Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Sid Roth welcomes Dr. Caroline Leaf

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Sid: My guest Dr. Caroline Leaf, when you listen to her teaching, she is a Neuroscientist and she has researched the brain for over twenty years and she says you have such a unique gift inside of you.  You can literally change the world if you understand the way God wired you.  And Caroline, on yesterdays broadcast you talked about the brain is made up of seven ways we think, but we are all as unique as a fingerprint because we all use various portions of these seven way.  I wonder if you would review that again.

Dr. Caroline : Yes, we can actually scientifically now know enough about the brain through the comprehensive modern technology we can get a better look inside the brain and based on this, we can find that we can actually describe the structure of our gift.  And the purpose of that would be to understand ourselves better.  If I know that I’ve received information in this way and that I’m building temporary memory like this and I’m consolidating my memories like that.  In other words the brain has seven different major different areas, seven different types of thought and as you digest food you digest a thought.  And your gift is how you digest that thought.  The gift profile gives you the description or the structure of that unique way in which you are digesting.

Sid: And that profile is 210 questions that are just yes or no type answers that will help you discover the way your brain operates.  Why is it so important for someone to discover this?  What difference will it make in their life?

Dr. Caroline: Well, essentially we are in a world we were told that we should behave like that, or this is the gifted person or that’s the successful person and they try and categorize and you can’t categorize.  Each of us is completely unique.  So if we understand that it has a huge amount of self confidence and self esteem because if we are trying to be someone else, you will never succeed.

Sid: Yes, do you know what that reminds me of.  I interviewed a man that has a marvelous healing ministry.  His name is Peter Horrbin and he tells the story of a young man that was groomed to be a medical doctor by his parents and he developed cancer.  When he switched professions and became a musician the cancer left.

Dr. Caroline: Wow, wow so he was moving…that is a fantastic example why you would need to know your gift and the structure of your gift.  Because so often in life and I saw this in my clinical practice on numerous occasions.  Parents would groom their children in a direction that was perhaps their gifting and meanwhile it wasn’t the gift of the child.  I have four children and I have worked in clinical practice, I have reached thousands and millions of people through my ministry, it’s so important that I am able to recognize that each person is totally unique in order to understand them better.  So why the structure of the profile would help us not to make that mistake, there is a classic example of someone in medical doctor should have been a musician he was operating out of his gift.  He wasn’t thinking or allowed to think in a way that he was naturally created by our creator to think and he was working against that which caused his body to become toxic.  It caused his mind to become toxic which affected his body and made him sick.  This is what we have been speaking about.  That your thought life would impact on the health of your body.  So therefore your thought life can be described the special way that you think, the structure of your thinking is what the profile is helping people to find. Helping people to recognize, hey this is amazing.  This is who you are, this is your special way that you see the world and this is good.  You don’t have to be like this one or that one.  You know, I have had children that come through my practice and I use to work a lot with juveniles, a lot of children from sixteen to eighteen. Even old sixteen adults because very often those or those that group of people had been written off and said oh well, that there is nothing more we could do for you.  You will never succeed at school or whatever and had come through years of challenges with learning and emotional issues and the first thing I’ve always did was to fill in that profile and say look, this is how your brain processes.  Show them a picture of those seven different areas and do the profile so that would understand what I was doing in each area.  And I would show them how you and you listening to me now, you move through your brain in this particular way and this particular combination and this is what it means.  It means that you need to move when you this,  you need to think when you do this and you actually pinpoint and describe exactly what’s good for you.  And, what‘s good for you then as you use that then you accentuate and develop your intelligence.  Because the most natural result of operating in your gift is an increase in the two sides the ability of the brain.  The two sides of the brain to work together more efficiently and as you do that you think deeper you grow more branches in your brain, you grown more connections between the brain.

Sid: Okay, that would be great for a young person, I can see that, but what about a fifty year old person that is listening to us right now, is it too late for them?

Dr. Carolyn: Neither.  Let me take that one step further Sid, even better my oldest client at this stage was a seventy-eight year old pilot who decided not decided, his eyes were failing at that stage so he couldn’t fly anymore.  So he decided that at the age of seventy-eight to go and fulfill his real dream and his real dream had always been, his real gift had always been more of the direction of numbers.  And he wants to become a CPA.  So at the age of seventy-eight he came to me.  I did a profile  on him, it showed that he definitely was thinking in that kind of way and processing information in that kind of way he had applied that kind of logically when he was flying and he went back to school and he studied at seventy-eight, qualified at eighty-four and practiced for another ten years.  And I mean that that was just outstanding.  I had a fifty year old lady who had through all her life had just done clerical jobs and it wasn’t her dream but she had always been told that you’ll never amount to much, you don’t have the ability to go to the university and I said that is not the truth.  Let’s look at your gift, I did the profile, showed her, this is how you think, this is with structure this is what you are doing and this point and this point in you thinking process.  This is what it means for your life, this is the kind of thing, this is the kind of thinking that you have that could be doing all this kind of thing.  Another thing, she was really, really, really interested in Yourt I mean she loved that kind of thinking but never thought she had the ability or the gift to do it.  Well, she went back and studied until the age of fifty-two.  If your brain get gets filled with age, the more you use the brain the more you use your gift the more you think.

Sid: Now wait a second, I’ve always heard your brain gets slower with age.  Not better.

Dr. Caroline: Well, that is a lie from the pits of hell, so that is not science.  Science is, the initial brain thought research that did that was done on people that had died, old people that had died with disease.  Now, with our kind of brain techniques and technology we can look inside a brain of people that are healthy and are alive.  And, we see that as you age your brain gets better with age.  It is the only organ that gets better with age.  The more you use your brain the more intelligent you become.  It shifts, it focuses and changes like in the way that it functions but that gift of thinking, that gift of thinking in you special way, gets better and better the older you get.  The more you use it.  The converse is that if we don’t use our gift, if we don’t think correctly, if we don’t process, we’ve got to build gift blockers.  If we build gift blockers we disrupt the natural functioning of the brain and we cause destructions in our…

Sid: Well, maybe that’s why older people are known as slowing down in their thinking process because they don’t understand those gift blockers.

Dr. Caroline: Exactly, Sid, that’s totally all the elderly people, the description is that elderly people slow down in their thinking.  That is not the true understanding of brain science, the true understanding is the thinking becomes more mature and it looks different to a younger person’s thinking.  Now, if they have got the stress under control and lifestyle choices like diet those play very valid draw but your thought life is the most powerful.  If you have been thinking according to your gift and not thought through gift blockers.  Gift blockers will accumulate over age disrupt the electrical chemical protein essential structure of the brain and we set our self up for things like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Sid: Now, but going back to young people for just a moment, your own daughter, they wanted to put on retiling, but when you understood how her brain operated you understood her.

Dr. Caroline: It wasn’t my daughter they wanted to put on retiling it was another student that they wanted to actually put on retiling because this child kept moving and was constantly moving and constantly fiddling with things and fiddling and looking away.  And I said, you know this child is really smart, let me do a gift profile.  When I profiled that particular child, because I am very anti retiling for them because of what it does in the brain. When I profiled this particular student and I showed them, I said look, this child starts listening to you by moving, this child is building a temporary memory by ruddily detecting their pin, which is musical.  This child is listening to you.  In other words, I described the seven levels.  I described the structure, she is presenting in this way because of how she is cycling through her thoughts.  There is nothing wrong with her.  That particular child was also a keyboard player, a musician.  A phenomenal musician but she was doing really badly at math.  And because she  was doing badly at math, and because she had so much negative input from school because she was wiggle ling and moving around and being bad at math, she was labeled as a child with pro compre-hension  ADHD.  I said no, I don’t agree at all.  And I profiled her and it showed me, and I asked the parents “Is she been doing some kind of musical instrument?”  Well they said, she use to play keyboard.  Well why doesn’t she still?  Well, we stopped it because as a punishment because she wasn’t doing well in school and once her grades go up, we will bring the key board back in.  I said, you are making a huge mistake here.  You need to let her play key boarding immediately because her key board is her musical type of thinking is right at the top, which means.

Sid: So, when she went back to the keyboard, what happened to her math?

Dr. Caroline: It shot straight up.  The grades, as soon as she went back, as soon as she got that keyboard back that child grades went up.  It was miraculous, you know what happened?  When you know the structure of your gift your brain..

Sid: We have a group of people that want to know their gift and they’ve got to take this gift profile and understand the brain and become all that God’s calling them to be because your brain is wired to work in a specific sequence.  And when you discover the sequence you can unlock the great potential within you, you can remove the toxic thinking and this will end up with emotional and physical illness not having any place to root, not having any place to stay.  It is going to actually increase your intelligence.

Sid: My guest Dr. Caroline Leaf, when you listen to her teaching, she is a Neuroscientist and she has researched the brain for over twenty years and she says you have such a unique gift inside of you.  You can literally change the world if you understand the way God wired you.  And Caroline, on yesterdays broadcast you talked about the brain is made up of seven ways we think, but we are all as unique as a fingerprint because we all use various portions of these seven way.  I wonder if you would review that again.

Dr. Caroline : Yes, we can actually scientifically now know enough about the brain through the comprehensive modern technology we can get a better look inside the brain and based on this, we can find that we can actually describe the structure of our gift.  And the purpose of that would be to understand ourselves better.  If I know that I’ve received information in this way and that I’m building temporary memory like this and I’m consolidating my memories like that.  In other words the brain has seven different major different areas, seven different types of thought and as you digest food you digest a thought.  And your gift is how you digest that thought.  The gift profile gives you the description or the structure of that unique way in which you are digesting.

Sid: And that profile is 210 questions that are just yes or no type answers that will help you discover the way your brain operates.  Why is it so important for someone to discover this?  What difference will it make in their life?

Dr. Caroline: Well, essentially we are in a world we were told that we should behave like that, or this is the gifted person or that’s the successful person and they try and categorize and you can’t categorize.  Each of us is completely unique.  So if we understand that it has a huge amount of self confidence and self esteem because if we are trying to be someone else, you will never succeed.

Sid: Yes, do you know what that reminds me of.  I interviewed a man that has a marvelous healing ministry.  His name is Peter Horrbin and he tells the story of a young man that was groomed to be a medical doctor by his parents and he developed cancer.  When he switched professions and became a musician the cancer left.

Dr. Caroline: Wow, wow so he was moving…that is a fantastic example why you would need to know your gift and the structure of your gift.  Because so often in life and I saw this in my clinical practice on numerous occasions.  Parents would groom their children in a direction that was perhaps their gifting and meanwhile it wasn’t the gift of the child.  I have four children and I have worked in clinical practice, I have reached thousands and millions of people through my ministry, it’s so important that I am able to recognize that each person is totally unique in order to understand them better.  So why the structure of the profile would help us not to make that mistake, there is a classic example of someone in medical doctor should have been a musician he was operating out of his gift.  He wasn’t thinking or allowed to think in a way that he was naturally created by our creator to think and he was working against that which caused his body to become toxic.  It caused his mind to become toxic which affected his body and made him sick.  This is what we have been speaking about.  That your thought life would impact on the health of your body.  So therefore your thought life can be described the special way that you think, the structure of your thinking is what the profile is helping people to find. Helping people to recognize, hey this is amazing.  This is who you are, this is your special way that you see the world and this is good.  You don’t have to be like this one or that one.  You know, I have had children that come through my practice and I use to work a lot with juveniles, a lot of children from sixteen to eighteen. Even old sixteen adults because very often those or those that group of people had been written off and said oh well, that there is nothing more we could do for you.  You will never succeed at school or whatever and had come through years of challenges with learning and emotional issues and the first thing I’ve always did was to fill in that profile and say look, this is how your brain processes.  Show them a picture of those seven different areas and do the profile so that would understand what I was doing in each area.  And I would show them how you and you listening to me now, you move through your brain in this particular way and this particular combination and this is what it means.  It means that you need to move when you this,  you need to think when you do this and you actually pinpoint and describe exactly what’s good for you.  And, what‘s good for you then as you use that then you accentuate and develop your intelligence.  Because the most natural result of operating in your gift is an increase in the two sides the ability of the brain.  The two sides of the brain to work together more efficiently and as you do that you think deeper you grow more branches in your brain, you grown more connections between the brain.

Sid: Okay, that would be great for a young person, I can see that, but what about a fifty year old person that is listening to us right now, is it too late for them?

Dr. Carolyn: Neither.  Let me take that one step further Sid, even better my oldest client at this stage was a seventy-eight year old pilot who decided not decided, his eyes were failing at that stage so he couldn’t fly anymore.  So he decided that at the age of seventy-eight to go and fulfill his real dream and his real dream had always been, his real gift had always been more of the direction of numbers.  And he wants to become a CPA.  So at the age of seventy-eight he came to me.  I did a profile  on him, it showed that he definitely was thinking in that kind of way and processing information in that kind of way he had applied that kind of logically when he was flying and he went back to school and he studied at seventy-eight, qualified at eighty-four and practiced for another ten years.  And I mean that that was just outstanding.  I had a fifty year old lady who had through all her life had just done clerical jobs and it wasn’t her dream but she had always been told that you’ll never amount to much, you don’t have the ability to go to the university and I said that is not the truth.  Let’s look at your gift, I did the profile, showed her, this is how you think, this is with structure this is what you are doing and this point and this point in you thinking process.  This is what it means for your life, this is the kind of thing, this is the kind of thinking that you have that could be doing all this kind of thing.  Another thing, she was really, really, really interested in Yourt I mean she loved that kind of thinking but never thought she had the ability or the gift to do it.  Well, she went back and studied until the age of fifty-two.  If your brain get gets filled with age, the more you use the brain the more you use your gift the more you think.

Sid: Now wait a second, I’ve always heard your brain gets slower with age.  Not better.

Dr. Caroline: Well, that is a lie from the pits of hell, so that is not science.  Science is, the initial brain thought research that did that was done on people that had died, old people that had died with disease.  Now, with our kind of brain techniques and technology we can look inside a brain of people that are healthy and are alive.  And, we see that as you age your brain gets better with age.  It is the only organ that gets better with age.  The more you use your brain the more intelligent you become.  It shifts, it focuses and changes like in the way that it functions but that gift of thinking, that gift of thinking in you special way, gets better and better the older you get.  The more you use it.  The converse is that if we don’t use our gift, if we don’t think correctly, if we don’t process, we’ve got to build gift blockers.  If we build gift blockers we disrupt the natural functioning of the brain and we cause destructions in our…

Sid: Well, maybe that’s why older people are known as slowing down in their thinking process because they don’t understand those gift blockers.

Dr. Caroline: Exactly, Sid, that’s totally all the elderly people, the description is that elderly people slow down in their thinking.  That is not the true understanding of brain science, the true understanding is the thinking becomes more mature and it looks different to a younger person’s thinking.  Now, if they have got the stress under control and lifestyle choices like diet those play very valid draw but your thought life is the most powerful.  If you have been thinking according to your gift and not thought through gift blockers.  Gift blockers will accumulate over age disrupt the electrical chemical protein essential structure of the brain and we set our self up for things like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Sid: Now, but going back to young people for just a moment, your own daughter, they wanted to put on retiling, but when you understood how her brain operated you understood her.

Dr. Caroline: It wasn’t my daughter they wanted to put on retiling it was another student that they wanted to actually put on retiling because this child kept moving and was constantly moving and constantly fiddling with things and fiddling and looking away.  And I said, you know this child is really smart, let me do a gift profile.  When I profiled that particular child, because I am very anti retiling for them because of what it does in the brain. When I profiled this particular student and I showed them, I said look, this child starts listening to you by moving, this child is building a temporary memory by ruddily detecting their pin, which is musical.  This child is listening to you.  In other words, I described the seven levels.  I described the structure, she is presenting in this way because of how she is cycling through her thoughts.  There is nothing wrong with her.  That particular child was also a keyboard player, a musician.  A phenomenal musician but she was doing really badly at math.  And because she  was doing badly at math, and because she had so much negative input from school because she was wiggle ling and moving around and being bad at math, she was labeled as a child with pro compre-hension  ADHD.  I said no, I don’t agree at all.  And I profiled her and it showed me, and I asked the parents “Is she been doing some kind of musical instrument?”  Well they said, she use to play keyboard.  Well why doesn’t she still?  Well, we stopped it because as a punishment because she wasn’t doing well in school and once her grades go up, we will bring the key board back in.  I said, you are making a huge mistake here.  You need to let her play key boarding immediately because her key board is her musical type of thinking is right at the top, which means.

Sid: So, when she went back to the keyboard, what happened to her math?

Dr. Caroline: It shot straight up.  The grades, as soon as she went back, as soon as she got that keyboard back that child grades went up.  It was miraculous, you know what happened?  When you know the structure of your gift your brain..

Sid: We have a group of people that want to know their gift and they’ve got to take this gift profile and understand the brain and become all that God’s calling them to be because your brain is wired to work in a specific sequence.  And when you discover the sequence you can unlock the great potential within you, you can remove the toxic thinking and this will end up with emotional and physical illness not having any place to root, not having any place to stay.  It is going to actually increase your intelligence.

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Written by sidroth

November 29th, 2010 at 1:41 am

Posted in Sid Roth