Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Jennifer Miskov

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SID: I’ve been saying this now for 10 years, that something so wonderful is coming and it’s beginning to break out all over. But you talked about, even at that time, there was a lot of lawlessness. Comment on that.

JENNIFER: I mean, it seems like just like today, if you look at where the world was back then, they were in need of a move of God. And today don’t we need a move of God more than ever? I think revival is the only answer that we have. The only hope that we have is God coming and doing a fresh work in our hearts and reviving and refreshing and awakening us again so that we’re burning for him.

SID: Find one more move of God revival that’s one of your favorites.


SID: And tell me just a couple [crosstalk] about it.

JENNIFER: One 16 year old girl, 1903, she says, “I love Jesus Christ with all my heart”, Florrie Evans in Wales. And that one act of radical love was the catalyst that would later impact a man named Evan Roberts, which would later impact the Welsh Revival. 100,000 people saved in less than six months.

JENNIFER: It was revival marked by prayer, testimony, worship, where they made space for the Holy Spirit and they just flowed with whatever the Holy Spirit was doing. Social transformation, Bibles flew off the shelf. I mean, the donkeys couldn’t even do their work because the miners would cuss and kick at them when they weren’t saved. They get saved and now they’re gentle and nice. I mean, it was actually amazing what God did and that influenced and helped catalyze the Azusa Street Revival.

SID: Well, I can’t wait til what’s going to happen a little more in this program because we just had a guest. The presence of God has just increased. Jennifer’s passion is to launch people just like you into their destiny and the supernatural. And she has discovered the number one key in almost every revival in history is hunger for God and cultivating hunger for God through fasting catapults you into revival. The least understood type of fasting and most powerful, and you’ve probably never even heard of it, is the fire fast. I can’t wait for you to hear what’s going to happen to you in the fire. Be right back.

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Written by sidroth

January 6th, 2023 at 6:26 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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