Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Natasha Schedrivaya

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 NATASHA: In His love for you. Then He brings you to where you belong, to a place where you belong. Then He lays hands on a sick woman. That’s radical. He breaks some more rules and traditions in order to help.

DONNA: And by now all eyes are on Him.


DONNA: Yes. Everyone is watching to see what’s going to happen.

NATASHA: Absolutely. He touches her. He loves you. He wants to touch you. He wants to heal you. Then He heals her. He sets her free. He rebukes your opposers. And this is what Jesus did on the cross. He rebuked, He conquered the devil. He conquered sicknesses. He lifts her status in the society, in the community, in the synagogue by calling her the daughter of Abraham. I mean, a woman was never called a daughter of Abraham.

DONNA: Um hmmm

NATASHA: It referred only to men. I mean, He literally, physical healing for God, for Jesus, it was always more than a physical healing. It was always about, also, emotional restoration. It’s a restoration of your dignity, of your value, lifting your status up in that society.

DONNA: Yes. Yes. Sure. Yeah.

NATASHA: That’s why He engaged in conversation with people before He would heal them. And then, I liked what Jesus said. Satan bound that woman. Because usually this phrase is used to teach that, you know, Jesus pointed to the source of the sickness. It’s true. But also, He wanted to let everybody know, it’s not her fault.


NATASHA: Because usually a religion blames people for, you know, being in the situation where they are. God doesn’t blame you. He doesn’t put guilt. He lifts that guilt from you. He says it’s not your fault. And then, of course, He reaches out to her. He lifts her. He heals her. And then we see the response of people. Faith is increased. So when we see how God is kind to someone, our faith is stirred.


NATASHA: And we open our hearts to God.

DONNA: Sure. Would you take just a moment right here, before we go to break? I am sure. I know it. I feel it. There are so many people watching that may be dealing with some type of sickness, and they’ve been led to believe you’re in sin, or you’re not doing something right, or you’re not praying right, or you’re not repenting enough, or whatever. Will you speak to them just for a moment before we go?

NATASHA: Yes. Well, I would like to tell you to just switch your focus from what you need to do, what you must do. Just switch your focus to what God has already done for you. He is here. He is with you. He may be in you. He loves you. He removes all guilt from your life. You know, we all make mistakes. It’s not a problem for God. He invites you to come where you belong. Just respond to Him, to His kindness, to His goodness. He touches you. Right now He touches you. He lifts every burden. He lifts every sickness. In fact, He already paid the greatest price so you could be free from sickness, from emotional burden. Just trust Him. And He calls you a daughter of Abraham, a child of God. He lifts your status. You are not just someone without hope. He lifts you to the place where you belong. And I tell you, you will have a testimony that will stir the faith of many people, and encourage them to trust God, just like you are doing now.

DONNA: Yes. Wow. Woo. [music]

NATASHA: Amen. Amen.

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Written by sidroth

April 5th, 2021 at 3:45 am