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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Kris Vallotton

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth your investigative reporter of the supernatural. I love investigating the supernatural. I have Kris Vallotton here, and talk about a sabotage. Your dad died when you were 3 years of age.

KRIS: Yeah, my dad drowned when I was 3 years old.

SID: And the thing that I find fascinating is he was talking about dying.

KRIS: Yeah. You know, one of the things that happened in my parents’ life is when my mom was really young, 16 years old, an older man fell in love with her and that older man was a psychic. And he read tarot cards for her and he told her “You’ll have three husbands.” At 16.

SID: So in effect, that thought, that evil thought, was planted in her.

KRIS: I believe that he actually cursed her. He wanted to marry her and he actually cursed her.

SID: Hmm. But it had a pretty traumatic effect on you when your dad died. You didn’t, you stopped speaking.

KRIS: Yeah. Well my dad, for six months before he drowned…and my dad was a Phys-Ed teacher. He taught football, coached football, taught swimming, and then drowned at Anderson Dam, which is like drowning in a large pond. Six months before he died, every night for six months, he woke up and told my mom, “I know I’m going to die, I know I’m going to die.” And then he drowned in Anderson Dam. My grandfather actually found him on the bottom of the lake.

SID: Well that’s connected with something that happened to you. This thought, which he thought was his own, it wasn’t. It was an evil thought and it says in the Bible “How can two walk together unless they be agreed?” We’re supposed to agree with God, but the thing works in reverse if you agree with an evil thought.

KRIS: That’s right, that’s right. And whatever spirit world you agree with, it empowers that world. And what happened to me is, when I was 18 years old, I received Christ. And then at 22, one day I came home from work, got in the bathtub to take a bath late at night, went to get out of the bathtub, and I had this sudden thought that I was going to die. And I mean it was more than a thought Sid.

SID: And see, most people, when they have thoughts like this, they think it’s their own. They don’t even think in terms of maybe this isn’t me thinking.

KRIS: Yeah that’s right. Most of us are raised to think that whatever we think is originating from ourselves. And of course I was raised in a church that said that Christians could be mentally ill, but they couldn’t be demonized. And so I go to get out of the bathtub and I start shaking. And I mean I shake so bad I can’t even get a glass of water to my face without using two hands. And so I’m shaking, my wife comes in and she’s like “what’s wrong?” I said, “I don’t know, I can’t walk.” I got so shaky I couldn’t walk. She sat me on the couch, called a doctor, and that shaking lasted three and a half years. I sweat…

SID: My goodness.

KRIS: Three and a half years.

SID: That’s a long time.

KRIS: That’s a long time to shake isn’t it?

SID: How did you sleep?

KRIS: I didn’t sleep. I slept an hour, half an hour, hour at a time. I sweat the bed wet, profusely. My wife would have to change the sheets two or three times a night. It was hell on earth.

SID: Did you have any children at that time?

KRIS: We had just had our first child when I had a nervous breakdown. Yeah, it was crazy.

SID: Now did you go to your local doctor?

KRIS: I went to the doctor and he said “Well you’re having anxiety attacks.”

SID: Normally what they do is they prescribe tranquilizers.

KRIS: Yes. First thing he did is he told me to do is drink some wine. Well, you know, we don’t drink so I drank some wine to try to calm my nerves. Didn’t do anything but make me sick. And then he proscribed some tranquilizers, I took the tranquilizers for three or four or five days, and all they did was depress me.

SID: So you’re shaking, you’re sick, and you’re depressed. This is getting bad Kris, very bad.

KRIS: This is getting bad, yep. And we’re living in the Bay area. I’m managing a large repair shop and all the traffic, all the activity. And probably a year into it I said to my wife “You know what? We need to move to the country and see if that helps. We need to move someplace where the birds fly slow.”

SID: Were you able to work at this time?

KRIS: I went to work during the day. I could hardly think.

SID: Did you have a good job?

KRIS: I had a really good job, yeah. I had a high-paying job, I had a good job.

SID: I mean your first child, you’re married…

KRIS: Brand new house, just bought a brand new house.

SID: Your wife was your childhood sweetheart.

KRIS: I met my wife when she was 12; we got engaged when she was 13; got married when she was 17.

SID: What took you so long?

KRIS: And my wife was so good through the whole thing Sid. She just said “You’re going to be fine.”

SID: I was wondering about that. I mean, most women would just walk away from a mess like that. You were a mess.

KRIS: I was a mess. And then, so we moved. We moved up to…

SID: So old story, the grass is always greener…

KRIS: Oh yeah. And the year before I had a nervous breakdown, when we got married, we went into the Trinity Alps to go camping. And so I’m shaking, I can’t think, I said to my wife “Let’s go move to the Trinity Alps. Let’s go someplace where it’s slow where we can start over and where there isn’t all this traffic and all this pressure.” And so we moved to the Trinity Alps. We’re an hour from society living out in the woods and it doesn’t get better, it just gets worse.

SID: Why would it get worse?

KRIS: Well I started having visions. And when I say visions, I mean I started seeing things. I had visions that I’m killing people, I’m molesting children. I don’t mean like once in a while, I’m having them 40, 50, 60 times a day

SID: Previous to this, did you ever have thoughts like that

KRIS: No. I’ve never drank in my whole life, I’ve never taken drugs, I’ve never smoked dope, a cigarette, anything. I mean one day I’m fine…

SID: You’ve just taking a bath and you have this thought…

KRIS: I have a thought.

SID: This doesn’t even make sense Kris.

KRIS: Out of the blue; out of the blue. One minute I’m fine, the next minute I’m shaking, I don’t stop for three and a half years.

SID: Ok. So you made the move, you’re getting these bizarre thoughts. Did you have bizarre thoughts towards your family?

KRIS: Yes. Extreme. I mean I had thoughts of molesting my child, of killing my wife.

SID: You love your wife, you love your child.

KRIS: I would see them over and over like a dream, but you’re awake. And then, so I’m going through all that, and you can imagine when you love your wife, you love your kids, you love the people you’re having these visions of, and you’re like “What the heck’s wrong with me?”

SID: Sure.

KRIS: And like I said before, I was raised in a Christian culture that said Christians, they can be insane but they can’t be demonized.

SID: So that wasn’t an option.

KRIS: So my only thought is if I… can imagine if walk into a mental health center and say “hey, this is what’s happening to me” and I’m soaked with sweat and I’m shaking like a leaf what are they going to do?

SID: A few years back they would have given you electroshock therapy or worse than that, a lobotomy, or worse than that, the drugs that make you a zombie. Tell you what, let’s hold that thought. We’ll be right back after this.

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Written by sidroth

August 30th, 2010 at 4:29 am

Posted in Its Supernatural