Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Tony Kemp

without comments

TONY: Look at somebody and say Pressure is leaving.

AUDIENCE: Pressure is leaving.

Tony: Look at somebody and say Supernatural weight loss by the loss of pressure.

AUDIENCE: Supernatural weight loss by the loss of pressure.

MAN #4: Humble is the way!

TONY: Humble is the way, man. Humble is the way. So you’re feeling pressure. Heh, Heh. All right. You ain’t right man, you are not right!

MAN #4: No, I‘m with my brother.

TONY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Humble is the way, though. So you’re feeling…

MAN #4: Yeah, I did. I did. I felt something when you said something.

TONY: Yeah. Father, we thank you that you’re doing this thing. And I appreciate, Lord, my brother’s humility. He’s got true humility. Umm, do you pray for the sick?

MAN #4: Yes, sir.

TONY: Do you see some healings?

MAN #4: I intercede.

TONY: Yeah. Do you pray for the sick and do they get healed?

MAN #4: Not in your capacity.

TONY: Well we ain’t talking about my capacity.

TONY: Have you prayed for the sick and have you seen some healings? Put your hands up man. Have you? Have ya? Yes or no?

MAN #4: Yes.

TONY: Is he your brother? You know him? Has he had some healings in his ministry? You don’t know him that well? Listen, listen. Listen. Listen. You going to have more. You’re going to have some healings. Have you been wanting to see some?

Man #4: Yes.

TONY: Okay. In the name of Jesus I release gifts of healings into this brother and I thank you for it Father, in Jesus’ name. Give the Lord a hand clap!


TONY: Is there anybody else? Anybody else? Yes, sir. What is happening?

MAN #5: I‘m dieting and, uh, my stomach’s smaller.

TONY: From?

MAN #5: From, yeah, when we prayed over there, I stood up, and uh, my stomach’s smaller. I got to tuck in my shirt to actually, because I couldn’t like see it to check it, but yeah, it’s actually smaller.

TONY: Look at somebody and say I‘m being provoked to jealousy.


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Written by sidroth

May 6th, 2023 at 3:12 am