Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Perry Stone

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That if you look at the Book and you see Jesus, you know it’s called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and here’s what’s odd. And when I did my study on the Book of Revelation in [my book] “The Apocalypse Code” that Sid has offered, I, this is one of the first things I noticed. If this is a Revelation of Jesus Christ how comes He shows up in chapter one as Jesus, as a person clothed in a white linen garment.

But then He shows up as a Lamb with seven eyes and seven horns. And then from that point on you don’t hardly see Him throughout the whole Book ‘til you get to chapter 19. And I’m thinking this is a Revelation of Jesus? No, this is a Revelation of Judgement! So this was the first thing I had to meditate on many years ago when started really studying the Book. I had to meditate on what did John mean when he said this book is a Revelation of Yeshua the Christ and yet He doesn’t appear all through the Book.

Then you have to go into the Book to understand what’s going on. And I want to show you this. In the Old Testament time, there were three major positions. A prophet, a priest and a king. The prophet gave the voice of the Lord to the people, the priest made the intercession on behalf of the people, but the king had the authority over the people.

And they all, when Israel was properly working, they all worked in cooperation with one other on behalf of the people of Israel. Now when Jesus came to walk on the earth for about 33 years approximately, 33 and a half years, we know that He was called a prophet by the people. Even He said a prophet hath no honor in his own country.

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Written by sidroth

May 17th, 2023 at 2:50 am