Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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SID: Now this is very important, at the end of this program, we have a very special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then he’s going to lead us in communion. Just log onto, soon as this program is over, just log onto It is literally life changing, so don’t miss it. You are known for teaching on the courts of heaven, but you call the courts of heaven, the highest realm of prayer. Why?

FRANCIS: I call the courts of heaven the highest realm of prayer because Jesus presented the court of heaven as the last place of appeal for prayers that have not been answered. We find this in the book of Luke chapter 18, when Jesus is encouraging us not to lose heart and give in and throw in the towel. He says, do not do not lose heart. And then he begins to, he says, men ought always to pray. That’s just saying, don’t give up on prayer just because it’s not being answered. I have a final place of appeal, we live in America, in America we know that if a lower court hasn’t done you right, there’s still hope-

SID: There’s higher court.

FRANCIS: That there’s a higher court called the Supreme court where there could be a remedy of a mistake made in the lower courts. And so Jesus is saying, listen, heaven has a Supreme court.

SID: It’s the final word.

FRANCIS: Yeah. It has a final word. And so you don’t let discouragements have the final word. He said, there is a place where you can go. Then he goes into talking about a widow who needed help from an adversary. The word adversary simply means anti de course, one who is against your rights. Anti against, de course rights. He said, she went to a judge and she began to pester the judge for deliverance from the adversary. And the Bible says that she kept going.

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Written by sidroth

December 28th, 2022 at 7:31 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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