Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Sid Roth

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Sid: Now several weeks ago I gave you a very fast update on what happened in Israel. But there was so much that happened that, it’s so significant prophetically that I felt I’d take this whole week and tell you a bit about my adventure in the land of Israel. It started out with my sister and brother-in-law emailing me and saying “Sid I feel it’s time for you to come to the land and we can set up some evangelistic meetings for you.” I felt “Well, that sounds good.” We had them set up and there were some special things they were doing to get a lot of unsaved people there. See my sister and brother-in-law made Aliyah about a year and a half ago. And they’re in their 60’s. And God gave my sister a dream and they had it made; their retired their family is doing well they have a wonderful congregation, and everything was going wonderful for them. And they had no desire to go Israel in the midst of the intifada, the war but my sister had a dream in which God made it very clear that they were called the land of Israel. And so they cut their ties and they went and imagine over 60 their learning Hebrew. You know what even more unbelievable they love it, they absolutely love it. You know when you’re in the center of God’s will it doesn’t matter that an intifada’s going on, it doesn’t matter what happens, all that counts is to be in the center of God’s will. And He says “I’ll keep you in perfect peace if you’ll keep your eyes on Me.”

I talked to my sister and brother-in-law “Do you have any fear, do you have any concerns about walking down the center of the street there’s suicide bombers and all of these things going on.” And you know when you’re in the land of Israel it’s not like the United States you see people all over with guns at their side. I mean it’s just… when you go into a restaurant and they frisk you; most Americans have never lived under this type of atmosphere and I can tell you that they’re in such peace.

So anyway they invited me to come to Israel and then I had a childhood disease which caused a deteriorated hipbone and the prognosis was “Someday you’ll need surgery.” We didn’t know when the someday was but of course I was believing God for a new hip from the parts room in heaven. I really believe that God does these things and will do these things after all He says “Is anything impossible for Me.” But the pain got unbearable and I decided it hasn’t manifested yet I’m going to have the surgery. So I didn’t go to Israel. And then I decided that I would go again the dates worked out for me to be there about a week before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year the Feast of Trumpets. And I talked to a friend of mine that’s a prophet his name is Bob Jones and I told him I was going to Israel I’d appreciate prayer for me while I’m there. And he said “Will you be there over Rosh Hashanah?” And I said “No, I’m leaving the land about a week before.” And he said “Oh, too bad God is showing me He’s going to pour out His Spirit on Israel in a very sovereign way starting in Rosh Hashanah.” And he said “I’m not prophesying you’re supposed to be there but it’s just too bad that you’re not going to.” I mean that’s like waving a red flag in front of a bull. (Laughing) I mean “If You’re going to pour out Your Spirit God I want to be where you pour It out.” So I decided I’d do a fleece I wrote am email to Pat Robertson and I’m going to be in Israel and I could extend my trip a few days if you would like to do a live update from Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah. And low and behold got a call back almost immediately and they said “Yes.” So I had to be in Israel an extra week, that’s 2 weeks.

So I really felt that God had something special for me there and I’ll tell you if nothing else, if nothing else to see what God is doing in that land the way it builds your faith to see all of these ancient promises that have come true. “As long as there’s a sun and moon and stars they’ll be a physical Jew on the face of this earth.” That from the 4 corners of the earth God will suddenly cause Israel to become a nation in a day.” That’s what it says in Isaiah “A nation will be formed in a day and the Jewish people will be preserved, will be restored to that land.” And to just go there and see that is I mean such a boost in ones faith. And so one of the things that happened while I was there is I called a friend of mine that’s a close friend of Derrick Prince. Now Derrick Prince wrote… I interviewed him a number of times, he wrote a forward in one of my books. And as far as I’m concerned he’s one of the greatest Bible scholars. So I talked to this friend and this friend said… the friend’s name was Lance Lambert, and Lance said “Well, Derrick’s in the hospital and he’s not doing very well.” And then he hung up and the next day he was promoted; he went on to be with the Father in heaven. I got a hold of a newsletter, this was the last newsletter that Derrick Prince sent out just before he was promoted. And I’ve got to read this to you this is what he says:

Over the past 3 years God has been telling me again and again that He has planted me here in Israel; He has promised me that I will abide where He has planed me the result will be abundant fruit.

And I have to interject that’s what I saw on this trip abundant fruit. Then let me read another part of this newsletter. These were like his last words before he died:

Over the past several years I’ve been exercised in my mind over Romans 1:16. And Romans 1:16 says “I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes. To the Jew first, and also for the Greek

Then he goes on to say:

Some Christians offer only an historical interpretation of these words. Suggesting that they mean that the gospel was first presented to the Jews then later to the Gentiles, but that is not what Paul actually says. He says that the gospel still is for the Jews first, then for the Greek. It describes not merely a fact of history, but also a permanent order which God has ordained for the dissemination of the gospel. It is significant that Paul himself, who was the apostle of the uncircumcision, that is the Gentiles, regularly began his ministry in any city by approaching the Jewish community. I believe that we should still follow the same order in the presentation of the gospel today. I feel that we please God by reserving a special place for the ministry of the gospel to the Jewish people especially in their land.

Wow! This is what I’d been proclaiming for years. It’s almost like from heaven because he’s in heaven right now and I get this newsletter and he’s saying what the Spirit of God has been showing me for years. That, when we go to the Jew first it opens up because when you’re doing what God says to do you can’t miss. When you go to the Jew first it is God’s eternal law of evangelism. It opens up a supernatural door to reach all people. When you go to all people you don’t take advantage of that supernatural door. It’s like in Genesis 12:3 God says “I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people, and I will curse those who curse them.” So when you reach out to the Jew first with evangelism it’s like planting a seed. When you plant that seed it opens the door to reach all people, it’s so simple you need help to get confused.

So when I read that it got me so excited, then something else, I was actually at his funeral in Jerusalem. When I was there they mentioned his last prophetic word to the church. He was asked the question “What do you see as far as where we are right now?” This is what he said just days before he was promoted to heaven. He said 2 things, he didn’t have to think it just came right out of his mouth.

  1. Restoring Israel – this is what God is doing. Number 1 restoring Israel.
  2. Judging the nations – that’s so articulate and so correct.

You know the Feast of Trumpets, and that’s what I was in Israel for, or Rosh Hashanah, you blow the shofar. The shofar represents many things: Announcing royalty – when you hear that shofar blast the king is ready to come. I believe that what is about ready to happen in Israel today. It is not an accident that they have had an unusually high rain fall this year, almost record amounts of rain. Well rain is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I believe it’s showing us there’s an outpouring of God’s Spirit, and that prophecy I heard by Bob Jones I believe that started on Rosh Hashanah, the King is about ready to come.

The second thing the shofar does is a warning. It tells you that there’s danger on the horizon. I have to tell when I was in Israel, and it was very early in the morning and I was just waking up, I had as close to an audible voice as I’ve ever heard in my life and the voice said “Economic judgment.” Now that’s all this voice said and I believe it was God. My interpretation was economic judgment on the United States for coming against Israel.

Do you remember John McTernan who I interviewed on Messianic Vision? He said that every time the United States of America has come against Israel they’ve had a warning judgment of some natural disaster or catastrophe.

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Written by sidroth

April 15th, 2016 at 2:08 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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