Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dave Hayes

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SID: Now many of you are familiar with the Praying Medic, Dave Hayes. But for those that are not, let me give you a quick recap. Dave was a fervent atheist until he was 38, paramedic. In 2000, he became a believer in the Messiah and then strange things started happening. He started hearing God’s voice. And then he had a prophetic dream, and what did God tell you to do with your patients in the ambulance?


DAVE: He said, “I want you to pray for your patients. I’m going to show you what’s wrong with them. And if you pray for them I’ll heal them.”


SID: Now when he said this to you, I mean, you’re a new believer. You had no paradigm. Did you think like you’d be a healing evangelist, heal in the name of Jesus? What did you think?


DAVE: I was confused. I had no idea. I didn’t even believe in healing at the time. I didn’t believe in miracles. I had never seen anyone healed. In fact, my wife and I had just had an argument, disagreement a couple of weeks earlier about healing. She believed in miracles, I didn’t. And then I had the dream and God said, “I’m going to do miracles for you.” So I didn’t have a degree for it.


SID: All right. So but you did have that Jewish thing called chutzpah, nerve, except he’s not Jewish. But somehow he got some chutzpah. Let me tell you what this guy did. You never have done this. He told me he prayed for 400 people in the ambulance. How many got healed?


DAVE: None.


SID: Did you hear that? None. How many were healed, going to 401? I mean, this is in the ambulance. This is your job. You could lose your job. I’m sure all this is going on inside of you. But then tell me one of the first people that was healed and what happened.


DAVE: Well I was on the ambulance. It was a very hot day and my partner and I went into the store to get something to drink, got my Gaterade. I went to the checkout counter, and I was standing in line behind a woman. And for some reason, I looked and I closed my eyes. In my mind, I saw what I now know is a vision. I didn’t know what it was at that time. I saw a picture of this woman and I saw the word “migraines” underneath her.


SID: This written out over this picture. Had you ever seen this woman before?


DAVE: No, never saw her before.


SID: Okay.


DAVE: Never had any experience like that.


SID: Okay.


DAVE: So I just thought, okay well God must be telling me she has migraine headaches because he wants me to pray for her. So all of a sudden, I got this boost of confidence, of faith and I said, “Hey, I’m Dave, I’m a paramedic. Do you have migraine headaches?” And she starts crying. And I said, “What’s wrong?” She goes, “Yes, I have migraines and how did you know that?” I said, “God told me and I think he wants me to pray for you so you can be healed.” So I prayed for her. Headache was completely gone, she’s crying, and she said, “You don’t understand what happened. I have had migraines for years. This morning I woke up with another headache and I asked God, when are you going to heal me, and then you showed up at the store.” And she got healed. And I got a testimony from her, I contacted her months later, she had never had any more migraines.


SID: This is just the beginning. He gets so many people healed. He’s a paramedic in an ambulance. He gets so many people healed after that. But you begged a question with me. So why weren’t the first 400 healed? You had a dream from God?


DAVE: Right.


SID: Why?


DAVE: Because I didn’t know how to release power and how to exercise authority. I just thought I could beg God to heal somebody and they would be healed. That’s what I did for the first two or three months. I would very quietly have a patient on the gurney, oh Lord, if it’s your will, please heal them, in a quiet voice so no one could hear me. Did that for a few months, no one got healed. And I started learning about, reading through the scriptures, reading through the New Testament, seeing how Jesus healed people and the disciples healed people. Then I realized it’s about authority, the authority that God has given us and releasing the power, the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. Once I understood it was about releasing power and exercising authority, I started seeing people healed all the time.


SID: Tell me one of the most recent healings you’ve had. I’d like to hear.


DAVE: Are you talking about the one at the conference?

SID: Right.


DAVE: So I was at a conference in Tacoma, last year, and this woman tracked me down and said, “Praying Medic, can you pray for me. I need to be healed.” And I said, “Yes, I’ll be happy to pray for you.” She knew me. She was a friend of mine. We emailed each other. I had prayed for her to be healed of emotional trauma from sexual abuse as a child and she had already been healed of that. She had emphysema, she had circulatory problems, her feet were purple. She had heart problems, thyroid problems. She had a long list of problems. So I prayed for her for about ten minutes and I knew I wasn’t going to have enough time to get everything healed. So as I was praying I felt like the Lord told me, “Tell her you’re going to send angels to follow her around at home when she leaves the conference.” So I did that. I said, “Look, I believe the Lord wants me to tell you that we’re going to have angels follow you around for the rest of the week, after you leave the conference.”


SID: Now that’s a pretty wild statement for someone to make.


DAVE: Yes. Look, I try to be obedient and it just requires sometimes taking a leap of faith. So I had never heard the Lord say that before. So I told her that and then I went back to the conference. She emailed me a couple of weeks later and said, “You’re not going to believe what happened. First of all, the next day the purple skin on my feet turned normal color.” Everybody noticed that my circulation cleared up. She went to an appointment that week and they noticed that her breathing was normal. She wasn’t huffing and puffing, and wheezing like she had been. And she said, “But the most amazing thing was the Wednesday after I went home, I was going to sleep that night, I laid down in bed, and as I was laying in bed, I saw an angel standing next to my bed and it was dumping oil over me.” And she said, “My breathing is better, all my health conditions are going away. She has continued to heal over the last few months. She’s continuing to, the healing is continuing and she’s giving me updates on each condition as it’s being healed. I believe those angels are still releasing healing on her.


SID: You know, many years ago, as a new believer, I saw Dr. Kenneth Hagin who is now in Heaven, minister great miracles. Then I heard him teach on how we could do it, and I said to myself, you can’t teach a gift. A gift is a gift. You hear from God. You can’t teach others to hear from God, or can you?


DAVE: Yes, you can and yes, I do. I do not believe what a lot people believe about prophecy, about hearing from God, seeing visions, all those angelic experiences. Those are experiences anyone can have. If an atheist like me can do those things, I’m not special, I don’t have a special anointing, God has specifically told me, “I want you to teach my people how to operate in the supernatural, how to hear my voice, how to see visions, how to release healing.” And that’s what my books are about. That’s what I do.


SID: Every believer can operate in all these arenas you operate in.


DAVE: Everyone who wants to and who is willing to practice can do it. One of the most frequent comments I get from people who have read my book on hearing God’s voice is, wow, I read your book and I realized I was hearing God. He was speaking to me the whole time. I just never recognized it was him speaking.


SID: When you come back, Dave says if you do two things consistently you will hear God’s voice. You will hear God’s voice all the time. Be right back.

Written by sidroth

August 26th, 2018 at 4:52 am

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Our Guest Julie Meyer

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SID: Julie, why do you get so excited, and you do, about singing the Word of God?


JULIE: I get excited because I love seeing people free. I love seeing people excited about reading and singing, and retaining the Word of God. It’s life-changing and they can literally stir themselves up, just like David did, by singing the Bible.


SID: You told me that you’ve identified three ways of singing the Bible. Explain.


JULIE: Well this is how I’ve always sang the Word. Since 1983, this has been a part of my life. And I just take one or two scriptures. It’s easiest if you use Psalms. They’re already songs and prayers. So I just, the first way is I just sing it straight through, word for word. And then I sing it through again, but I turn it into my own prayer, and I pray it as if it’s my prayer. And this is powerful because what happens is you’re not just reading about David’s encounter with God, but suddenly when you pray it as if it’s your prayer, it’s your prayer. It’s your encounter, not just David’s. And the third way I sing it is I sing the other side of it like God was singing over me and I literally put my name in it. I’ve healed you, Julie. You’re free now, Julie. And I sing the Word because it is the truth of what God says. It’s his word.


SID: And not only that, Julie has been healed. It’s wonderful that others are healed through singing the scriptures. It’s wonderful that when she sings over people they get healed. But Julie finds she’s been emotionally healed, physically healed just by singing the scriptures. Tell me one thing.


JULIE: Well I used to hate me. I used to hate my voice, my nose. I wanted to sing like Olivia Newton-John. And I went to the House of Prayer. This was in 2000. So I love Jesus, but in 2000, my friend said, “For the next two hours you are going to sing one thing: ‘Song of Solomon 1:5, I am dark but lovely,'” which means, in my weakness he says I’m beautiful. In my brokenness he still pursues me. And somewhere in the midst of that two hours and went in not liking me. But suddenly, because I had that helmet on and my lobes weren’t letting all the negativity get in, my thoughts were replaced totally by God’s thoughts about me. In a two-hour session I changed and I love me!


SID: I have here the brand new Supernatural Bible and I’ve asked her to sing Isaiah 53 and I proclaim that you will be healed as she sings this over you. But I have two commentaries in the Supernatural Bible. First is by Dr. Michael Brown, proving why Isaiah 53 could only be talking about Jesus as the Messiah, and then I have a commentary here on the same chapter by Sandra Kennedy, proving that Jesus died for all of our sins and all of our sicknesses and diseases. Julie.


JULIE: I’m going to take that. I love to people to sing, sing the Bible. So can I get you to stand.

Julie Meyer [playing background piano music]: And I’m going to sing this like a prayer and I’m going to sing a line, and then I’m going to have you sing after me because what’s key about singing the scriptures is your ears need to hear the sound of you, and this helps you be able to do it at home. [singing] You have born my sickness.

Written by sidroth

August 17th, 2018 at 5:41 am

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Our Guest Jonathan Bernis

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SID: So the question that a lot of you were asking, Jonathan, why should believers care about Israel? Why? I mean, it’s just another nation. That’s what many say.


JONATHAN: Right, but that’s not what the Bible says. So two reasons: One, the debt of responsibility when we realize that the salvation of the nations, the salvation of everyone watching is the result of the obedience of the first Jewish believers that took the Gospel around the world, including the Apostle Paul who was a Jewish rabbi. But the other is the future forward, Sid, life from the dead. Paul says, “If their rejection brought you salvation, what’s going to happen when they come back?” And by the way, he talks about the responsibility of every Christian to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy. Because of the rejection, salvation has come through to them with the responsibility to provoke them to jealousy.” So the greatest blessing that you can give a Jewish person, of course, is the Gospel, to pray for them, to proclaim, to share your faith with them and to bring them into the Kingdom of God. And then Paul says, “Life from the dead, the result of their return will bring life from the dead.” So if you want your family saved, if you want your city saved, if you want your nation saved, if you want to see the world saved, it’s the Jewish people coming back, it’s the catalyst to release that revival.


SID: And that’s the word that I’m hearing also, “catalyst”. There is a catalyst in the last days. There was a spark at the first coming of the Messiah and it was salvation and was through the Jew. And I believe that just before Messiah returns there will be a great revival in Israel, there will be Jewish people that will be ablaze with the fire of God.


JONATHAN: Absolutely.


SID: In fact, what does Joel say about that?


JONATHAN: Well Joel talks about this final day. And Sid, I don’t believe it’s far in the future. It started already and I have lots of stories about Jewish people in the Land of Israel, ultra-Orthodox rabbis being saved. I have great stories about Jews that have been scattered to other nations. We’ve seen an incredible revival in Russia. That’s part of the last days’ revival that’s grown. There’s going to be this crescendo and every believer is called to be part of it. That’s what Joel is talking about. The outpouring of the Spirit in the last days, it’s going to overshadow every other revival in history including Pentecost. And we get to be part of it, Sid.


SID: There is such a presence of God on what we’re talking about because this is so close to God’s heart at this moment that you understand this. This is why we have Project 77. This is why we are mailing books to Jewish people throughout North America, the former Soviet, close to three million, Jonathan we have mailed now. And now we’re mailing, under Project 77, to millennials because for the first time there’s a segment of the Jewish society that is so open to the Gospel. The latest Barna Poll said 21 percent of Jewish millennials already believe in the deity of Jesus. You know, Jonathan, this travail opened up one of the greatest ministries I know of to reach Jewish people. This travail opened up. I preached thousands of Jewish people over the last few years. When we come back, could you pray a prayer of impartation because I know when he prays people start moving into this travail. It’s going to change your life. We’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

August 7th, 2018 at 4:39 am

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Our Guest Gary Whetstone

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GARY:  It is not a loss time! It’s a new beginning time! Now I am speaking to some people right now. You have lost relatives. You have lost relationships. Some of you have lost very close friends and you wonder how can I step forward into some of the confidences and the relationships and God said that if you have abandoned father, mother, wife, children, lands, house, friends you will get what? A hundredfold in this life. God, You have given Your word that there is supernatural abundance and we expect nothing less for our life is in You! It’s in You, God. It’s in You, God. It’s in You, God. It’s in You. Just lift your hands and ask God to flood your life with the power of His Holy Spirit. To fill you. To flood every fiber of your being. Spirit, soul, body set apart for the service of His glory. God, our life, filled by Your power. It’s for Your service. (Prays in tongues) Who has that eye that just keeps turning off its course? You do not have the muscle control in that eye. All right. We’re going to speak to it right now. In the name of Jesus I command that eye released from that muscle dysfunction! I speak healing right now into that eye. There is such a flood of revelation of insight and wisdom taking place in the Spirit of God. Just raise your hand and receive. Receive from the Spirit of God in your body. Receive healing in the joints. Healing in the bone. Healing in the marrow. Healing in the very sternum. There are some of you that have had an external turn of the bone structure in the very depth of the sternum of your breast and I speak to it “reverse and become normal! In the name Jesus.” We speak to that area that has been… Oh my Father, I command that intense bacterial infection, I demand you to die in her body! You have no right to have her! Spirit of God, You are health, healing in us, life to us. We bless you Lord. We bless you, Lord. Just go ahead and just speak to him that His life’s your life. Just talk to Him. That His life is your life. When Christ who is our life shall appear then we’re like him in glory because He is our life. And God we honor You and bless You with everything and all that’s in us. The answer of that Christ consciousness is a realm called confidence. Confidence. Confidence to invite 20 people that have no financial wherewithal to do anything and speak to them that God is providing it and because God put it in you God does it. Confidence. Confidence. To speak to a doctor and tell him his diagnosis was wrong because you heard from God. My daughter had a brain infection. They wanted to remove a segment of her skull. She was 5 years old. The doctor told me if I took her out of the hospital he was going to have me arrested. I asked God, I said what’s wrong with her? He said in two days there’ll be not one sign of infection in her body. The doctor brought out a diagnosis of a brain infection taking place in the mastoid bone inside the ear. I took her out of the hospital that night. Said I’m sorry, I heard from God. He said you cannot risk your daughter’s life. You’re a criminal. I said No, I’m a father. And I refused to have anybody have any other say so than the Father of all lights because God knows how to father His children. She was completely totally healed. Perfect hearing. Married with four children so all is well. Amen! Hallelujah!


SID: Gary Whetstone and Ricardo Sanchez I thank you for God’s gifts to us this evening. I’m going to bless you. You receive this. This is a, not a natural blessing. This is a blessing that comes from the Bible that God Himself instructed that the Jewish people would receive His name as a result of this blessing. The Lord is blessing you right now! Receive it! The Lord is keeping you right now! Take it! Take it! The Lord is gifting you, take it! The Lord is gifting you right now! The Lord is surrounding you with His favor, like a shield, right now! The Lord is giving you His Shalom, His completeness, completing your spirit in your soul and in your body right now! In the name that is above every circumstance this world can throw at you. Yeshua HaMashiach, Tsidkenu. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness. And all God’s people were never the same. Amen.


Written by sidroth

July 16th, 2018 at 9:15 am

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Our Guest Misty Edwards

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MISTY:  Hmmm. This first song that I want to sing this afternoon is, or this evening is about Israel. It’s taken from Isaiah chapter 49 and God’s promises over the nation of Israel. So Lord we just come in agreement with you right now and we say “Yes and Amen.” We agree with all of your promises over the people of Israel, over the Land of Israel. And Lord, I ask that around the world you would set watchmen on the wall who would cry out both day and night for the sake of the salvation of Israel. For surely you have not forgotten them. You have not forgotten them.




Can a woman forget her child and have not compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget. Oh, but I will not forget you. No, I will not forget you. Sing O ye heavens, be joyful O the earth. Break out in singing, O you mountains. The Lord has comforted His people, and he will have mercy on his afflicted. He will have mercy on his afflicted. And though I will. And though Zion has said I’ve been forsaken. Zion has said I’ve been forgotten. But can a woman forget her child and have not compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget. Oh, but I will not forget you. Jerusalem. I will not forget you. See I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands. Your walls are ever before me. See I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands. Your walls they’re ever before me. And though Zion has said I’ve been forsaken. Zion has said I’ve been forgotten. But in that day you will no longer say, “Blessed be the Lord our God who brought us from Egypt.” And in that day you will no longer say, “Blessed be the Lord our God who parted the Red Sea.”  For though I scatter you, I will gather you, and though I surround you with the nations. Can the axe boast against its maker? Why do the nations rage? But in that day you will no longer say, “Blessed be the Lord our God who brought us from Egypt.” For those who survive will find grace in the wilderness, to look upon the one whom we have pierced. And in that day my foot will stand on the Mount called Olives. And the mount will split in two. And in that day there’ll be a holy procession through Jerusalem. Jerusalem. Jerusalem. And in that day you will say, “Blessed be Yeshua HaMashiach. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna.” It shall come to, it shall come to pass. It shall come to pass. But can a woman forget her child and have not compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget. Oh, but I will not forget you. No, I will not forget you. He’s going to turn it all around, just wait and see. He’s going to make everything beautiful, just in time. He’s going to turn it all around, just wait and see. He’s going to make everything beautiful, just in time. It’s just a matter of time. Time is going to tell the truth. Yeah, it’s just a matter of time. Time is going to tell the truth, says the Lord. He says to you I knew what I was getting into, when I called you. I knew what I was getting into, when I say your name, I said it just the same. I knew what I was getting into, and I still like you. I knew what I was getting into, says the Lord, he says to You and I am not shocked, by your failure. No, I am not shocked even by your sin. Ohh. For only I can see the end from the beginning, and only I can see where this is going. You see a failure, but I see a fighter, and you see in yourself a hypocrite, but I see a true lover of me. Listen! I knew what I was getting into, when I called you, my beloved ones, I knew what I was getting into, when I said your name, I said it just the same. I knew what I was getting into, and I still like you. He says I knew what I was getting into, yeah, yeah. Just one thing I ask of you, ask. Just don’t give up, no, don’t give in, if you don’t quit, you’ll win, you’ll win. That’s all that I’m asking. Just don’t give up, no, no, no, don’t give in. If you don’t quit, you’ll win, you’ll win. Only believe he’s going to turn it all around, just wait and see. He’s going to make everything beautiful, yes he is, just in time. I believe he’s going to turn it all around, just wait and see. Mmmm. He’s going to make everything beautiful, just in time. It’s just a matter of time. Time is going to tell the truth. Yeah, it’s just a matter of time. O my beloved ones, he says, he says, because everything is in my hands, it’s going to be all right, in the end it’s going to be okay, yea, though you walk through the Valley. Everything is still in my hands. it’s going to be all right, you’re going to be okay. He’s going to turn it all, He’s going to turn it all, He’s going to turn it all, turn it all around. Yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil even through the end of the age. Even as a deep darkness begins to cover the earth, we lift up our eyes to the hills. You are our God. And you are faithful and you are true and you are just and you are kind. And even in our weakness, even in our failure we run to you and not away from you. Because we know you and your kindness. For such a time as this we come into the courts of the King with boldness upon our lips. And we know even though… All men are broken. And broken men break their children. Who grow up to be broken men. But I’m bigger than that, says the Lord. I’m bigger than that. He’s so much bigger. He’s going to turn it all around. Mmmm, Hooo, Yeah. So we love to love you. Even now, even now we sing…

Written by sidroth

July 9th, 2018 at 7:34 am

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Our Guests LaDonna Taylor and Larry Randolph

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LARRY:  God has got a “God-tude” about that. I saw the Soviet Union, as I said before, I saw this angel drive a sword in the heart of the Soviet Union and say the plans of man will come to nothing. I saw by the end of spring of this year wonders in the sky. Remember the scripture talked about signs in the sky. There are signs in the sky, I don’t know what that means, and it doesn’t take very long to figure out if I heard that right or not. Uh, I don’t know when summer ends, but I think this calendar says somewhere in the 1st of June or something like that. But there’s going to be signs, there’s going to be odd things begin to happen in the sky, again signs from that… it’s going to be something with the gravitational field that’s going to be interesting and I’ll talk maybe about that a little later. I saw… uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, some other places that uh, I don’t know if I should share… You know, I’m going to say this. I saw, I’ve haven’t said this before because I don’t want… I saw at least two attempted, I don’t know if they were attempted or finished assassination attempts. We’re living in an era right now where assassination attempts are going to become the driving force of people with hatred. You’re going to see assassination attempts, and you need to pray against that. You need to pray against a lot of things.  Because God, you know, a lot of things can be changed with the prayers of saints because God loves us and friends influence friends. If we’re friends with God then we need to influence God to, to send angels to help with some of these things. That’s some of, just a few of the things that are happening I believe this year. I talked, I told you before I believe the government, and the United States, I believe God loves this nation incredibly. I love this nation. I weep over this nation. I, I don’t even like to go out of the country anymore. It’s just my heart is in this nation. God’s called me to be a Shepherd in this nation and a father. And I love this nation and I love what God is doing here and I refuse, God will have to kill me, as, as, as, as Moses said and Abraham before, before this nation goes down I believe that God is going to humble this nation, humble the leaders from the oval house… office all the way down to the Senate floor. There’s going to be a humbling and an uncovering and an unveiling that’s going to be shocking but it’s going to be the beginning of the Phoenix coming out of her ashes. It’s going to be the beginning of God raising up new standards. Because this is what God said to me in 2012: I’m going to let this nation dodge the bullet one more time and for a period of time My grace is going to be extended again to this nation that says “In God we trust.” And listen, don’t ever underestimate the goodness and mercy of God to withstay judgment over people, because you’re thinking, “Oh my God, why would God want to do that for another four years or ten years?” Well this is a God who doesn’t live in time. He’s a billion, trillions, a zillion years old, so ten years to Him, like that isn’t even on His clicker. That’s what’s scaring me about Him, I’m going to see Him soon… I don’t know what that means. But anyway…



Written by sidroth

July 2nd, 2018 at 6:10 am

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Our Guest David Martin

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David:  Some years ago, I was in a church in Syracuse, NY and we had some great revival meetings andone of the ladies who came, why she happened to come I will never know, other than God, obviously.  But this lady actually caused a split in her church.   She was going to a church that did not believe in the gifts of the Spirit.  Now, here’s a point of reference.  Growing up in a culture that doesn’t believe in “fire’s hot” is kind of weird.  I know that.  That’s just kind of a make believe, you know, illustration.  But what is a very real illustration, what is a very world…I mean reality, people believe God doesn’t heal anymore.  People believe the gifts of the Spirit are for long ago and they’re not for today and there’s a lot of people that believe that.  This lady that was in my church meeting one night in Syracuse, NY happened to believe that.  And she was sitting there, again, other than God I don’t know why she came, but the place was packed out with people.  But right in the middle of my message for some reason, God spoke to me and pointed her out to me and I knew by the Spirit that she had a back problem.  And I don’t know what the back problem was.  It’s not important, but I stopped and I said, “You there in the red sweater.  I just got a word from God and the sense that I have is you have a back problem” and I said, “Is that true?”  And she said, “Yeah, wow, serious back problem”, which I remember a car accident or something like that.  Now see we’re not really into the gifts of the Spirit yet, in terms of definition, but what happened to me was God gave me what’s called a word of knowledge.  I knew something I had no knowledge of.  Now, later after the meeting, I found out from natural knowledge, this lady belonged to a church that… I think it was a Baptist church, not important, but a church that did not believe in the gifts of the Spirit, didn’t believe in the power of God, didn’t believe in the operation of the supernatural.  But she came with her friend to this meeting and now what happened is God singled her out.  And when I said, “Is that true?” and she said, “Yes” and I said, “Well, would you just stand?” and she stood and I’m sure there was reluctance because she caused her church to split.  Her pastor in this church experienced the reality of God’s miracle power.  He got baptized with the Holy Ghost and as he began to introduce it to different people in this church, like this lady, they rebelled.  Why?  Because they didn’t know the truth.  She had no orientation to reality.  She believed a lie.  She grew up believing “fire’s not hot”, but what happened is, God wanted to show her the truth, wanted to prove His power and His reality.  And when she stood up, the power of God hit her, she fell over and she got up completely healed.

Written by sidroth

June 17th, 2018 at 9:26 am

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Our Guests Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark

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SID: Well I’m here with my friends Dr. Dennis and Dr. Jennifer Clark. I want to know something. I know both of you the way you are now. But Jennifer, at the worst point, before you were married, before you got help, what were you like?


JENNIFER: Well, constant anxiety if not semi-panic attacks. Fear was my most constant companion. Although I learned to put on a church face and a professional face I was wounded, I was so beaten down that I would walk with my head looking at the ground. Dennis commented on this later. So I was pretty much a defeated Christian.


SID: Okay Dennis, her mentor was the president of a Bible college, a professional counselor. Privately, what did she say to you?


DENNIS: Privately, she said in all of her counseling experience that Jennifer probably wouldn’t amount to much because she’s so emotionally damaged, that she’d be very limited, particularly for knowing that I was a pastor and totally ministry-oriented. I think she was afraid that she was just too damaged.


SID: And yet, you were a trained professional counselor, too. Okay. There is a meeting. You don’t know each other. You both go to the meeting. You’re not married. It’s time. You’re a widow and you observe something that defied all of your training of counseling. What did you observe?


JENNIFER: Right. Well first of all, in counseling I had been taught that forgiveness was a long process and I just never saw anybody get much better. And so we’re at this meeting and a woman has an emotional meltdown and ends up on the floor, crying. Everybody is staring at her and I thought five or ten years’ worth of counseling right there on the floor. But Dennis went over to her, and because of my counseling training I knew what was happening. He got down on one knee and started leading her through emotional healings and they were instant, and pulling down mental strongholds, instantly demonic activity was flying off because the doors were being closed. The enemy can’t come unless he has legal ground or permission. And in less than ten minutes, that woman was up on her feet, perfect emotional composure. She had a glow on her face and my thought was this is huge. If the church knew this we could have a healed church. This could change the world.

SID: So, make a long story short, Jennifer is fascinated by what he’s pioneered and they get married.




SID: And then each day for a few months you work on a couple of areas with Jennifer. And Jennifer, then you bump into your former mentor and what did she say to you?


JENNIFER: She said, “What happened to you? You’re transformed.” And I was. I was, just a couple of months in marriage, Dennis, discipling me, teaching me how to tap into the fruit of the Spirit, which I never knew you could really do, and dealing with these toxic emotions, because by the time we’re adults we have a whole trainload full of baggage that we’ve accumulated. And in dealing with that and really getting set free from my toxic emotions for a couple of months totally changed my life. I could hardly remember the wounded, defeated woman I had been before.


SID: From a psychology viewpoint, is there any way someone like you could get free in 60 days?




SID: The best the world has to offer anyone?




SID: And then God spoke to you after you were free. What did he say?


JENNIFER: He said, “You need to take this to the world. The church needs to learn this.” And it’s really demystifying how to live in the Spirit, demystifying how to go Jesus in us to meet your needs. You see, we say we’re not counselors. We don’t do counseling. We teach believers. We’re coaches. We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that’s the secret because everything we take to Jesus, it’s easy for him, and forgiveness is instant when we go to Jesus.


SID: But there are even Christian programs that take so long. You’re telling me that from the biggest trauma to the minor thing that’s just a problem for the individual, you can get instant freedom?


JENNIFER: Seconds. Seconds.


SID: Seconds?


JENNIFER: Yes. And see, we don’t need to hear somebody’s long story. All we have to do is coach them in how to go to Jesus in them and let Jesus show them.


SID: Okay. A little later we’re going to teach you how to do this right on this show. But in the meantime, CDC has said that 90 percent of diseases are emotionally based, which means if in seconds you can get rid of the toxic emotions, guess what happens to your diseases? Your lightning brain has told you. I’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

June 10th, 2018 at 7:41 am

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Our Guest David Martin

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Then put a list next to it that Jesus did.  Keep in mind, His list is not make believe.  It’s the real deal.  But every sign and every wonder that He did; you’re called to do.  Wooh!  I mean you are… You need to get this.  You are a super hero.  There is not a make believe creature made.  Put all of them together into one great super-duper deal.  It doesn’t come close to the reality of your ability.  When you begin to recognize Christ the Messiah in you, Almighty God.  When the Bible says, “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world”.  You have an almighty, all powerful, unlimited, all knowing God living and abiding…  I’ll tell you, as I’m saying this, my hands are just vibrating with anointing and I’m just going to, wooh, release it to you.  Hallelujah.  Your potential in the kingdom of God, in these pages of history that we’re privileged to be a part of.  You need to recognize your potential and that’s what I want to try to help you with here as we’re now going into session number two.  And as we begin to go through this, I’m believing that as I go through this, we are going to literally find here the missing ingredient in the church.  Because unfortunately the church is not walking in her fullness.  The church today has become so seeker sensitive you don’t even hear the Holy Spirit often even talked about, much less demonstrated.  But when Paul came into the local churches and he came into the local communities; he didn’t come in with persuasive speech.  No, he came in with a demonstration of the power of God.  That’s what God’s looking for in you.  When you go to your markets, when you go to the malls, when you go to work; that people see the Christ.  They see the Messiah.  They see the anointing.  They feel the convicting power of God.  It’s there.  But what I want to help you to do is kind of help it come alive, by understanding.  So let’s dig into this.  I got to stop preaching.  We got to get into this because I recognize, if we get through with just half of what I planned for just today alone; we’ve got a long ways to go.  And so we’ve got to dig into this here, so we cover all the material that God wants you to have.  But again, as we saw, Acts 17:6.  It says there that the early church…  What’s it say?  Read it here.  These have turned the world upside down.  Glory to God.  There was such a movement of God and the power of His Spirit in the church.  Their perspective was they turned the world upside down.  Well, praise God.  I believe that there’s an outpouring of God again.  We’re going to turn it right side up.  Hallelujah.  We’re going to demonstrate the reality of a miracle working God.  Wooh!  Praise be unto God.  Hallelujah.

Written by sidroth

June 3rd, 2018 at 9:18 am

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Our Guest David Martin

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.  Is it a working of miracles, is it a gift of healing, was that a gift of faith and was that a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge?  That really is not significant.  What’s really significant, is that you know that all of those gifts, God made available to you so you can walk in the supernatural.  So we’re going to go through, as best as we can, the Bible doesn’t give us a lot of insight in this realm in terms of turning to a passage where it describes or defines per se each of the gifts of the Spirit.  We’ll look at what we do have, but most importantly here, learning how to walk in the supernatural so that the gifts of the Spirit happen naturally for you.  So, we are going to go through some practical application.  We’re going to show you how to apply the gifts to your life from the moment you wake up in the morning.  Just in your drive from home to the office is an operation or opportunity for you to believe and expect the operation of the supernatural.  When you get to school, when you get to work, when you get to the market, everywhere you go, these gifts are waiting to be not just activated, we’re going to go through that too, activating them in you, but they’re there to use, to benefit the kingdom of God.  And we’re going to be looking at the very will of God in how to bring these gifts into fulfillment in your life.  Amen.  We’re going to be developing our faith to increase the use of the gifts, I believe I’ve covered that already, and then we’re going to get into the two fold work of the Spirit.  So, typically when I teach a course like this I start at the beginning with a person getting born again.  And then once they get born again, they get filled with the Holy Spirit and then we look at the two fold work of the Holy Spirit.  And then one of the things I love to look at and is one of the most valuable lessons and that is hearing the voice of God.  Amazing, in Acts 26, Paul is recounting his occurrence when Jesus visited him and he said that, Jesus said for this reason if I called you Paul to take the gospel to the gentiles, to deliver them out of darkness, to bring them into light, give them the forgiveness of sins and their inheritance.  Now, I like to teach that in the beginning but we’re going to work that into the end.  But I’ll tell you what, the most valuable lesson you will ever hear is understanding what your inheritance is.  And I can pretty well guess because I have asked people all over the world if they have ever heard it taught or if they have any idea what it is and I have yet to have anybody that hasn’t heard me teach this, understand the inheritance.

Written by sidroth

May 19th, 2018 at 7:13 am

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