Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Rodney Howard-Browne

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RODNEY:  Let’s pray right now. Father, every person watching wherever they might be for the same anointing that’s falling here right now let it fall upon them from the top of their head to the soles of their feet. Let there come a greater hunger for the Word of God, a greater hunger for the things of the Spirit. And Lord that You would teach them Your ways. That You would show them how to yield to You. How to flow with You. That You want to use us on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. That Sunday at church it’d just be a celebration of all the good things that You’ve done throughout the week. Lord we know that there will be opposition. We know that there will be battles but there cannot be great victories without great battles and so You train our hands for war and You send us into places where it’s dark so that the light can shine. Thank You that You are raising up an army of men and women that will not compromise in this day and this hour. Thank You, Lord, that the fire is being ignited right now in the hearts of men and women. …for a mobilization of Your church in this final hour to bring in the greatest harvest of souls right before the return of the King of kings and the Lord of lords! We thank You for it. We thank You! We blow a trumpet in Zion even now we sound the alarm on Thy holy mountain. Father, we just thank You for it. And once again we bless this ministry. Thank you, Brother Sid and the whole team here. And Lord, give them the very desires of their heart and that which you’re putting on the inside of them now that which is being born of the Spirit of God that will pave the way into the days to come, putting away the old and putting on the new. We thank You for it, in Jesus name. Amen!


SID:  Amen!

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Written by sidroth

March 16th, 2018 at 8:55 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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