Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Hakeem Collins and Naim Collins

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KYNAN: So much misunderstanding because we don’t – you know Jesus said – you said something powerful. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” One of the words the Lord gave me is that the prophet is the purveyor of truth.


NAIM: Yes.  

KYNAN: In other words, they’re harboring the truth that will make the people free!

NAIM: That’s good!

KYNAN: So that word impregnates the people.

NAIM: Yes!

KYNAN: And when they receive that word they give birth to something!

NAIM: Absolutely!

KYNAN: Mary heard a word.

NAIM: Yes!

KYNAN: And she became pregnant.  

NAIM: Yes!

KYNAN: And she gave birth to a miracle! So talk about that. I think there’s so many people out there that maybe they’re stuck. Maybe they feel stagnant. What would you say? What is one of the keys you would give to them?

NAIM: Well I would say you know you have touched a little bit on it about Daniel. That the moment Daniel fixed his heart or set his heart to pray God sent the answer. But there was warfare.

KYNAN: [laughing] Come on!

HAKEEM: There was a contention in the heavenlies to get that answer though. And I say that when you receive a prophetic word or you’re in the company of a prophet or someone speaks or declares God’s word over you, that warfare is always the prerequisite of fulfilled prophecy!

KYNAN: Mmm! Come on! I love that! 

HAKEEM: And sometimes when people go through warfare, when they go through opposition when it seems like when they say “Well I received a prophetic word.” “Somebody called me out in a meeting.” Or “I’ve had a dream from the Lord. God has been showing me something.” Or “I have certain impressions.” And when they see warfare come it looks discouraging. It looks like they want to give up! And so warfare is also a confirmation that it’s God!

KYNAN: Hold that thought! That’s awesome! When we come back we’re going to talk more about warfare [music] and the role that the prophetic plays in releasing your breakthrough in the midst of warfare! Don’t go anywhere! We’ll be right back on “Something More!” [music ends]

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Written by sidroth

July 26th, 2023 at 2:12 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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