Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest David Hairabedian

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Sid, before my eyes, like a clear gel came down on Shane’s head, and began to come down slowly over his shoulders. And I heard these sounds. Pop, pop crack. And Shane pulled his headphones off and he said, “Vic, Dave, I’m healed. Hallelujah. [speaking in tongues].” He began to speak in tongues. And I was more mystified than anybody because the God I didn’t believe in positioned me to pray a prayer for him to answer it in front of a licensed chiropractor, who then examined Shane, and all of the bones were back in proper position, and he was completely healed.

SID: You know what that tells me? God’s love. And he loved David. He loved that man in the cell. He loved that chiropractor. They all needed to see this. And then tell me about when you’re in prison, Jesus appeared.

DAVID:: It was an amazing encounter, but I want to share this. It was the night before my sentencing, June 6th, 1990. And I was going to sentencing that next day. And I was now … I knew the Messiah now. And what happened was, I thought, “I need to pray.” There was no unction to pray. It was almost rote, religious. And I got down on one knee to pray. That’s how prideful I still was. And God brought me down on both knees. And I said, “God, I’m going to sentencing tomorrow.” And my co-defendant and the other person in the cell joined with me in prayer out of pity for my situation. And as I got down and I prayed, it was just words. There was no power in it whatsoever.

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Written by sidroth

August 1st, 2023 at 3:03 am