ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home2/bduval1/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Franklin Walden | Sid Roth

Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Franklin Walden

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Sid:  There’s such a move of God’s Spirit on Jewish people, and someone’s head is being healed right now and anything you need in the head area. And if you have back pains you’re being healed in the back, I mean God is healing people because one of the reasons is I’m interviewing Franklin Walden, and we found out that Franklin comes from quite a Godly heritage, his Father mentored him in the miraculous.  But somehow he bought a lie that he could make enough money to bless his parents, he accepted that and didn’t move in the gifts that God had given him. And he went into the army, he miraculously got out, he made vows to God he did not honor them and then he was given a death sentence, six months to live because of heart trouble.  He took all of his energy; he managed to get to a little church and what happened in this church Franklin?

Franklin:  We got there just about time that they was coming out of Sunday School classes and everybody was still standing up and the heart was just going, you could hear it beating.  I thought I was going to bust and the preacher that carried me he said, “Pastor Sander’s I think we need to pray for Franklin.”  And so they just stopped everything, and they brought me down to the altar, I was standing there and the Pastor opened up my shirt put his hand over my heart and began to pray.  But nothing happened, the piano was playing softly, Sister Kelly was her name, and then suddenly she quit; she made her way through the crowd of the people and touched me on my right shoulder and the moment she did the heart was completely normal.  And the pastor thought I had died because he couldn’t feel the heart it just quit all of a sudden and that’s when it really got my attention and I went into the ministry from there.

Sid:  I can imagine that, now tell me about the time literally a cloud came to you and God spoke to you.

Franklin:  That happened later after I had just started into evangelistic work, and this Brother Bob Cole that I mentioned, he knew some people up in Kentucky by the name of Sizemore’s and he wanted me to go up there and…

Sid:  I’ll tell you what, before you even tell me about that, tell me a bit about Bob Cole.

Franklin:  Well, they called him the man that it wouldn’t rain on.

Sid:  Why wouldn’t it rain on him?

Franklin:  Well, he walked for five years; he was a wealthy man and gave it all up to be in the ministry to be a Southern Baptist Preacher.  Got filled with the Spirit and this day going into Thomaston, Georgia and he had a revival scheduled in an old Cotton Mill Warehouse.  And as he coming down the road a storm came up, five miles out or ten miles out and it was a real bad cloud and that rain ten foot behind him or fifteen and he never got wet until he got into the city and it followed him.  And then again things happened so miraculously in his life that he was craving some pecans, and he asked the Lord of give him some pecans so I just craved them and this old paper shell. No pecans trees around and he kept walking and there was a pile of pecans on the side of the road just piled up waiting for him.

Sid:  Did he ever find out who put them there?

Franklin:  He knew who put them there, God put them there.

Sid:  Huh.

Franklin:  He’ll give you his heart’s desire.

Sid:  Now you were at a meeting that he was at and he began to prophecy about you, tell me about that.

Franklin:  And he said, “Franklin”, he said, “God wants to use you to build the Kingdom and not to build houses like you have done.”  And he began to prophesy with me and tell me that I was going to be a minister to take the gospel to the people and even said this statement.  And he said, “What you preach and he even in time the Jews will accept it.”  Why he made that statement…

Sid:  I can tell you why, because the Jew requires a sign and you move in sign and wonders.  He also prophesied that you would begin to know things about people, tell me about that.

Franklin:  Now, that was in another meeting.

Sid:  Well tell me about that one.

Franklin:  Alright, he, sometimes he’d set with hands over his face like that and he said, “There’s a young minster on the platform and he’s going to receive a gift from God tonight to be stirred in him.  He’ll be able to look right into your heart and tell you the very secrets of your heart.”

Sid:  And we just found that out this week that you were able to do that.

Franklin:  And I thought that, it was about twenty minutes to seven and I was the youngest one, I looked around to see who it was going to be and I stood up and it felt like something got me by the belt and picked me up and I began to prophesy.  The man run to the altar and later became a Pentecostal preacher, another lady run down and I pointed her out, and she got healed and set free from demon powers and that’s the way it started.

Sid:  Well I could tell you the presence of God is on just you telling that story the presence of God is just exploding in the studio right now.  Is God speaking to you about anything right now?

Franklin:  Someone has just got healed of the left side of their neck going down behind there down into the cavity of the chest, they’ve just been healed and that’s sayeth the Lord.

Sid:  I love it, now so you find that when you’re speaking and the Spirit of God comes over you you can just look in the audience and just know things about people?

Franklin:  Oh yes, when the Lord, I can’t do it on my own, I have to wait for that upon anointing that you might not, let me explain.  We are filled with the Holy Ghost, but Acts 1:8 he says when that anointing comes upon you shall be my witnesses.  This is something that I teach on sometimes and what it is, you know you have the baptism, you know that He’s within you, but then when that anointing comes and makes connection with that within you have 100% faith, only God is speaking, no outside interference and that’s when you speak.

Sid:  Tell me about that young girl that had no pupils.

Franklin:  Oh, that was outstanding. That happened in Malta, Georgia she was from Albany, Georgia, had her mother brought her and we prayed for her and no pupil and right there before the congregation God put in eyes, there was nothing but matter in now.  Nothing but matter in it, light blue in there and when I took my hands off of her, she could see perfectly.

Sid:  And what color eyes did she have?

Franklin:  Blue eyes.

Sid:  And you saw it with just no color or anything?

Franklin:  No color whatsoever, no pupil nothing,

Sid:  And so she was 100% blind, could she see then?

Franklin:  No, she was born that way.

Sid:  I know but could she see?

Franklin:  Oh yeah, yeah.

Sid:  How old was she?

Franklin:  Six years old.

Sid:  My goodness, he almost missed that by going into business.

Franklin:  Yeah; God was merciful to me.

Sid:  Tell me what kind of feedback you’re getting from the two books that we’re offering this week.  The first book is called “The Unmistakable Invisible Anointing.”  Did God ever tell you anything about what would happen from this book before it was distributed?

Franklin:  I know that God told me what to do, the man that helped with the book said that, “It’s going to be powerful.”  I said, “I believe it will help people to understand that this anointing is still for us today.  And especially the young ministers that’s never heard and have never seen it on this fashion.”

Sid:  We have a whole generation that hasn’t seen these things; a whole generation has come up and that’s why this book is going to mentor them, but then I love the little booklet that you have with this book called, “Take these Steps to be Healed.”  Are you getting reports of people being healed from this?

Franklin:  Oh man, people are getting healed by just reading it, they told me, I’ll get it telephone calls, emails, letters they read it and they’ve been healed just reading it.

Sid:  Tell me about the person that had a metal rod that God healed.

Franklin:  That was in Baryon, Ontario it was strange the way that it happened. I was under my big tent and I called this lady out of the audience and I told her what wrong with her.  She was Catholic and I found out later.  She said, “There ain’t nothing wrong with me.”  I said, “Oh yes there are, everything I said is wrong with you.”  She said, “No,” I said then, “What about those pills you just got the prescription filled in your pocketbook.  I told her the color of them, what they were for and she almost panicked.  She got healed; she pulled it out and showed it to the people.  Well she had a nephew back in Toronto and she went back and told him.  And he had been crippled for nine years I believe it was, I think I’m correct on that, and so he came that next night, I prayed for him and God took the metal out of his back.  Went back to the doctors…

Sid:  I’ll tell you what we’re out of time.

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Written by sidroth

May 30th, 2012 at 5:33 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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