Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Clarice Fluitt

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CLARICE: So knowing that God has – He just imparts the ability to tell stories. And where we’re dealing in the marketplace with people that are looking for gainful employment our country has been in a time of great chastening. And I don’t have to go into all that. All of you can read newspapers and know that the heathens are raging! [laughs] They’re everywhere! But when they come to these organizations that we have the opportunity to speak at, you’re wanting to encourage people that have been out of work. And so this is a story that I told them.

I said there was this man and he had this incredible wonderful job. And he was doing so incredibly wonderfully well, then suddenly the market came and he lost his job. Well, he was oppressed. He was unhappy. He moaned and groaned and he could not find gainful employment because he was so proud of himself. You know he was such a wonderful person and he kept telling his wife you know, “Well I’m worth more than that!” So two years of being worth more than that and not gaining any employment one day she explained to him. They had what we call a come to Jesus moment!

Audience: [laughs]

CLARICE: And she explained it to him! “Get a job! You know get a job!” And she said, “You know if you have to flip burgers or whatever you have to do, get out and do that!” There’s nothing sadder than faded glory where we’re thinkin’ about, “Well when I was this I did this, I did that.” Let’s face the now! Let’s face what’s goin’ on today instead of trying to, “Well these were the good old days or you know I was happy then. I’m unhappy now!” Put your happy face on! “Happy is the man or woman whose God is the Lord!” Well, John went out to get a job. He was motivated. He was motivated by this wonderful look on his wife’s face. Don’t come home without a job!

Audience: [laughter]

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Written by sidroth

August 15th, 2023 at 4:36 am