Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Derek Snodgrass

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SID: What were the last words He said to you?

DERRICK: The last words He said was, “I’ll be back.”

SID: Did that mean, “I’ll be back to visit you” or “I’ll be back to return to take over My kingdom.”

DERRICK: I knew that He was saying He would be back to visit me and He came back.

SID: How would you like Jesus to visit you and then say, “And you know what? I like you. I’ll be back.” Anything God does with Derek He desires to do for you. Now Derek knows the door for you to have your own supernatural encounters with God. And I’m going to have him pray for you when we return.

SID: Derek, what is the door, so we can have our own encounters with God. So Jesus, I’ll say to you one day and me, after he’s visited us, “I’ll be back.”

DERRICK: The door of encounters begins with relentless hunger.

SID: I like relentless.

DERRICK: Yes, sir.

SID: Now my favorite teaching that you have, you’ve actually done a CD on this. There’s no way we can cover it all in a few minutes, but this teaching will impact you like nothing you’ve ever had. Derek saw the tear room in heaven. Psalm 56:8 talks about exactly what you saw. What does that say?

DERRICK: Yeah, it says that God records our sorrows in His book and He bottles our tears. And so I just begin to meditate on that word. I just begin to ponder that word in my mind. And I went into an encounter and Jesus said that he wanted to show me the tear room in heaven. And Sid, I had never even heard of a tear room in heaven. I’d never heard it. As much as I watch your show, and as many people as I knew who had encounters, I had never heard of that.

SID: That’s okay. I’ve never heard of it either.

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Written by sidroth

December 16th, 2022 at 5:40 am