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Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Art Thomas

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ART:  Yeah. So separate yourself from that thinking. Set aside the thorn in the flesh thing. That’s not for you. If you’ve had all kinds of crazy revelations of heaven that are too wonderful to share then sure you’re allowed to have one if you want to. It’s okay?




ART:  But until you’ve had that I’m not letting you claim it. All right? So that’s the deal. Now another one. Jacob’s limp. What about Jacob? He limped for the rest of his life and it was a blessing. Did you know that’s nowhere in the Bible? Did you know that? I searched backwards and forwards could not find anything that said Jacob limped for the rest of his life. What I did find the reason we believe it is because Jacob wrestles with that angel. Right? And some believe that is was actually a pre-incarnate Jesus that he wrestled with and he wrestles with Him until I want that blessing. Right? And then the blessing was a dislocated hip or something like that, we think. But whatever happened it says that as the sun rose over Peniel, Jacob stumbled. He limped or halted says the King James. The Greek word there literally means “stumbled” in fact everywhere else that it’s used in the Old Testament to describe an action it’s translated “stumbled” but to describe a person it’s translated “lame.” Okay? And then the other verse we have is that at the end of his life at 140 years old it says he leaned on his staff and blessed his sons. And people say well he leaned on his staff. That meant he must have limped his whole life. Moses had a staff. We don’t think he limped. Elijah had a staff. We don’t think he limped. It was a sign of authority. And if you’re 140 years old I expect you to be leaning on a staff. Right?




ART:  There’s no scripture verse that says he limped for the rest of his life. You see every one of these questions we have can be brought to the scripture. You can study it out and you’ll find out none of them are true. All these arguments we’ve had you can wipe them away. Paul leaving Timothy, or leaving Trophimus sick in Miletus. Well guess what? Paul had a mission. I’ve got friends who I’ve prayed for hundreds of times. They’re still not healed and I have a mission and I’ve going to leave them where they are and go minister at a church somewhere and it’s heart breaking but it has to happen. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t want to heal them. Just cause someone’s not healed doesn’t mean God doesn’t want it. In fact Second Peter 3: 9, I believe it is, says that God wills that none should perish and that all would come to repentance. But we know from scripture that some people perish in hell and don’t repent. So God’s will is not always done. God’s will is that none should perish yet some people perish. Jesus taught us to pray “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth just like it is in heaven.” Why would we have to pray that His will would be done if it’s always done? Romans 12:2: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you’ll be able to test and approve what God’s will is. His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Why would you need to test and approve what His will is if everything that happens is His will? You just kind of take it for granted. But if you’ve going to say umm, is that His will? Yup. Yup. Yup. He does want to heal people. Is that is His will? Like you’re walking across some rope bridge in a movie that always falls. Right? We know how this goes. But you’re testing and approving every board. See? Jesus wants you to know His will. That’s why you have to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That’s why we’re doing this teaching. So that the Holy Spirit can get into your brain and take out those arguments and you can just rise up with faith and say no, no, no. Jesus wants this! The reason I’m so convinced that He wants it is that He paid the price for it. You don’t pay for something you don’t want. If you were to go to Walmart and buy the biggest big screen TV they have and they deliver it to your house cause it’s too big to fit in your car and you open up that box and it’s empty? You’re going back to Walmart. You know like give me my money or give me my TV! Right? There’s no way you’re settling for that. If you paid for it you want it!


AUDIENCE:  That’s right!


ART:  Did Jesus pay a high price for healing?


AUDIENCE:  Yes, He did!


ART:  He wants it. And He paid a much higher price than a measly few thousand dollars for a stinking TV. You know? Our Jesus is amazing. He wants it. In fact First John 2:2 tells us that He paid not only for our sins as believers but also for the sins of the whole world. That doesn’t mean every single person on the planet is saved but it means every person’s paid for. You pay for what you want. You see? God wills that none should perish. You pay for what you want. He paid for all. Do you see how that works? You can go to even someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus and minister healing to them. He wants it. He wants it. He wants it. Now I want to just look at a few more things. He’s the Lord our Healer. That’s proof that it’s His nature to heal. I mean He’s called “Jehovah Shalom.” The Lord our Peace. Does His peace have limits? You know? Is He ever not peaceful? “Jehovah Tsidkenu,” He is Righteous. Is He ever not righteous? No. So “Jehovah Rapha,” the Lord our healer. Is there ever a time when He is not offering healing? It’s His nature. It’s who He is. You can’t separate Him from His nature. Now, since this is part of His nature it is something that naturally flows from Him. Healing’s been purchased for everyone once and for all. Therefore it should come as no surprise that absolutely anyone can be healed by the Lord our Healer. It’s His nature and we’ve been given access to His nature through knowing Jesus Christ. So Second Peter 1:4 says that “Through God’s glory and goodness He has given us His very great and precious promises so that through them YOU may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” In other words not only is healing part of God’s nature, but through knowing Christ His healing power naturally becomes part of your own nature. Because you’ve been given to participate in the divine nature!

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Written by sidroth

February 3rd, 2018 at 4:26 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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