jesus, I just break the power of any curse on a person’s life, right now. The viewers, Father, I just thank You for breaking that curse. I see people being set free right now. I speak to every voice that is not of God. I break the power of any kind of voice that’s not of God. Anything that is speaking louder than God’s Word and God’s voice in your life, I come against it in the name of Jesus, and I break the power of that. I speak to trauma, and I command trauma to leave in the name of Jesus. I tell you by the Spirit of God, be healed, in Jesus’ name. There’s healings happening right now. There’s people that have been victims; it’s not your fault. The Lord said, “It is not your fault. That was not you; that was a misfortune. You have to forgive, and let it go. Trauma, go in Jesus’ name.” The Lord says, “I am going to heal you. I am sending My Word, and I am healing you”, in Jesus’ name.

SID: There is something that intrigues me no end: The fire of God. I read in the Bible you will be “baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire.” Do you understand that fire?

KEVIN: Yes sir, I do; I did not at first. I used to hear, every now and then; do you know how you hear something, every now and then?

SID: Hmm.

KEVIN: It seems to be disappearing, some of these words that the old timers used to say all the time, and that was one of them “the fire of God”. And

SID: Hmm.

KEVIN: I noticed it; it hadn’t been mentioned.

SID: Though there’s another word that’s not mentioned a lot, and that’s “the blood”!

KEVIN: “The blood of Jesus.”

SID: Another word that’s not mentioned a lot, that’s the “tongues”!


SID: I wonder who’s trying to block [chuckling] these things!

KEVIN: Yes! And there’s about eight words that I have that the Lord refers to as “the power words”. And it’s so funny; it’s just that the only words that, that demons don’t want you to speak are these power words. And I just think

SID: [chuckles]

KEVIN: it’s kind of interesting that they’re disappearing out of our vernacular right now.

SID: But they’re even disappearing out of the church!

KEVIN: Yeah, and I apologize for that, because I know how powerful those words are. “the fear of the Lord” is another one. “the cross”;, just that word, demons cringe. these are all things that defeated them, and so, these are power words. And “holy fire” is one of those. I saw where John the Baptist actually talked about “the fire”. Now I thought being, being studied, I thought that Jesus had talked about “the fire”, but it was actually John the Baptist

SID: Hmm.

KEVIN: that talked about “the fire”; that Jesus would come and baptize in “the Holy Spirit and [with] fire.” And I checked it out, and it’s two different things, you know. So I –

SID: Right.

KEVIN: I thought, “Okay Lord, well I don’t know this fire”; and at the same time, I had this interesting experience with my Angel that was on fire. And of course it says that these are ” ministering spirits”, they are “flames of fire.” they’re fiery, and, I said, “Well, I am a minister; I should be “a flame of fire” too!

SID: So we can be fiery.

KEVIN: Yes. And what I found was is that we are not ignitable; our wood’s wet.

SID: So how do I get how do how do I get [chuckling] my wood dry? [laughs]

KEVIN: Well, I found that they you need an outside influence. What people are doing now is they’re trying to imitate something that should be given from the other realm. There’s things that originate in Heaven that are not from this realm. Isaiah was fine until one day, he “saw the Lord high and lifted up”; in Isaiah 6 he writes about this. Now Jesus explained it this way with me about the fire. This January, this last January, I had a visitation, and I actually got to see this. “Isaiah was fine”, the Lord said, “and he ‘saw Me high and lifted up and His train filled the temple’; and Isaiah was wonderful about all that. But, then something happened that changed him completely, and he was undone. The Angel went and took a coal from the altar there in front, and put it on his lips. And all of a sudden, now Isaiah is not fine anymore. Not only that”, He said, ‘Not only am I unclean in my lips, but I am among a people of unclean lips.'”

SID: this is [chuckling] is one of the greatest Prophets of Israel at the time; he said he was unclean when everything’s relative when a coal from the altar touched him, which had to be pure holiness., we’re very clean compared to other people we know, but that’s not what Isaiah’s talking about.

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Written by sidroth

January 17th, 2020 at 3:54 am