Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Anita Hill

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Sid: My guest on the telephone is Pastor Anita Hill. Anita is Pastor at Pleasant Valley Church in Thomaston, Georgia. Last week I sure hope you were listening because we had Pastor Henry Wright from the same church. And he was talking about how God is showing him that there are doorways and they are very specific for each specific disease. And when you can close this doorway you can stop that disease from its very roots. And as you know I have been searching, and I’m not going to be satisfied until I see what Jesus said in the New Testament He said “You’ll do the same works I’ve done and even greater.” Well, that is our minimum and I’m not satisfied until we hit that and as a matter of fact Jesus didn’t turn anyone down and Jesus healed everyone that came to Him. And I want nothing short of that and so I’ve been looking for the keys. And I believe that we’re on to a key that I’m so excited about. And I have a woman on the phone Anita Hill who is also a Pastor at Pleasant Valley Church in Thomaston, Georgia. She is a nurse and a teacher and her job there is identified the roots of diseases. Anita you’ve identified the roots of something like 500 diseases.

Anita: Well, collectively we have led by the basic teaching from the word that Pastor Henry Wright has set the stage for the roots of many diseases and then we have extrapolated from that and recognized other illnesses that have a commonality with some of the diseases that he already recognized.

Sid: Now let’s just kind of recap, for the Mishpochah, because you’re testimony is in the book we’re offering this week called “The More Excellent Way.” The book identifies at least 17 diseases that you had. You were a nice atheist stuck in a body, the New Age couldn’t help you, nothing could help you. You had environmental illnesses to the point where all of your hair fell out and you couldn’t wear clothing. You could only, for a time, eat beets, you were on oxygen for 11 years, you had a rare kidney disease, hypothyroidism, you had organic brain syndrome, you had multiple chemical sensitivity, just cervical and lumbar osteoarthritis. You had kidney problems, you had psychiatric diseases, you had tendonitis, bursitis, bladder infection, it goes on and on. You were legally blind in both eyes, your mental problems were so bad that you spent many years in a mental institution, you were catatonic at times. You had such a horrible background being raised and so you’re in one of these let’s call it a safe house because of the environmental problems that you had. You’re with a nice Jewish girlfriend roommate and she’s in law school graduate from Harvard University but she has this bad disease it’s environmental. And all of a sudden she’s a believer in Jesus and she get’s healed. What affect did this have on you because you tried New Age and it didn’t help?

Anita: Right and I would like to mention that I was legally blind without my glasses and now I can pass the Georgia test without my glasses and my doctor says “That that is a real miracle,” the eye doctor. But when she called she wanted to get some things out of storage at my house and immediately hearing her voice I knew something was different. And she wasn’t going to tell me because so many people had given her a bad time time about maybe even being a Christian let alone being a healed by God. So she was holding back but she finally told me and immediately when she told me her story about her healing and that she had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior I knew I wanted to know this Living God. And I wasn’t as sure about getting healed of all of my diseases, but I had known this God earlier in my life and I wanted to reconnect out of that. And I immediately called a friend of mine who was my astrologer and I did pendulum readings for her.

Sid: Oi vey!

Anita: And she began weeping and I said “Why are you weeping you’re not a Christian because I’m going to have to give up my guru.” Immediately it was like she knew.

Sid: You know it reminds me almost of my Jewish mother and that is that even before she was a believer she was going around witnessing to people. It’s…anyway you get this Henry Wright on the telephone what does he say to you?

Anita: Well, I get in touch with his ministry and one of his ministers started teaching me the word over the phone because I was in no position to go all of the way from ministry was in Florida at the time and I was in San Francisco on oxygen for 11 years in a foil-lined room. And barely able to wear any clothing, I finally could wear some silk and linen and it’s a bit of a stretch when you’re paying $200 for your sheets but I…

Sid: Because any other type of sheet you would be allergic to.

Anita: I could only do linen and silk. And I did not have a bed to sleep in for 11 years I slept on a metal frame that was only about 24 inches wide.

Sid: Why didn’t you sleep on a bed?

Anita: Because I couldn’t tolerate mattresses and all of the chemicals that would be in mattresses.

Sid: Anita you must really know what it really is to suffer you must have tremendous compassion for people that are suffering.

Anita: I do. One of the ways that I am effective in ministry is that people say “I know you know the kind of thing I’ve gone through.” And I always tell them “I can’t know exactly how they feel but I know what it’s like to suffer.” But I also know what it’s like to be victorious in Christ because God heals me.

Sid: And for those that are just tuning in for the first time this is nothing compared to all she’s been healed of but she’s 68 years young and most people when they see her they think she’s in her 40’s. And you’re almost a sign and a wonder just by your appearance.

Anita: Right when I first came to the ministry I had to have people hold me up on both sides because I was so allergic to grass and trees or if I smelled car exhaust on the street I would fall. I would fall several times a day and even in my home let alone in the streets and they would try to take me out for a walk when I came to the ministry and would assist me like this. Within a week I was jogging down that same street. And since I’ve been healed even though I’ve previously had osteoarthritis in my spine I was able to go to Switzerland and climb mountain trails and that was a real victory.

Sid: What about your kidneys?

Anita: Well I had been on artificial kidney machine because I took 60 sleeping pills and was in a coma for a month and my kidneys shut down. And from being on the artificial kidney machine I developed a rare kidney disorder and could not hold on to calcium or potassium. And had to carry bottles of it around with me because I’d start having heart attack symptoms and this went on for 11 years and God also healed that.

Sid: Now when you went into the ministry could you eat normal food?

Anita: No, I came to the ministry and I told them that they would have to get some organic beets for me. I had a…

Sid: I mean that’s quite an appetite I mean beets that’s the only thing that you could eat?

Anita: Without severe reactions at one point I…

Sid: Weren’t you sick of beets?

Anita: Yes I was, but at least they didn’t make me critically ill. I would get heart attack systems if I ate some foods like beef and so forth. So I had to take an injection for every food that I ate, they neutralized me at the hospital in Texas for even lettuce would put me out for days with pain in my joints and depression and whatever. So after while I could no longer afford to take the shots and I also started reacting to them it was becoming more sensitive. So it was like playing Russian roulette to eat anything. I did eat some foods even though they made me very sick because I wanted to stay alive. But at the point where I got that phone call from my friend I had really decided to turn my face to wall and die and let myself starve and not take water anymore. I couldn’t even drink water without severe reaction and had to have a glass distiller in order to process my water.

Sid: So you’re saying if God hadn’t interceded in your life you would have probably taken you like if you hadn’t died naturally at that point.

Anita: Right at that point I couldn’t take it any more I had had 56 years of suffering from the time I was born. My first suicide attempt was at the age of 8. And throughout my life I made many attempts on my life because I felt I just didn’t belong in this world.

Sid: After a few weeks what was your eating like when you went to Henry Wrights.

Anita: Guess what, I went to after one week I went to a Jewish deli that had a gas leak and had a pastrami sandwich and I also had cheesecake.

Sid: If you hadn’t been healed what affect would that had had on you?

Anita: Well one I wouldn’t have gotten in the door with the gas leak I would have collapsed at the door probably started having heart attack symptoms. If I drank the milk I probably would have become suicidal you know with the cheesecake with the milk in it. And with the beef I would have become very disoriented. I guess that’s what pastramis from. And the bread with wheat I would have been totally out of my mind with reaction.

Sid: Listen, we’re out of time. The reason we’re interviewing her Mishpochah and I’m saying there’s nothing going on in your life to compare like this. If God could heal Anita He can heal you if God wanted to heal Anita He wants to heal you.

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Written by sidroth

April 21st, 2016 at 4:03 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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